I don't think white exist anymore

People on this fucking site are still arguing on what's white and what's not, are everyone just just a bunch of mutt niggs?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hang yourself Juden.

Hitler's guidelines for what's white and what's not is best.

What was the basis for that system? Seems like he just pulled it out of his ass

I think it's obvious who's white. Anyone non-Jewish/Gypsy from Europe.
Only the retards on this board get into semantics.

I'm white.

Are people actually so stupid they can't see through this stupid bullshit that's spammed here incessantly?

You're unironically right. Mass immigration ruined the bloodlines of the few whites that were left. Anyone who says they're white today are LARPers.

Buddy, this is fucking Jow Forums,

Ashkenazi jews and trump supporting americans are the last remaining whites on earth

anyone with moles has had their bloodline irreversibly tainted by browns

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First Jews post slide threads of niggers with white women
Those got shut down
Then they filled the catalog with bullshit..we still find the good stuff...though I'd like to see more current events and articles...just my taste
Then they posted under the Israeli flag "He white bros, I'm just like you....check out this cool meme.
Now they shill commie bullshit, there is no real whiteness bullshit and all their other Jew talking points to tear down white identity..
They are attacking at this point using repetition...
They haven't quite grasped the absolute beligerant autism embedded in the NAZIs on this board.
Trust me, they honestly think they can press their psyop of repetition here like they do on the main stream media. It is their bread and butter....Just repeat repeat repeat until what they want people to believe becomes the common idea. This is how they control the blue pilled goyim sheep.
REMEMBER.....there are NO GOOD JEWS and all propaganda must be attacked with viscous hate, memes and exposing the Jew. Make them suffer their failure over and over and over.
What they don't get is...the more they feed their shit to us....the more they feed us. They really don't understand this place do they?
Without their lobotomized normies they will never gain traction here. Never let these TRAITORS get an inch of space here.

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Here comes the allies support for the Jew. It's fucking unreal how easy this is to pick up on.

This is where many VERY high IQ people come. Like myself. Sure there are those that will play along.....the latecomer Boomers looking for the hacker known as Jow Forums. But the base of hostile red pilled autists is too deep. It can't be penetrated.

>Ashkenazi jews

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Oy vey goyim ben zonna you fucking exposed me what am I gonna do

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This is so desperate it is laughable. What's next? Whites with dry skin have the ashy nigger gene?

I already told you. And we all were told Jews were smart. tsk tsk tsk

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>I don’t think white exist anymore

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>constant racemixing threads
>constant 'not white' threads
>gets bumped all day by vpn chicoms
>user still participates in all of this

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Skin color means nothing. The same breed of dog can come in a bunch of colors. Jews have white skin, but are they any good for society?

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>>constant racemixing threads
>>constant 'not white' threads

My point exactly

Just had a kid with a black woman and put it as white

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You're retarded. Dumb as fuck.

t. mole nigger

Black women with white features are pretty damn hawt

What a faggot cope thread.
Kill yourself mutts if you really think this.

I’m putting all my mixed babies as white on census

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Get out of Europe sapiens niggers

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Jew are SEMITES originating form north africa and the middle east. They are shitskins who use their ill gotten gains from usury in Christian lands to pawn off their horror brides into noble white blooded families or take toss away lower daughters of high white families and bleach their skin. Deep down at the quantum level though....A JEW IS DEMONIC. You can't bleach it. It is just evil that persitst through time, fucking up one great white empire at the next. And if you want to know what the future brings for white people. It's called gene editing. People will be paying premium prices to bleach as much nigger out of their babies as possible. The future is WHITE. The ugly Jews will be first in line for gene editing with CRIPR or whatever the fuck it's called.
48% OF ALL BLACK WOMEN IN AMERICA HAVE INCURABLE HERPES. Keep that in mind when you drool over nigger tits and fuck a coalburner who has taken buckets of ejaculate from Tyrone and the gang.

Shieeeet will should all kill ourselves then cuz we wuz whiteez and shieet

Attached: sHiiieieieieeet.jpg (260x194, 13K)

that's just the spics who have an inferiority complex due to being subhuman rape babies. if you're white, you know you're white, you don't need to ask, you don't need to argue, you can see it and you can feel it.

Have you tried taking steriods user? I highly recommend them. They are really good at enhancing your libido. You are going to need extra pump in your stump to keep your sheboon happy.

I know i'm not white i'm mutt maximum butt the question still remains: How cum people still argue about who is white?

Whites never existed, whiteness is simply an amalgamation of various ethnicities considered "white" enough. That definition changes periodically as the number of non-whites increases beyond a certain point and white people must admit another ethnicity into their ranks.

That.... Is actually not wrong at all.

They are also highly prized by many niggers and they fuck many niggers.
48% of all black women have incurable herpres. And that is JUST the herpes.

Oh she’s happy alright

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I highly fucking doubt she looks like THAT though.

because, like i said this site much like this country is being overrun by chicano subhumans who grew up in a shithole where everyone with dirty blonde hair and beige skin thinks they're an Aryan God.

i was reading a study the other day that only around 5% of european americans have any detectable level of african admixture, and the average amount of those that do is around 2%. so no america isn't mostly mutts

I believe that white women are becoming the new black women, because they want to associate themselves with black cock and black men period. I remember in my school every white girl wanted to "sound" and sometimes "look" black it was fucking annoying

His bases was you, brown boy.

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Antifa faggots will call you nazi white scum.
Then you come here and get called mutts by Euros haha.

ok swedecuck

This is the next phase for destroying the white race. First the Jews got whtie women spread equality by spreading their legs for niggers which begat millions of bleached niglets. These half niglets are growing up to have brown bodies and whiter brains. The Jew now plans on pushing breeding of these have nigger women with white men, by promoting these women are more demure, kind, better mothers and homemakers thant the niggered out roastie white women. The black June Cleaver. Look for these kind of women in commericals, movies, print media. They will be more traditional women paired with white men. It is nothing but another Jew breeding program for whitey.

Attached: Next Phase for white men 1.jpg (370x506, 71K)

Digits confirm you are going to die. I'm counting 2's as Aces. You just got a full house of Aces and 8's. That is the dead man's hand. By nigger.

Oh look YET ANOTHER jealousy thread, into the fucking trash it goes


There is no argument. ONE DROP....NOT WHITE

By this logic JEWS never existed. I will be sure to tell this to immigration board In Israel when I try to get citizen and tell them my mother was NOT JEWISH. Seeing how she has to be Jewish for me to gain citizenship I think I'll just remind them that Jews never really existed and genese are meaningless.

I have yet to see wmbf be promoted on a mass scale. Haven’t seen a commercial with one In like 2 years

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I suggest you quadruple the dose.



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You see that blue little arrow?
It's also there in the catalogue if you hover over a thread.
You can hide shit threads.
While pinning good threads.
What does it mean to pin a thread?
It sits there at the very front of YOUR catalogue so you can find it easily. Also lets you know when a new post has occurred in the thread. You can refresh, and the hidden and pinned threads will still be there.
Sake options brothers?

I ocncure. Jews put this in motion. They got whtie women to spead eqaulity by spreading their legs to niggers which gave us millions of nigger mutts, half of which are nigger girl mutts. Brown skin with slightly whiter brains. It will be these women that the Jew will dress up like June Cleave and push on white men as the better choice for wife, housekeeper and raiser of slightly less nigger mutt children. She will be propagandized as demure, sweet and traditional. The obvious better chioce than niggerized, feminized white roasties. Keep an eye out for it. It will be EVERYWHERE SOON. The new negress is coming lads and she wants white men. The Jews will be soooo happy with the next phase of their breeding program.

blacks are fucking inferior creatures to whites. i dont know why anyone in this word would fall for the "one race human race" lie

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The new MIB movie was a test. UBER white male (THOR) paired up with mix nigger female mutt. Was she brash? NO Was she mad at white men? NO Was she arrogant? NO Was she cute and clumsy but reliable? YES Did she have a yuring for that white cock? YES Did they end the movie with a wisful looks between the couple who did not consumate but parted as friends who grew to see the best in each other? YES
The whole movie was designed to seed the idea of pairings between white men and half black women. You will be seeing much much much more of this.

White womb....BETTER

They weren’t a couple though

I thin you are missing the nuance user. Do you have to see a penis go inside the vagina to call a pair a couple? They were PARTNERS. Their whole adventure is a metaphor for LOVE. Don't you know anything about storytelling? Most entertainment is about sex and relationships. The movie and action are mere window dressing for the deeper human connecting embodied in the story. All storeis are about the PEOPLE...not what they do. If you are this disconnected...I feel for ya bro. I really do. The NPC meme is real. Try to fight it if you can. Try looking at things a little deeper. Ask yourself this question.....do you ever stop considering ANY woman you are talking to for any purpose as a potential sex partner? Toss out the ugly, fat, gross etc. But the ones you find acceptable. Then consider the context of your enviroment. Isn't everything you are doing and saying secondary to the REAL converstion going on in your mind if ONLY the unconcious part? That is all movies in a nutshell bub. Evne in the movie Aliens. Riply and Hicks had several moments. EVERYBODY thought they probably would hook up. And in the next movie Hicks was dead. What a disappointment.

>I don’t think whites exist anymore

Thank GOD. Pedophilia, transgenderism, cuckolding and all other sexually deviant degeneracy will evaporate overnight once wh*tes are gone