Hi. My name is 276.
Before GDP, I was a normal college freshman. Even more than that, I had passion and dreams and a whole life ahead of me. My near-perfect ACT score landed me a scholarship worth $44,000 to Columbia. I moved 1,000 miles from home and chased after my dream. I had it all.
One day, I answered an ad for “beginmodeling.com” and after that, my life would never the same. From the minute Johnathan contacted me, I was lied to repeatedly, manipulated, and coerced into filming. A fake website, fake references from “past models”, the entire premise is a lie.
I don’t remember filming. It’s been awhile, so it only comes in flashes. Think of the most disgusting thing you’ve ever done. That feeling doesn’t go away, does it?
I cry at one point. They switch angles so you can’t see my face.
I start to bleed. They switch again, and then abandon the sex all together
Months passed before I heard anything about the video. I remember getting ready to go to a concert one night. I got out of the shower and had over a 100 text messages and missed calls on my phone, and that’s when I knew. Someone found out. I would have never consented to having a video of me on pornhub, ever. And yet there I was, exposed on front page, the most popular porn site on the internet. For three days my video stayed on the front page. In the process, I dropped out of school. I was in a small program, and reputation was everything. The stress of knowing people know, wondering who doesn’t know, and hiding piled up and eventually everything fell apart. I dropped out and moved back home. Everyone from my high school knew. I was harassed 24/7 by old classmates, strangers on the internet, even a few customers from my job recognized me. That’s when I would lose my first job because of GDP. Three more would follow. Each time I would attempt to reinvent myself - new hair, new city, it didn’t matter. The video would always follow. Millions of people have watched it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Shut the fuck up.

Hey look everyone. A porn bimbo.

I went to high school with a girl who did GDP, she got made of so bad on social media and real life that she tried to kill herself. Dumb whore couldn’t even do that right.

If you discover that you are in a building with a pornographer, take one for the team and kill him.
Boil in Hell.

why would you do porn if you were scared of people watching it?

dude same, this was back in summer 2012 when the video came out, it was the summer of my senior year, I remember everyone talking about the vid. So I can't even imagine the flak that girls got post-2012 when internet became even more mainstream.btw it was episode 186, I knew this girl personally and some of my best friends fingered her(but not me because I was too beta)

So dumb cunt is "tricked" by a modeling ad, willingly does porn, then cries when people recognize her? And how does someone get tricked into porn? "Trust me honey, its not
really sex, it just looks like he's fucking you."

>What are your choices have consequences?

Going to go rub one out to her now.

toll paid

they probably think there is so much porn that they will not stand out

Nothing better than seeing exposed whores

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>wamen are the real victims

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Send link fag

Tits or gtfo faggot

Any nudes?

>>What are your choices have consequences?
>Jane Doe Nos 1-14 v. girlsdoporn.com (3:19-cv-00160)

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>heres some money, in exchange you get fucked by me on camera
some time later
>no how could this happen to me?!
dumb bitch

>googles this shit because I guess too normie to know this 1-in-10 billion porn reference in a sea of pornshit
>reads news article
>suing ect.
>"yeah we're going to make this porn vid of you, but we Prooomise, totally, it won't be big or distributed or anything trust
>"oh in that case, okay"
>"wait you tricked me it was porn"

Kek these dumb roasties. Idgaf about this, get bent. What is different whatsoever from every single last porn making anything from this one? Not a single damned thing they're all just cryto-jews selling naked chicks doing fuck stuff. If you can't understand that you're too stupid to breath and need to end. Next I suppose people are going to sue a burger joint for saying "I want burger" and giving them money and then surprise surprise, getting a sandwich with meat on it.

When I was in college I used to work with a guy who later became a porn film director. I became a business lawyer and he needed advice with his new business. Intrigued about his new business venture I asked him how did he get the girls to do his porn. I was surprised to his response: “that’s the easy part, most of the girls I shoot I’ve approached at malls.”

Can't tell if true.
Regardless, I hope the next mass shooting is aimed at pornographers. Really pisses me off that the people who are crazy/broken/brave enough to do a mass shooting only ever target NPCs like people at schools/malls/mosques, why can't they go to a porn set and shoot all those fuckers up? It seems like crazies back in the day targeted people that actually mattered more (e.g. John Lennon, several presidents, Versace etc.).

Reminded me of the guitar whore who ended up paying thousands of $$$$ to get her video out the internet.
Not only she ended up paying more than she earned from the video, but it ended up being leaked anyways.

This is why women shouldn't be able to vote. How many hoops do these chicks need to hop through until they figure out they are getting bamboozled?

And even when a cock is in their mouth and they are being filmed they are still like "omg! Did I just do a porn!? I had no idea! I'm a victim!".

Now granted these are the worst cases of dumb bitch syndrome. But even the mild cases among the masses still derive from the same sentiment here. The vast majorty of women are all lying, greedy, manipulating lot to some degree and are only as loyal as their options.

That's why you have to strive to get into a position in life where the opinions of women don't matter to you in the slightest. Because if you Win they will stay with you. If you lose they will switch side.

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sauce pls

t guitar player

Here, I have no name.
Earlier today, I was reading my bible. I had been thinking about ships and opened to the chapter where Paul is shipwrecked.
Hmm, that's interesting.
I read the chapter. Paul states that there were 276 souls on the boat.
God was going to make sure Paul survived the shipwreck to testify before Caesar. God saved the lives of the others because of Paul.
The rest were unimportant, but one of God's adopted sons asked for them to be saved.
I knew I would see that number again today.
I was about to go to bed.
I checked the catalog one last time.

There you were!

The one I have been waiting on.
I will pray for you my sister, that you too may be saved out of your life of sin.
Here's your part...
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. Repent. Turn away from your sin and toward Jesus.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for your sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

I can't wait to meet you in heaven when this shitshow is over.

Jesus loves you, and He can make it better.
Let Him.

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is2.Jow Forums.org/gif/1565752608027.webm

pornographers deserve the rope

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lmao, she hasn't suffered enough desu

I showed you my d#$%, please respond.

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Is 276 the new Q user? What a load of bullshit.

Absolutely based
Agreed, they deserve to choke to death and then be scolded for all eternity in boiling semen.

no, women who dont keep their legs closed deserve the rope. This is the main line separating jihadis and the white supremacist movement. WNs sequester,shun,and excommunicate their women, 99% of which are traitors and unfaithful. While on the other hand, the base of Radical Islamic Terrorism is women. Women are the real jihadis. If you dont have women on your side, you lose. This is why WNs will lose if they keep up with the current Incel Recruitment trend

>taped, with consent, myself fucking a couple different broads over the years when they were good lays and good at sucking dick, etc.
>just wanted to watch it every now and then
>footage ends up on a laptop that i end up placing in a mostly-empty filing cabinet in my home office
>which my fucking wife gives away
>frantically try to get the thing back
>it's gone and no one remembers seeing a computer in it
>a few years pass
>search my favorite search term on PornHub a few weeks ago
>see one of the videos
>my clearly recognizable face can be seen in it a few times
>i'm sure the other videos are up there, too
I'm honestly more worried that one of those chicks is gonna find out and sue me or have me arrested.

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You deserve everything that will come your way.

It's girls do porn episode 186, you absolute rube.

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If true, that sucks. I've done the same with 11 girls but I'm single and I kept my private vids safe. I felt kind of bad with one girl because she had just graduated high school and needed some quick cash.

Anyone have a link to the vid?

>WNs sequester,shun,and excommunicate their women
wait, they do? Everything I've seen suggests WNs are male feminists that just hate niggers. They'd never dare to offend muh huwite kweens

>base of Radical Islamic Terrorism is women
I want the shit you smoke

>If you dont have women on your side, you lose
Women don't make winners, they pick winners after the fact.

>WNs will lose if they keep up with the current Incel Recruitment trend
Oh I wish. If they'd actually court incels, they'd win over night in a landslide. There is no force greater in the world than sexually frustrated men. Promise them war brides, and you got an unstoppable army. WNs are too gutless for that though.

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Why? It was consensual and I'm not the one who gave it to a porn site.

Unless you're talking about offers and sex and stuff like that.

you knew what you were getting into.

no you're a retarded cunt, women are like children and should be treated as such. by that i mean they are extremely easy to take advantage of, so it is of the highest importance that we have a society that protects them. if you read the full post here forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=170745891 she was manipulated into doing it, and because she's a woman she was scared and didn't see a way out.

the people behind GDP should be fucking shot and hung

You paid them?

no this is the thing, women don't, they are just big children. they don't realise what they are getting into.

>have sex on camera
Imagine having sympathy for this person

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>supposed near perfect ACT
>Gets lower arm tattoo and fucks on camera

How does Jow Forums feel about the fact that a Mexican has fucked literally thousands of top tier white girls and the fact that literally millions of wh*Tebois have jerked off to the evidence? Specially 10/10s like pic related, she loved it so much she came back to do another episode.

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tits/ass or gtfo

Yes, but I made it clear that I was paying for their time. Usually 300-400. Cheapest I've paid was 200 and not only did she let me record but she let me take pics with my Nikon cam. Good times

Sooo link to video?

I went to college with one, she dropped out and moved back home, no trace of social media. Flawless pussy, though

i think that beaners are literal filth and would not be upset if their whole mutt race was 'removed'

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Poor thing

>ham planet user posts made up letter to penthouse on 4chins

Is it a fault of mexican who just wanted to fuck, or the white whores who obliged?

look up al hol camp in syria, a concentration camp run by the USA filled with 90,000 IS-supporting women and children. The Women run the camp like it was the Islamic State, enforcing shariah law, stabbing American guards(picrelated)

Can you cite an WN women that would do the same? It has been proven that all top IS leaders including Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi have depended on women couriers to survive. Both ISI in the 2000s and now ISIS in the 2010s has depended on Women as a base.
I'm not trying to harm you here,but to advise you:WN will never succeed unless you incorporate the Women. Look at Hitler's Nazi Germany:Full participation of the women(but it was flawed).The current resurgence of WN will never succeed if it continues on the current thread of focusing only on incels and excluding women:it will die in the crib

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>I don’t remember filming
stopped reading right here

thinly veiled shill thread?

megan van tuyl is the name of the girl

i stopped watching porn months ago
no fap got me a girlfriend and healthy life
i recommend you do the same

why jack off when you can have your 5'1" girlfriend do it for you and beg you to cum "all over" her

nofap isnt a meme
pornography is degenerate

i dont really worry about mexicans as a race. their mutts but instead of being finn-germ like myself they are spanish-indian, not ideal but they are not a jew nor a nigger as far as their race is concerned.

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Doesnt bother me at all, probably because I'm white and mexican. Good try though

I don't feel anything, they are all whores and they will feel more pain and unhappiness in life than I ever will. So will he.

So what you’re telling me is that Columbia university is giving morons scholarships and I should avoid hiring anyone claiming to have gone there? Cool.

Best dang answer I’ve seen user. God bless

i meant to post this pic as an example, American guard stabbed by an IS true-believer woman,something that WNs will never have unless they change recruitment tactic

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this is why radical islamists are unironically modernist

western women need to be forcibly subjugated. simple as!

My all time fave gdp .... 10 years from now she will be living in a tent addicted to meth

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>white and Mexican

The delusion Americans show

mexicans are literally below niggers, at least niggers are not mixed race mutts

feepee is once again beepee

>So will he.

you're not '''''''white'''''' and mexican, you're just mexican. the mexican race is a mix of white spaniards and indians, and now you are just a disgusting mutt like the rest of them.

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>megan van tuyl

You think this dude is happy?

Post bobs and lasagna.

meme flags always advertising porn here.
burn in hell filth-pusher

>tfw posting from bed with my gf sleeping next to me

Lads, I’m scared. What if she did degenerate stuff like this in the past?

>trying to help you
I'm not a WN, precisely because they just bitch and moan about poor white wamen, while they cuck them with impunity.

>getting wamen on you side
The the colossal failure of MRA. They got wamen on they side, and were promptly ignored by pretty much everyone, because they made themselves toothless in order to attract females.

Did you jerk off to it? Did you jerk off to a non white man fucking a beautiful white aryan woman, like the good wh*Toid (cuck) you are?

>oh I'm just a normal girl who fell into this it could happen to anyone!
She had already been doing porn for a year before this. Don't believe this nonsense propaganda.

they have beds in eastern europe?

MAJOR COPE. Why do you think he isn't?

That happened

I'm south american and i believe that mexicans are a low-tier race like peruvians or guatemalans and they should stay in mexico or move to another mongrelized shithole like brazil...

you can only hope my friend, at the end of the day the important thing is that the white race is continued and you have children who do not breed with niggers or other undesirables and create disgosting mongrels like this guy

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Sloots gonna sloot. Any femoid that does porn should be shamed thouroghly. I won’t even accept neetbux out of guilt and would rather live in poverty than stoop so low for a couple of hundred bucks. No pity, no empathy, no sympathy. Into the trash they go.

thats a stupid way of looking at things. mexicans have some euro in them and some neanderthal admixture like whites and asians but niggers have nothing but their missing link ghost dna from an unidentified ancient hominid.

niggers are the scum of the earth in the context of civilization. they deserve life, some of them, but they should live in their natural habitat away from humans on reserves. they are not like us, from the dna on up they are not like normal people. simple as.

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well because all the damn previous crazies wasn't glowniggers, nowadays every single mass shooting is covering and averting masses from the real happenings all these shit started since 9/11

Thanks, I very much value your opinion and shall take your post very seriously.

Because he is a coke addict?


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> I was a normal college freshman
> I had passion and dreams and a whole life ahead of me. My near-perfect ACT score landed me a scholarship worth $44,000 to Columbia. I moved 1,000 miles from home and chased after my dream. I had it all.

And yet, when she found out that this "modeling job" was actually a porn shoot, she wasn't smart enough to immediately leave. When the emotional stress of becoming a prostitute made her cry, she stayed. When she got fucked so hard she bled, she stayed.

Why am I supposed to feel sorry for her?

no, at least niggers are a naturally occurring race, meximutts are just like a fucking orc race, absolutely disgusting and i feel sick thinking of them

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What episode you fucking prick?

mostly disgust at the west rather than towards this specific beanboy. I would do the same if in his position


Uhh, it’s NOT a choice incel.

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>Make naughty video
>Lose naughty video
>Its suddenly in the wrong hands

Can't imagine where you went wrong...

Oh shit, I know enough about porn I can actually address that question. You see, user, what happens is, the kikes that run the porn production companies and their affiliated websites are the same kikes who own the free porn streaming sites. Take Mindgeek for example, the own Reality Kings and Brazzers and a few other studios I'm not personal acquainted with, but they also own free porn streaming sites Redtube, Pornhub, and Youporn. So when the films they make get shared on the free platforms they run, they don't pursue copyright takedowns; it's their video, they own the rights to it. They don't care about keeping the content exclusive on their paid services, subscribers only get early access to the porn, everything winds up on the free platforms. And then that draws in viewers and advertising clicks.

So what these women are doing is agreeing to shoot porn on the understanding that the video will stay on the exclusive site, only to be seen by paying subscribers, a tiny, tiny fraction of the porn-viewing audience. But then the footage makes it way onto the free platforms and fucking everybody sees it. There is an implicit trust that the producers are going to protect their intellectual property and keep it behind a paywall, and that trust is being violated. To make an analogy, they're whores who agreed to have a gangbang with three guys, who've found the entire world running a train on them.

Roasties just don't seem to understand some decisions come with regret and that we all have them. They go full where and then are amazed there is a repercussion. Furthermore, they seem to think lamenting their regrets in te form of outrage makes them some type of Joan of Arc. But this bitch is just Bone of Arc. And she's a moron. Now someone post the video so we can see what all the fuss is about

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do women actually think they can do porn and still have a normal life afterward? lol

LMFAO. You are one coping virgin. I have him as a friend on facebook and he's very happy with his life, he even has a pure white blonde girlfriend he fucks everyday.