Minimum wage is not meant to support a fami-

>Minimum wage is not meant to support a fami-

Yes, boomers had it far easier. In 1968 a minimum wage job could support you, your wife AND your kid keeping them above poverty. Something you cannot do on minimum wage today.

Funny how buissness' weren't "struggling" back then, but now the idea of paying their workers the same as they used to make (adjusted for inflation) is a "radical" idea. Seems like ANY kind of golden age America (40's-60's) capitalism is "radical" and ironically, "commie" now to bootlickers). Either wages must rise, or cost of living must come down, or you can kiss your "white baby boom" goodbye.

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Entitled pinko millenial detected

one chance at life choose to be a fry cook.

Everybody out of the way, real redpill coming through!

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i wonder what would happen if denmark actually had to support a standing military because national defense wasn't subsidized by america for free

I make $15/hr and live in a trailer which I will eventually flip and I work in Construction...don’t be lazy and live within your means

someone has gotta work the grill. It isn't fully automated yet.

>1 post by this ID


>1 post by this ID

>Denmark, 70% tax.

Burger King in Europe is way more high quality than it is in the USA, both in terms of food and people. Think chick-fil-a just without the religious stuff.

Ah yes. Any Danes care to tell us what the federal minimum wage in Denmark is? :)

>has to choose between buying food and clothes
Lmao. What kinda dumbass propaganda is this?

Who the hell wears a tie to BK? But damn I would work at BK in Denmark for those things

Lol yeah that’s how life works, I guess people with bad jobs just didn’t choose one of the good ones! Hurrr durrr

Its almost like when you pay people a living wage you get a better product. Whoda thought? Also chickfila doesnt pay their people as well as denmark burger king so ya

Just researched. No minimum wage; negotiated between employer and union. $16 exclusive of pension benefits

Cuckservatives and libtards will defend this.

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Go search PPP, faggot. Earning $20 in denmark is not the same as earning $20 in the US.

Convert Danish currency to USD then remove 50% for taxes then figure in the increased cost of living for Danish people compared to Americans.

>Yes, boomers had it far easier.
It's not because the entire population born between two arbitrary date ranges did anything magical/evil. It's because capitalism has been very successful at keeping profits high and wages low. You say you don't like unions but they are they only place were workers can organize for fair pay and safe working conditions.

correct, but too complicated for democrats

I like that in this picture the black is wearing a tie as though all BK workers are really trying hard and not just living off the govt while their bk money is for drugs. These people don't perform at a standard to deserve a living wage and many never will. We just need to incentivize ($$) sterilization and wait a generation.

>one chance at life choose to be a fry cook.
If you're smart you can turn it into a career.
My brother in law went from 16 year old part time, and now he's a regional manager for the company.

>United States

Big think.

Why would we need that?
we roll over when the invaders come, tell everyone to work with the invaders and once liberated by our allies, we execute the collaborators.

Besides people working in McDonalds are fucking loser scum or artsyfartsy students. Its disgusting, don't eat there - they spit in your food.

Well the average probably isn't much higher than the median, how the fuck are you going to redistribute things so that the average/median income goes up?

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Raising min wage will only speed up automation, so go ahead.

>min wage workers make $16k
>to support a family of 3 takes 18k
>if both parents work min age they can support a family of 6
OP is a single mother of a niglet

Businesses weren't struggling back then because America experienced a major economic boom while Europe had been destroyed by WWII. Europe is fine now, better actually than us in a lot of ways.
The only thing we ever had is being the only first world white nation that wasn't destroyed by WWII.
now we aren't even a white nation anymore. boomers really did fuck our country.

Yeah...but how will Jews make profits at those high rates of pay and benifits? Has anyone consider the Jews in all this?

>Denmark population:
>5.7 million

>United states population:
>340 million

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Great! That means they don’t need Greenland then!

>minimum wage in 1968 = $1.60
>adjusting for inflation = $11.86
>current median minimum wage = $8.48
if they were asking for a $3 dollar bump they might have a leg to stand on, but demanding $15/hr let alone $20/hr is ridiculous.

I checked that article out and it is WAY low for a minimum wage. I did my own calculation back in 2004 using a POSTAGE STAMP as my base cost. Think about it...they use trucks, have workers with pensions, union labor with good wages, they are spread all over the united states, use all kinds of equipment that needs to be replaced. So a postage stamp is a GREAT measure of cost of labor in a universal company. Using stamp prices in 1969 and the median white male wage as a base...(now they use household income to confuse everything) a white man in 2004 would have to make %% thousand dollars to be at parity with a white man from 1969. Considering VERY few went to college back then...we are talking about College graduates with probably a decade of work after college, loaded with student debt stil lwould not equal what a white man without college was earning in 1969 in real dollar terms. Let me repeat this. FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS. This is how the middle class rolled before it all went to shit. Mind you the Immigration Act of 1965 is what let in all the shitskins, then they devalued the dollar in 1971 and after that it was all neoliberal economics, globalism, breaking of unions and exporting jobs and importing labor. You econ lesson for the night is over. YOU ARE ALL FUCKED and the JEWS rigged it all.
I figured minum wage had to be 15 dollars to be at parity with 1969 back in 2004. That was 15 years ago.

I checked that article out and it is WAY low for a minimum wage. I did my own calculation back in 2004 using a POSTAGE STAMP as my base cost from 1969 to 2004 as a measure of inflation. Think about it...they use trucks, have workers with pensions, union labor with good wages, they are spread all over the united states, use all kinds of equipment that needs to be replaced. So a postage stamp is a GREAT measure of cost of labor in a universal company. Using stamp prices in 1969 and the median white male wage as a base...(now they use household income to confuse everything) a white man in 2004 would have to make 55 thousand dollars to be at parity with a white man from 1969. Considering VERY few went to college back then...we are talking about College graduates with probably a decade of work after college, loaded with student debt stil lwould not equal what a white man without college was earning in 1969 in real dollar terms. Let me repeat this. FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS. This is how the middle class rolled before it all went to shit. Mind you the Immigration Act of 1965 is what let in all the shitskins, then they devalued the dollar in 1971 and after that it was all neoliberal economics, globalism, breaking of unions and exporting jobs and importing labor. You econ lesson for the night is over. YOU ARE ALL FUCKED and the JEWS rigged it all.
I figured minum wage had to be 15 dollars to be at parity with 1969 back in 2004. That was 15 years ago.

I dont think a single income minimum wage should allow for supporting a whole family but I agree that the value of the dollar has gone way down in the last 60 years and working people shouldnt live below the poverty line so that the wealthy can enjoy higher earnings than ever in history. Call me a commie if you want but things are getting pretty fucked up. Unfortunately, one of the easiest ways to slow income inequality would be to close the borders but that will never happen.

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You also have to keep into account where you live. In many places the minimum wage is 12 dollars an hour but it's still not enough to live on.

Fuck off, bootlicking chink

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Jow Forums tards and Trumpkin water-carriers will shill hard and attempt to rationalize this shit. Please enjoy your poverty you poor white trash hillbilly cunts.

The quality of the product has nothing to do with how well the employees are paid. It has to do with the fact that the dollar menu dominates in the US while Europeans generally want fancier shit and will pay a premium for it.

There's quite a bit that can be understood by looking at how fast food places had to change their business model to do well in Europe.

Also, most of the cashiers in European fast food chains have been replaced by podiums in my experience. Though I've only been to fast food restaurants in France, so my perspective is limited.

Why would liberals defend moron?

I know with all the thrift stores around!

It's not too complicated. Don't mistake evil for ignorance.

>small european ethnostate
>one of the biggest and most diverse countries on earth

>no paid vacation
fucking seriously? holy shit

the idea behind minimum was that it was the minimum amount which you could live off of to live a normal life, now its just what the corporations are forced to pay.

They'll defend it by voting for whoever the DNC wants. In this case it'll be Joe Biden instead of Hillary. Fuck liberals, bunch of boot lickers like the rest of the MIGAniggers.

>$20 an hour
Yeah, taxed at 70%. So you make less than USA. Good job retarded Dane.

>fucking seriously?
No, they get paid vacation.

Gay porn pays much better in the US than Dernmach.

If they're full time they get benefits. Good luck being full time as anything but a manager though.

And, for what it's worth, in the US 2 weeks of vacation time per year is pretty typical.


Universap Basic Income.

Trump as done more for take home pay than any democrap. Tax reduction for the middle class is putting thousands back into the hands of workers. What do democrats want? MORE taxes to give to immigrants on welfare. Yeah...that is sound economics right there.

I think you are missing the irony leaf. Predictable.

>$5 burger king burgers

But it comes back in college tuiton and medical bills SAVED. And I am sure other services. Quality of life is one of the highest in that country for a reason. But trust me...once they let in the niggers who shit up the place and force wages down....Denmark will be as shitty as the rest of the neoliberal dystopias.

Fuck off. Union factories here will hire anyone for $14 an hour and benefits. Learn a trade if you arent a retard. And you can more than double that easily. Rent is super cheap in the rural midwest. So its not as bad as it may sound to non midwesterners.

The only people that work in fast food have massive criminal records. Also the last two jobs I had in agriculture. I mostly worked with illegals. Which push wages down quite a bit.

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you have to play 60% of you wage in tax in denmark you fucking retard.

Serious question, should I immigrate to Europe? Is Canada good enough?

>But it comes back in college tuiton and medical bills SAVED
Not everyone goes to college just because it's cheap. Not everyone is a fat fuck that needs the ER for a headache. They eat a healthy diet for the most part.
>Quality of life is one of the highest in that country for a reason.
Yeah, they take a shit load of antidepressants.

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How much is a Dane taxed compared to a gringo? I watching the fights and cant be bothered.

Dane is 60-80%
USA different states have different rates, but Federal is around 15-25% for most people.

>cheers. nice flag.
It makes more sense now.

>Insanely high cost of living in order to pay for all their "free" shit
It's cool though, when all the cards come crashing down they'll be just as fucked as the rest of us.

$20 an hour in their currency or in equivalence to ours? Because I don't think 20 Liefbux would be worth very much

The Congressional Budget Office concluded that raising the minimum wage would actually reduce family income by reducing the rate of capital accumulation.

That "golden age" of American capitalism was mostly because the rest of the world was blown up during the war. So American industry had no competition. Ascribing it to the minimum wage is probably wrong.

Yeah minimum wage would have to be around $21 an hour to be at parity with 1964. Now watch all of the bootlickers in this thread ree about that for a plethora of reasons.
An even distribution of wealth in these United States would yield an average household income of $700K a year, but suggest a minimum wage that would yield $80k/year for a two income household and a bunch of faggots will argue against it for a bunch of bullshit reasons. The reality of it is that most arguing against it are shitbags barely making $40k/year themselves despite trying very hard, and can't stand to think of anyone making the same with less effort. Protip: if minimum wage were $40k, you would get paid better too, underpaid college grad making $40k. Faggots. And don't even tell me about inflation. $40k isn't enough to make anyone any less frugal. What would happen is an economic boom, not inflation, as people would be able to afford a few extras, but would still be bargain hunting. Buncha bootlicking faggots. Every American fancies themselves to be a temporarily embarrassed millionaire while in reality they are nothing but a willing slave willing to defend their masters.

Who the fuck are you to comment on American issue , you Ozzy faggot? You're also a chinky bootlicker. Got fuck a koala you faggot.

agitating for $20 an hour now?
lol and the burgers cost what, $10 each?

The burgers cost just about the same as they do in the USA. Think about that for a minute, then go back to licking boots, you faggot.

Minimum wage in Denmark is 110 USD, or 16.36 USD per hour.

Lmao it is not the same price you stupid fucking retard. Google it faggot. A fucking whopper in Denmark costs 18 god damn dollars. Holy fuck. This is fucking bananas. We always shit on canada for having expensive food, and their whoppers are 18 fucking dollars?

holy fuck

Wow, what a disingenuous stat. Your report specifically mentions lowering the capital accumulation of business owners, and that could lower capital accumulation overall. However, the median wealth of the bottom 20% is -$6029.

Shut up faggot. 1 dkk = 0.15 usd.

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nobody in a western country who isn't disabled is lacking in options. The fact you dicked around in your early years isn't my fault or the system's. You don't deserve a 22nd chance, and if you get one that's because you're lucky, not because you were entitled to it. Also I got a job paying $13.50 without a CV or an interview back when I was in school, it's not like it's hard to find jobs paying double the current minimum wage

this. don't expect to get payed fliping burgers for 15 an hour caus MUH MINNIMUM WAGE, go find a job that pays 15 an hour.

>what is an ethnostate

the minimum wage was as low as it usually is in 1968. that means that the cost of living has gone up, probably because of gubbermint, and the problem isnt the minimum wage

>Doubling the workforce by duping women into being wageslaves
>Push out the working class through outsourcing and illegal immigration
Gee I wonder?

Danish burger king workers speak better English than most American ones. Stop importing cheap labor from shithole countries and maybe wages won't be rock bottom

For '' Americans""

By hiring more bureaucrats to efficiently distribute our earnings, of course. Worked for public schools

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Did you know that there are starving children in Africa?

Seems like you believe, as long as someone exists in material conditions worse than your own, you're not allowed to complain that yours aren't better.

That's a really dumb position to hold.

But me, I'm of the belief, that an economy where currency circulates rapidly is generally healthier than one where it is stagnate. It's not just about improving the material conditions of those at the bottom. It's about creating an efficient and well oiled economic machine, where money is spent, instead of sitting in the savings accounts of those who cannot think of how to spend it.

Like usa? Very oiled economy, much aid for Israel, very cia/NSA

Maybe if those who employed illegal immigrants, like say, Donald Trump, were properly fined for breaking the law, they wouldn't have so much of an incentive to use cheap foreign labor.

we should fine the fuck out of any one who undercuts the economy in this way.

Or just have ICE start rounding them up.

A fine isn't enough for traitors

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>Ignores 60%+ income tax

Tell me, what's an easier, and less expensive thing to do:

A - Impose a fine on one person, to incentivize them to fire their illegal employees, creating an environment where it is difficult for illegal immigrants to find employment, so that many will self deport,

B - Round up and deport the 25 people that one person illegally employs?

Those recent ICE raids, that made big news last week, arrested 680 people.

Do you really think that's a significant dent?

I make roughly $19 an hour, sometimes going into time and a half. I can't even afford a house, let alone support a family on it. It's not about minimum wage, it's about allowing the market to get to the place where things cost more money, but not compensating people at the same rate. If you disagree with this, you're called a commie and you're unamerican. This was literally a social tool used by the boomer generation in the wake of the red scare to keep people as a slave caste. Even if you make $150,000 a year, chances are you're working 40+ hours a week, just so you can afford the things you have, so you can have kids so they can grow up to work 40+ hours a week, etc. I'm not saying communism is the answer but if you're justification is "just work harder for your boss goy, I'm sure they'll compensate you" you're unironically part of the problem. Our parents did what they thought was right to give us the best chance at a good life. The problem is, they were tricked into thinking that working your entire life for a company just so you could live is "the American thing to do". It's crazy to me that you people defend working your entire life just so you can retire at age 70, after you've wasted your good years working all for the hope that your children will be able to work until they're 70 and anyone who disagrees with that ideology is nothing but a lazy communist.

Shit actually works when you don't have millions of Blacks and Hispanics dragging down your economy?


I'm talking about ICE rounding up the employers so that no other would dare try hiring illegal immigrants. They'd just find a way to skip the fine like they do with everything else.

>Minimum wage is not meant to support a fami-

And never was - it was meant to exclude blacks (that is a mostly an unskilled labor) from labor market in order to reduce workers competition and increase wages (for the employed). It's just another method of cartelization of labor market, like trade guilds or unions (which are really increasing wages for the most skilled workers only and establishing barriers of entry for newcomers)

one big problem in the USA? if you raise minimum wage, a lot of unions tie THEIR "minimum rate" to "X.Y times mimimum wage" SO, if you double minimum wage overnight, the ripple effect is the "guys making 20 dollars an hour" just got a "fourty dollar an hour job" ( which cant be afforded) especially when all governments (local, state. fed) are forcd to use union labor, AND to pay them TWICE their normal rate. (things like the bain davis act)

so, since building a bridge or a road already costs 40 dollars an hour minimum... because you have to pay union workers TWICE to do the work, and take their sweet timemilking it like milkmaids... we cant possibly afford 80 an hour for minimum pay for union workers to drag their feet.

how to you control UNION GREED (which knows no boundaries) which prevents you from tosing a couple dollars an hour to minimum wage workers (which is periodically needed in reality)

In this scenario do the new 40k earners actually pay income tax? Right now min wage earners pay almost none.