Fighting for Freedom!

I was married.
9/11 happened.
I bought the freedom lie.
I got patriotic.
I wanted to serve.
I joined.
I had a kid.
Went to the sandbox.
Second kid.
Second deployment.
Third kid.
Third deployment.
Fourth kid.
Fucked up in Iraq.
Cannot work, disabled, and my wife is working to make ends meet.

This is my warning to everyone. Everything is one big lie.

Roast me for believing in this dumb shit and letting my family down.


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Suck the jew, he screws you.

If the military wanted you to have a wife they would have issues you one you malingering loafer...stay off the fuckin grass, boot

Nice blog, faggot.

Don't throw in the towel. I was in every phase of Iraq form beginning to end. Its unfortunate we wasted so much of our lives. By now you should know we went to war for Israel. They attacked the U.S.S. Liberty. They attacked us on 9/11. The traitors go all the way to the white house. Let it simmer. We won't make the same mistake twice. Its actually a good time to be alive. We get to see it all burn.

I type.
Like this.
Which means.
I'm serious.
And definitely.
Not larping.

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thank you for your service (in patriotism)
and than you for your service (in waking up)
As a person who knows that all wars are jewish wars, I have a logic disconnect because I always side with the patriots who sign up to protect our freedom, while at the same time knowing that our boys being sent to die in the sand isn't protecting our freedom at all.

this could've been you, damn shame.

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>They attacked us on 9/11.
Who is they? Fuck if I know anything anymore.

It’s a damn list of events you fucking idiot. SHOW YOUR FLAG. Hiding something?

Sand niggers don't care about freedom. Deserts engineer people whose natures are like cacti plants. They soak up every opportunity they can get because their state of nature is one of extreme scarcity. Even if it kills them. A cactus fed too much water literally rots it's own roots.Such is the nature of sand niggers.
Only difference is, the sand animal also has an unyielding desire innate to them, to dominate, manipulate and control others. Because of such, without the very desert, medieval tier environment they adapted to, they literally choke themselves.

That is why Jews are greedy. That is why they keep scheming until pogram after genocide comes to them. That is why muslims brought into the west are never satisfied despite having more wealth than they'd of ever seen, seeking until they have full cultural power and draining every gib. It's their nature. They don't want Freedom. They want Gibs. The desert beast must drink until it pops, because they know not of abundance. They want to drive out and dominate the tribe over the next sand dune and genocide them even if they live in a palace surrounded by slaves, not to live in any freedom. Muh Freedom doesn't make you survive the desert. Whatever quirks evolve from living in a snow-prone medieval white land might lead to some desire for freedom. It doesn't evolve if all or part of your ancestors can from rock and sand.

Their blood is greedy. That is their evolutionary strategy.

How are your children now? I send you my condolences from britain although im not sure having children while at war was a good idea.

No 5th kid? Did the IED take your pecker off too, or did you just turn homo with your NCO?

>replaced by a worse plane

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Yea we all got taken on 9/11. The only way to end the government's tyranny is non-violent complete civil disobedience. Any violent action would be grounds for immediate deployment of military personnel and the elites would use their corrupt media to lie and smear us.

We have to do an "Occupy Wallstreet" tier event but this time make sure that all of NYC, Houston, Washington D.C and LA are brought to a stand still.

We don't have the numbers to organize in LA but we need one solid line of men marching through the streets of Washington setting up road blocks, using bulldozers to block roads with trash cars, etc. We have to bring the city to a stand still for a month or two straight then maybe something will happen.

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Did you use your gi bill? Why don't you have your masters degree by now?

Have a Patreon or Paypal link bud?

Fake and gay.
Did Tulsi write this post?

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get your VA disability pay dummy, unless your story is bullshit

ugly nose, kike

>Cannot work
that is your excuse you lazy fuck? You (if disabled) are collecting a nice check every month and get paid per dependent. Boo hoo elsewhere cunt.
t. disabled non-faggot veteran with a job.

The thanks get old and make many vets feel like shit.
GI bill won’t help if fucked up in the head.
Even if it is fake, there are many others going through this shit. She is not wrong.
Have you heard the stories about the VA?

Thanks, but give to a legit charity, not some internet stranger.

I’m here to warn others and be roasted for being a dumbass.

Take care of yourself first, but if you really must give, give to a legit charity and not some internet stranger.

I’m here to warn and be roasted for being a dumbass. Hopefully this will keep others from buying the bullshit.

Cheer up bro. My life was shit for the past 5 years since the 2013 oil crash in Texas where everything that could go wrong has gone wrong to the point of being homeless for about 7 months. 5 years later I'm making 70k , gonna have a kid and am going to be married in Nov.

We will rise again brother. This is just the first round

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bonus march tears.

>Who is they?

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