Is Islam and white Sharia law the only hope for the West?
Is Islam and white Sharia law the only hope for the West?
>tariq ramadan
if only you knew who this sand-nigger actually is
as for white sharia it's impossible, islam isn't compatible with racial isolation
>Muslim religion
>European culture
What ever doth she meaneth by this remark?
>Tariq Ramadan
What kind of last name is Ramadan?
yes but you're asking this question the wrong people
Jow Forumstards will always be Jow Forumstards as you can see from their posts
I don't mind Syrians Alawites. They seem to be more civilized than most in the Middle East.
can't /thread your own posts, newfriend
Filthy sand niggers.
don't lie to yourself, you know very well that if we become muslim we still won't be able to live only among whites, if it was that simple i would already have created the HalalWaffen division and converted my country to radical white islam
Every white female muslim I know has been a terrible muslim and usually leaves. It might help white men but it wont do shit for your trash tier women.
>pushing Semitism
>on Jow Forums of all the places
I'll give it a go, at least it keeps the women in line and doesn't allow lending money at interest.
what the difference between white sharia law and muslim sharia law?
Most of them would never admit to their parents what they do. I know some IRL who do the haram but they act like their are VERY devout Muslims when they are around family or anyone who is Muslim.
In 200-300 years after the islamization of Europe everyone would be a Euro admixed Semitic, a la racially asimilar to Ashkenazi.
Europe doesn't have a religion
in Islam all Muslims are equal (including the fucking jews) so if you're not okay with that then am afraid Islam is not yours, probably you should convert to Judaism since it's based on racial superiority
It's all so tiresome.
They want to stop degeneracy and Zionism but they spit on the only force fighting it.
Drop the prayer and pork-abstinence and Ill think about it.
blessed post
that's exactly the point i was making, i don't want a religion that tells me to accept non-white muslims as my brothers, if there is a religion for europe it needs to place the europeans above all
read my post above, we want most of all to stop our racial genocide, and if you are really a muslim you know that islam threat all muslims equally, thus a mulim ethno-state is impossible
Fancy a pint, luv?
>it needs to place the europeans above all
favoring people over their race/national identity rather then their own ideologies/ideals never worked in the history of humanity
even your beloved Hitler used to execute any German who follows a different ideology than him
says the Zionist swine
under Islam it would be 1200 years for Europe as Zionism would be cast down
races are NOT equal no matter what the gay books say, so no. they are not.
>never worked in the history of humanity
if it never worked then how would we have perfectly distinct races and sub-races today ?
it has for most of history been a normal thing to favor your own people, it's biological
>Hitler used to execute any German who follows a different ideology than him
killing communist traitors was overall good for the german people, so yeah, he still favored his people in this case
Sharia law would be great for leftists.
Christianity is literally "white Sharia" if it's followed traditionally.