Australians spend three years on unemployment

Three years on unemployment, that’s what the average Australian spends on a spell of unemployment. How can the average Australian spend three years doing absolutely nothing?

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Because there are no jobs

I thought you guys had tons of investments because of the supersannuation funds?

How can you get superannuation if you can't find a job. I'm only 23 and am forced to live on welfare because i have no other options. Indians and Chinese flooded the market with people willing to work under minimum wage while they live 10 ppl to an apartment for 2 years then go back home and send the next person to do the same. I don't really blame them, I blame our shitty corrupt government.

I’m just shocked nobody has an opinion on this. How can Australians tolerate three years of nothing? How demeaning is it not to work. Are there no jobs really? How does anyone make a living?

Yeah but weren’t there issues with the super funds being put into giant slush find construction projects? Wouldn’t that create employment? I’m confused, and shouldn’t your leaders not be importing more people if you don’t need low skill labor?

Australia has to be collapsing if things are this bad. I need proof that there are no jobs. Post the classifieds aussies! You guys can’t have it this bad in the first world

Corporations run my country. They don't care about australian people. It's much cheaper to import tons of foreigners who will work for cheaper and just get the aussies stupid and on welfare. For a '1st world' country we have one of the worst public schooling systems in the world.

We literally have the highest debt in the world, 2 trillion dollars debt if im not mistaken. It is collapsing, economists claim we will go into recession in the next 18 months.

Prayers unto you, Aussie. I'm rooting for you

Australia how come small businesses can’t survive? Isn’t there more than just corporations and tourism to support your economy? There needs to be something more.

I also feel like the (((bots))) haven’t picked up on this thread yet.

thanks burger mate

Nothing is surviving, it's all part of the plan i'm sure. We have a booming mining economy but the government literally taxes the mining companies... wait for it... 0% tax!

because most australians are so apolitical and apathetic to politics,
that to bring up politics will get you laughed out of the room..

australia might get praised for many things, but sometimes the 'banter' is pure anti-intellectualism.

If shit really hits the fan, they'll shut the fuck up and put their backs into it

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Been on newstart for 10 years since I was 16. There are jobs and not hard to get interviews

Australia mint makes a pretty penny off of your precious metals right?

Australia was a beautiful country when I visited. It’s very empty, there should be places to build and create unique things. Why is this so hard for aussies? Are they just not smart enough?

So you have been on unemployment for ten years? Isn’t that a problem that a kid at sixteen can do that?

You're right, beautiful country, lots of space. But trans-national corporations have practically ruined it, I'm not sure if we are past the point of no return but it seems close.

Aussie schooling system at work

Couldn’t localism work to fix that? There has to be points that could be exploited. Recycling and craigslist secondhand can be a low cost way to start local economics back up.

> ....average australian...

Yeahnah, Seppo.
Black/Raghead/Black&Raghead immigrants spend their life on 'unemployment'
Leftards fail out of universities and go on 'unemployment' to do nothing except whine and protest something
>skews the 'average'

The article shows three white Australians. It looks pretty dire, man.

They believe the material/power hierarchies should never change and that it's fine to proactively spend their lives to prevent others from making use of their own lives for the sake of preserving their own place in the system.
The line on all fronts is "if you make a peep you'll get fucked up" and it's true

Average or median, because there's a difference. If average, you'd have their local abo niggers spending 40 years on unemployment skewing the numbers.

Maybe, people are already kind of doing that. But after the new 'cash ban' law is passed it will be over, we will be slaves to corp and banks, waiting for the recession to end come.

hows the slave labour going?

Probably the best thing you could do if you were that obese is become a billboard

There have to be niches that are underserved. The corporations cannot have everything locked up or else there would be no middle class left.

>if only you knew how bad it really is

Cherrypicks 3 non-reffos
>one is still a failed uni student who did a degree in 'arts'
>other has a teaching degree but isnt a teacher
Waste of HECS as well as NewStart

If it came to a total cash ban consumer spending would probably drop. I think we would have massive soviet style supply problems if that happened, but there will still need to be a way for secondhand goods to move or else new goods would continue to crash in price.

Wtf why doesn't the Australian Government do like a CCC program for jobs?

I do know that our nurses make twice what your nurses do. Nursing seems like a non middle class job in Australia

How much do teachers usually make?

Yeah the result was the police enforced homelessness on me in my school uniform because atomised psychopaths use the family court to enforce their custom dole procedure and the fuckwit cunts actually do it so basically my life is moot

First comes the cash ban, then comes negative interest.
Call it what you want, i'd call it Corporate Totalitarianism

We've got 2 years at best, pray for us burgermate

So you are literally forced to be on unemployment? What happens if you go off unemployment? Would bad things happen?

>negative interest
Do Australians have a culture of savings? Do people save outside of their homes and supers?

They want everything, so they take everything. The only thing they can't manipulate is your soul, so they are there every day knocking on the door trying to get at the cunt.
If you say this to them, they know it's true and they turn into agent Smith.

Then you're in the public space

save what? our welfare payments?
The middle class today are all trust funders and people who feed into the corporate system.
Soon enough 1984 will be in full effect.

>negative interest rates
keke no the whole nation would be completely riotous over that, even boomers would rise up and thats the main demographic that needs to be pushed into action.

You have to start working for the dole at some point if you're not a downs or something. There really are fuck all jobs around though, Not so bad in the cities but then you're running against legions of thirdworlders who do nothing but stink up the place and drive wages down and the cost of living up. Our economy is literally stagnant, all major industries are slowing down (except mining) and the housing bubble is about to burst. So here I am, a lowly NEET against the world shitposting from dusk til dawn. Pray for us, greatest ally, and i will do the same for you

That's nothing. I've been a useless Neet since 2012.
Seriously thinking about hanging myself soon. Not even joking

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Half of the country doesn't understand what an interest rate is you fucking dope

That's why they will do it during the recession as a 'fix'.
Boomers were retarded enough to vote for the liberals again what makes you think big daddy murdoch cant convince them otherwise.

Don't do it fren, that's a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Plus being homeless or going full hermit in the bush sounds far more interesting than a short drop and a quick stop

>, economists claim we will go into recession in the next 18 months.
We are already fucked economy-wise we haven't even gotten out of the current recession you mean we are ven more fucked.

yeah pretty much mate

How flammable do you think that suit is?

How hard is it to go homeless out in the bush? It seems like it’s hot.

we need a reset like this I for one welcome a depression even, I got lots of food and survival goods so I can outlast the few years of mayhem.
negative interest rates will be the straw that breaks the camels back, no one will see a point to using banks and withdraw all their money in 10k bursts and collapse these parasites.

you can still withdraw cash so just withdraw the legal amount daily which most people will end up doing. I can guarantee people will do this en masse when they see the negative interest chipping away at their savings. You underestimate the public when it comes to their wallet especially when it's a company fucking them and they can voluntarily leave.

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Well do the older people have money?

Do the aussies need make work? They don’t seem to be very creative.

How can a business function with checks or debits/credits? New business generally have to prepay all of their inventory.

>...hang myself
Total waste.
Somebody has to cut you down after youve shit and pissed yourself
>kitchen knife
>google address of your local MPs office
>book a meeting to talk about safer roads or saving kittens etc
>suicide-by-cop when they finally show up
(Not a glowie - just sick of both pollies and dolecunts wasting their lives without changing at least one thing)

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It's not, jail is better.

Oh for fuck's sake my mid to late twenties was completely and utterly destroyed by the current recession that started around 2012ish you mean I have to absolutely fucked into my thrirties as well.

user but won’t they just replace the MP with another from the party list.

Yeah lmao you call it suicide but they call it martyrdom and they run the show

Not that difficult if you know a thing or two about survival etc.

I hope so, it's gonna be banks/corp vs the people soon. Can only pray aussies wake up fast

only the ones that had rich parents

We're all in this together

Heaps of younger aussies getting into the job market are colossal fags who can't handle a day as a tradie. They hear people rake in 4k a week or whatever doing a trade and think they can pull in that kind of money from the get go. Not realizing you need to put in the work.

Spoken like a true faggot

You realize the "very empty" places are "very empty" for a reason right? The outback isn't a good place to live. It's empty for a reason.

>how many partyflogs are there really?
>how many depressed dolebludgers do we have?
>how many will want to be the new MP when they do the math as above?
Start the new 'go postal' meme as 'direct democracy'.

I hope you know that I have 10 years of starving and mastery over suffering that you don't and that you are talking about entering the same situation as me

Nah nogrid bushman delusion is a hard pill don't mind me if I pass

Or they don't to be some faggots personal assistant for 3 yrs while they complain about their shit lives. Being a tradie is practically slave labour at this point in time, i know from experience.

teach me your ways oh wise cunt

I wanted to move to Australia, but then I learned they're all assholes

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Usually an empty place exists because of restrictions on land use. Materials and water seem like less problems because people use to live in inhospitable places just fine.

This is really what I live for these days.
God knows I wouldn't be here if I could just hop a border and enter indentured servitude for a few years but nooo

>Being a tradie is practically slave labour at this point in time
unfortunate isn't it, I know a bunch of tradies myself who are in second year I am far older than them and they are telling me that all trades and a bunch of other tradie affiliated job providers are basically using them as labour and without signing off their hours properly so they can't progress and graduate with their cert. It's a way to keep the young as slave labour and pay them 1st years wages indefinitely because if they graduate too many of them they will fetch higher wages on the market. Greedy cunts can't have that can they!

That sounds criminal. Don’t you have unions?

Seriously, they’re funny but a bunch of bootlicking cunts

you can come to america but only if you put out two illegals within the first month. your country deserves to lose you. if you are looking for a state with the most similar people/culture, try PA first.

Isn’t New Zealand a place you can emigrate to?

they were going to make it so you had to be 30 or over to get neetbux, but our leftist media had a big cry, and the budget with that measure didn't pass

they are rife with corruption and mafias and communists do you not watch the ABC?

This is how central american jungle niggers live in Texas. In big cities you're ok but small towns have long been decimated.

So good to get this information! So Australia is a weak country.

Yes sir I know

I won't argue that they also have corruption but it's honestly a lesser of two evils situation, If you ask any tradie they will usually prefer having a union to not having one. Depending on th union the membership is relatively cheap and would be a good hedge against being fucked over in the workplace for much more money.

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Our economy is doing great, there are over 9 million holiday makers from all over the world here propping us up/

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in my life i've only ever sent 4 resumes

i've gotten 4 interviews

and i've gotten 4 jobs

i did bachelor of science in IT (not even comp sci)

and now i work at a big 4

the unemployment meme is just a meme - lazy people who either didn't do higher education or lazy people who can't hack it in the trades (seriously just email some random tradie and ask for a job, you'll get it)

i don't smoke weed or smoke ice either because i'm not a degenerate. the lad/gambling/ice culture is killing australia

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My unemployment money is running out I need to keep neeting.
I wish we had your social services.
Everything is fucked

I depend a lot on you posters to get me information on Australia. It’s hard to get unbiased information.

>t. 50 year old boomer who got a nepotistic family job at 18
you are an outlier cunt and you know it.

Eh leaf dere

i'm 25

my family are 1st generation immigrants (polish)

i've never had a family job in my life

>t. copelet

Women took all the jobs

Please sir, take me in.

Yeah, first it was go to uni and get a slave office job, when that didn't work it was slave tradie work, now that they are both gone its be a good boy and enjoy your welfare.

wow bro! you must be a god amongst men! please impart your holy wisdom upon us lesser beings!

I loved having some beers with them on a trip, but my god are they boot lickers.
They hate guns and love their govt. it’s creepy to the extent they do.
I thought they were libertarian type but no

Everytime I get a job I only have it for a week then I have to overhear them talking about how the new guy is retarded I don't follow instructions well and that

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Sounds like my dad.

He got accepted with 3 resumes, the last being in 1987. He didn't even have the interview until over 2 years working there as a permanent staff member.

but hey, young people don't try hard enough with 100's of resumes, driving many hours to and from interviews and constantly never achieve getting work.

fuckin boomers

its worse than that people are unemployed here for over ten years despite having nothing wrong with them and willing to work.
The employment oppertunities here are rigged.

Ive heard stories of people finally getting a job in their 30s after applying since they got out of school.

You guys have some cool stuff. It would be nice to see how many are repeat visitors.

I really wish someone would poke that fat fuck with a pitchfork, there's a fortune in blubber crammed in that outfit.

spend ya money then fuck off though.

My boomer dad got an apprenticeship in marketing when he was 16, didn't finish school, never applied for anything else. Has had the same job and is now 66.
I know how you feel my man.

numerals noticed, and normie blue pill conciousness too thick, a catalyst of public opinion/conversation switching to either "Nationism isnt bad word" (or sub genus ; why sell farmland to chinese and not the produce?) Or public political movement that spans demographics "yellow jacket style" the classic ozzie blunder of assuming "she'll be right mate" will fucking hang us all. Melbourne is our Brazil2.0 already, send the Mcdonalds private military forces to sponsor McLiberty(tm) fucking now, the domestic market is tanking with no survivors!

mate they are just trying to get you to do the work in the right way but letting you know without direct confrontation. i do the same to newfags at work all the time, no harm, just do the dang job right.

you guys probably did some useless degree like communications or business if you did higher education and are now complaining about the lack of jobs

men should only do STEM or be a tradie, if you do anything else you are doing a womans job and this is why you're not getting work

you also have to enjoy what you're doing - if you are an insufferable cunt irl, people will pick up on it in an interview. if you have failed 100s of interviews then there is a very obvious common denominator that you need to fix

Shitposting is an art form. Aussies have nothing but time to hone their skills.