Is Elon Musk serious with the whole "going to Mars" thing, or is he just LARPing?
Space War Now!
Space isn't real. Grow up.
>be globohomo jew world order
>over-population will end your reich
>convince goyims that mars is being colonized
>make them pay all their monies to board transport
>auto-pilot vessel into the sun
>repeat until population levels are acceptable
Yeah it is, its your mothers vagina. As is blacks sure did a number on your mothers vagina theres a lot of space in there
No he's just enticing fedora atheists into giving him their NEET bux. He's been straight up stealing money from people with false claims since Paypal.
It could thicken the atmosphere holding in more heat.
this seems true desu but i do thing he want to help
what elon thinks about tesla when he was asked that question tells you all you need to know
>he prefers eddison
for anybody who dosent understand why thats a damming statement i emplore you to lurk moar
I think people would stop going after the first one crashed
>is elon musk serious with the whole "send my car into orbit" thing, or is he just LARPing?
>gets a rocket to Mars
>sets up a colony
>can't hold liquid water due to 38% earth gravity
>mental health is deteriorating because there's nothing to do but stare at red rocks
>has to live in pods forever because of lack of atmosphere
>dies anyway from solar radiation
Not to mention said colony will never be independent and will constantly require supplies from the earth. But space colonization is just around the corner, guys!
>implying they would use face and voice mimicking technology to pretend the first ones made it and are doing great
I thought planetary use of nukes would bring on a nuclear winter. How would that help terraform Mars?
say what you will but I think we're on the cusp of seeing something great
mars needs more shit in the air
he's distracting the goy while they build the arks and weapons systems for the coming cataclysm/s
he made a but plug looking minion suit
>mfw is physics lead to the creation of that craft we are fucked because we need better pysics
>we must deterraform mars!
>peace with mars maaaaan
fuck off space hippy
>Oy vey, goyim, don't go out to space where there are infinite resources and land! Stay here on Earth and rent one of my squalid urban studio apartments for $2,000 per month while paying half your income in taxes!
More shit in the air on earth makes the world colder, as the krackotoa eruption did. How does it work the opposite way on Mars?
>are infinite resources and land
wouldn't that be magical.