I forget my black friends name, can you help remind me guys. I'm a silly sausage I know

I forget my black friends name, can you help remind me guys. I'm a silly sausage I know

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he's a regular at protests in Portland and I owe him 5 bucks from when I was in the states. please help me get in touch with my black friend.

I love how ANTIFA brought a token nigger.
I mean seriously could these people be any dumber.

Gangster Disciples n' Shet!

Nigger. Sambo. Charcoal briquette. Boy. Burrhead.

Whatever you want.

not as dumb as me I forget my friends name. please help a brother out in his time of need

He looks like a fucking punching bag.

Well they need to prep some kind of bull after the party.

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those 3 persons (careful use of gendered language) go by the nicknames token, jimmy and timmy. need his real name so I can paypal his 5 bucks back.

What am I looking at here? Is this the "photo op"?

He's in gtrat shape for antifa. Terrible shape for a black guy.

Protest in Portland. check andy ngos twitter feed for videos of my black mate

It's clearly sinbad

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>Sent from my iNig

he was arrested today apparently, maybe you could get his name by finding arrest records etc. I really miss him.

And they all have the same voting rights as you.

word on twitter is that he's from seattle and gets bussed in by skinny white antifa men who use him as a shield.

he is a nigger and a communist

niggunist or communegro

Are we talking about the nigger? I thought we were talking about speed racer. Who gives a fuck about niggers?


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No problem user, his name is Hood Coon and he dont play that fake shit.

>using them as a meat shield


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Can you imagine being so stupid you get used as fodder? YO nigger charge.. OK boss. Classic niggers.

Left Crips