Why does race matter?

I don't give a fuck about somebody's race if they act like a respectable person. People always talk about wanting a "white ethnostate" or that it's bad white people are dying out, but why does it matter if a certain skin color isn't as common anymore?

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Because every other race thinks race matters there’s no avoiding it anymore

>leeching the fruits/labor other races homelands

That doesn't have to be about race. If white people invade a country inhabited by other white people, you're leeching the fruits/labor of their homeland, but it isn't racial.

Skin colour is just the surface. Races differ in many ways beneath the skin, in the brain, in the blood, in attitudes and personalities, values and beliefs. The fact that YOU don’t care isn’t a good thing, it’s just how you’ve been programmed by television to think. Race is a biological fact, you saying “it doesn’t matter” doesn’t change this. Other races still instinctively know it because they are encouraged to. Whites have it beaten into them that it’s irrelevant, and clearly this brainwashing has worked on you. But it hasn’t worked on all of us, some whites still care about something other than our own lives and money.


Dude have you ever seen a successful brown country?

It doesn't.

Non-whites always vote against whites. Anyways, American whites spreads its liberal cancer to the rest of the world so it only serves them right.

Because other people do care and will take you out for no reason other than your race. Game theory, you play the loser strategy

You notice how every single nonwhite country is a shithole, and all the white countries are successful?

Genes matter

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>it's bad white people are dying out, but why does it matter if a certain skin color isn't as common anymore?

Race is more than skin colour. Are you seven different kinds of retarded or something?

If whites are so superior, why they like being cucked by Jews so much?

>Race is just skin color
Lurk more faggot.

Because it matters to everyone else, moron. When nonwhites are in charge of you, you'll wished that you cared.

Race is a easy way to identify culture or at least it was before the Jews went and introduced multiculturalism and we got wiggers, mutts , and culturally confused fence sitters.

>Why would it matter if we import shitload of people, that resent you, demand special treatment over you, don't look like you, don't have nothing in common with you and a who a certain malevolent tribe will use to weaken you and strengthen itself and in the long run destroy your kind?

sad and beautiful


Because they, like all other people, have a bell curve IQ distribution. There are stupid white people and intelligent white people.

Isn't this comparing IQ's between different countries? Obviously somebody without any education in a country torn apart by war is going to have a low IQ. People with higher education have higher IQ's.

Successful in what sense tho?
What truly matters tho?

We don’t care about their skin color either. We care about the biology of their brains.

OP is a libshit shill catfishing, that is exactly what he wants.

And yet they always acted like docile sheeps with them.

You really are fucking stupid. Those race and culture are intertwined with each other, and some races are just worse than others at certain things. You should care because when in a group it is them or you, your people against them. And why should it matter if I destroyed all of your family traditions and raped your women? Would you be mad?

Conformity to our values is the most important thing. DO what you want, worship who you want, love who you want, but dont be preachy and dont try to change what we already have. I went to a diverse high school and I've seen it actually work, but its all conditional on conformity. When you try to change the process of the majority- you will be fought every step of the way. No one goes to China and tells them to act like Puerto Ricans.

>why does race matter?
you can't be this stupid.
White people created the modern world. Ooga booga niggers still haven't even built a 2-story building of their own volition.

No whitey = no modern society. You can even see it, the more nonwhite America becomes, the lower the quality of life becomes. And the less smoothly things like infrastructure and government run.

Lmao, through out history there has been more brown Civilisation than white ones.

Snowniggers didn't have shit until Greece and they got it from the south and not the north, why ?

Because they got from Egypt.

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You're completely missing my fucking point. No shit I don't want that. But that isn't always racial. Why is it bad if somebody of a different race immigrates to your country and assimilates into your culture, and doesn't destroy your traditions?

everybody forgets about sexual selection. whites will never be replaced. the shitskins will be bred out.

I dunno, but I'm getting real fucking sick of hearing about it.

>why does race matter?

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Rights of the conquer
If you can take a land and defend it. That is now your land. Invading is labor, so it is the fruits of their labor.

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Imagine thinking IQ is caused by higher education. It’s the other way around. People with high IQs create higher education and also consume it. You are smart before you join university. University used to teach smart people sciences and the like. Take for example all the affirmative action niggers in American universities. Does their IQ go up after they enter? No!
It’s like saying “joining a basketball team will make you taller!” Absolutely autistic.

Depends more on education,religion and ideology. Other than that it doesn't matter. I'd you can educate a nigger to be a physics professor it's fine, the problem is tripe like thinking, and retarded ideologys and religion's, for example communism in China and Islam in middle east, and kikes.

Multiculturalism always corrupts communities. And the "melting pot" myth is a literal Jewish meme.

Wouldn't you care one way or another tho. Even if white people didn't invent modernity. It still would make sense to care about your own above others.

You really shouldn't try to find excuses for your stance. It only weakens it.

Read "88 Precepts by David Lane"


>why does race matter?

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Where are the studies that prove that? When have different races, in the same country, with the same education, been compared? All I see are studies comparing different races from completely different countries and backgrounds.

Nice "Democracy" you got there. Yep, only two candidates.

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Egypt was White you absolute retard. Why do you think today’s egyptians are pants on head stupid? They are the descendants of brown and black immigrants who bred the white egyptians out of existence! There is a reason why people used to say “where did the ancient Egyptians go?” Because the people living there are nothing like them you dumb faggot. Also being on Africa doesn’t make you “black” or “brown”. Why do you think ancient Egyptians wore eye make up that protected their eyes from the sun? Niggers obviously don’t need to do that!

Excuse me sir, I prefer the correct term.

We are a Republic represented by Joo Joo Cum.

Go live in a suburb around people of your own race then plop yourself into a multicultural zone, it'll feel alien and uncomfortable. Why does every natural instinct need to be engineered out of the population?

Liberal democracy is a lie. And I hate that Americans exported that shitty system overseas (Argentina doesn't count because we used that shit system on our own).

There were many studied as such. There were even studies where black kids were given to white parents, and they still ended up closer to to IQ of their biological parents.
IQ is AT LEAST 50% genetics.

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No shit that would feel alien and uncomfortable. This is how life works. Things make you feel uncomfortable all the time. That doesn't mean it's bad.

Except what you are describing is not happening in America now is it? Neither has it happened in Brazil. Niggers will be niggers, will be niggers, will be niggers. Heck they even created their own language called Ebonics which is similar in structure to other African languages.

Link them.

I am mostly worried that they will team up and discriminate against us. We already have affirmative action and whatnot. That isn't the end of the world by itself, but every nonwhite seems to want those things to go much farther than they currently do. We will basically turn into South Africa, where everything sucks because racial quotas are everywhere, policing is considered racist because minorities commit more crimes, and whites are heavily taxed and attacked for being white. That's the most likely scenario. With climate change and the population boom in Africa, we will have to deal with many more wannabe immigrants.

I do worry that we are creating what we fear by inspiring hatred by returning to racism. Maybe if we play nice like the Democrats want, we can steer things in a peaceful way. And maybe if we get mean like the alt-right wants, we will inspire them to discriminate against us (by acting like the racists they think we are.) But ethno-nationalism is proven to work, whereas civil nationalism is proven to lead to disaster. And changing things soon is better than later, because it gets harder and the solutions required are more violent as time goes on. It's easier and kinder to bar entry to someone than to forcefully expel someone.

The questions of IQ and culture are also concerning, but I'm more worried about the simple tribalism inherent in all humans. There's always the possibility that people will team up with other members of their race. The way to defend against that threat is an ethnostate.

White Egypt brought in immigrants. Jews brought in lots of black slaves. Is today’s Egypt white or brown? Is today’s Egypt high IQ or low IQ?

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why should we strive to be better,
rather than worse if it benefits the lowest common denominator..
why should we not fade into irrelevance, why should we not die

this is what you sound like, these are the questions you are asking

why does achievement, success and a good quality of life matter
why does my family matter, why should i make my life and those around me, better?

thats your answer

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Kys snownigger
google.com/search?biw=1680&bih=907&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=ysRYXbPHJMHixgPFzpHYAw&q=egyptian portrait&oq=egyptian portrait&gs_l=img.3..0i19l8j0i7i30i19j0i5i30i19.2176.2176..2358...0.0..


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>why does race matter?

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I don’t want to live like China, or Gabon. That’s horrifying. If you import these people you import their racial tendencies and habits.

the goal of the rest of the world
whether conscious or unconscious
is to dismantle the whites
whites are a minority on the planet
and can therefore be taken down by mass migration

There are two animals


And leftist rodents

Exactly, it's game theory. If both parties play nice, great. But if your enemy plays dirty and you play fair, you're fucked. The safest strategy is to play dirty, and to expect your enemy to do the same.

Actually, I've read the best strategy is tit-for-tat, but it only works if you play multiple games, and also if you know what your enemy did last game. The strategy is: Start by playing nice, then do whatever your opponent did to you last game.

But if they play dirty with us, there won't be a next game.

there you go nigger

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Fuck that.

1488 or GTFO

White Pride, Worldwide!

here you go: Library of hate
A lot of race-related stuff, have a look on it: archive.is/LRe05

Whites on Jow Forums like to parade around as the smartest race yet they get destroyed by Jews every single time. They are one of the most dumbest races I have ever seen

there is resurrection.
earliest evolution is more likely riding the first artificial intelligence robot enforcement of resurrection.
whites are earlier than some of the other races.

enjoy being white race

Because humans are inevitably tribal. A Norway that is 98% Scandinavian (white) will be more socially cohesive and all round nicer than only that is only 20% Scandinavian, with the rest being made up of people from the Middle-East, Africa, Asia and elsewhere.

Then there's immediate downsides to the migration, like pic-related.

It's one thing to say "In an ideal world, racial demographics shouldn't matter." However it is foolish to assume they don't.

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What about hispanics that are right or far right that think leftism is aids

Look at a map.

Now correlate living standards with melanin levels.

No need to thank me.

Are you a nigger?


"Trans-Racial Adoption Studies. Race differences in IQ remain following adoption by White middle class parents. East Asians grow to average higher IQs than Whites while Blacks score lower. The Minnesota Trans-Racial Adoption Study followed children to age 17 and found race differences were even greater than at age 7: White children, 106; Mixed-Race children, 99; and Black children, 89."

Add to this that whites create the best societies for the highest percentage of the population. There is no refutation to this. Thus, the nonwhites of the world must necessarily follow the whites to carve off a piece of white prosperity for themselves, and by their presence lower that prosperity in relation to their percentage of the population and the lowering of the white’s percentage. Run and they will follow. There is only to make a stand and say as a people “No. You are not entitled to access to our institutions, bureaucracy, welfare, neighborhoods-“ etc. etc. The clear and unapologetic articulation of in and out-group.

You like the white feminists, sjws and commie whites!?

It's about people and cultures not race kike

((( Magnus Hirschfield )))
The Man Who Invented Racism

You might as well ask why family matters.

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All of that is illegal in America, though.

No. Are you a servant of Israel? Tried to wipe Jews out and they took control again. Superior race btw

This But I think IQ is 80% genetics and 20% unknown
Also IQ can be further broken down into different categories such as verbal IQ.
Let me ask you this, what conditions do we have to make to raise our collective IQ to 130? Show me clear evidence this works as in has been scientifically confirmed that your method works.


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All races are fundamentally different. All the cultures linked with the races are different. Not all cultures communicate the same points. Put it this way, if I came into your home, raped your sister and then sad that you must follow foreign traditions, would you be mad? Would you be okay with the destruction of your family? Some races are better than others, and that is just fact. Attempting to separate a race from it's culture is something only the well-trained can do.

skin color indicates genetics. genetics indicate everything. your personal experiences do not matter.

That's a post-ww2 phenomenon. The holohoax provided the jews an impenetrable shield that they could use against any and all criticism.

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>A Norway that is 98% Scandinavian (white) will be more socially cohesive and all round nicer than only that is only 20% Scandinavian
*than ONE that is only 20%....

The Brian of a white is created, a black child raised by whites is successful, but it is too few to be a valuable number. Without whites there would be no science, economics, and business. Sure, East Asia, Eastern Europe, Parts of south America and possibly mexico will make it after whites go away, but America without whites will be a hell scape.

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>Scientists who managed to obtain full genome sequences of Ancient Egyptians for the first time have concluded the people of the pharaohs were more closely related to modern Europeans and inhabitants of the Near East rather than present-day Egyptians.

Modern day egyptians are pants on head stupid. Where is any of the greatness?

Look at black peoples brains or front part of it, its smaller. And yes asians have the same size brain but they have low T and theres a higher ratio of low T whites with goods jobs or higher iq jobs

Low tier bait, Op.
Neck yourself.

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OP is a nigger

Fuck niggers

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I don't hate other races. But everyone seems to hate me for being white so I'm naturally going to be a little angry.
I have no issues with them.

I agree with you user.

German fren, you need to tell the world to fuck off, and raise your own Military. A German Military. Niggers won't do shit to stop you.

The states are done for lad, got a few hard cunts down in Aussyland but that's about all that's left on this planet.

If German's don't wake up now, then the whole world is cunts fucked.

America without whites is modern day Egypt. A formerly great country that said “we can bring in a few brown immigrants to scrub our pyramids. What could go wrong?”
>pic related is Egypt today

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The best evidence is adoption studies. You'll have to do your own research I'm on mobile. But the thing to look for is the studies that compare two adopted kids raised in the same house.

Same environment. No correlation in IQ, personality, criminal behavior, or life outcome. If environment mattered, adopted siblings should be highly correlated.

Personality is often overlooked because it's not standardized or easy to measure like IQ. But its just as genetic and differs between races even more than IQ.

Theres lots of other evidence. A big argument in the old days was subtest correlations. Basically there are several kinds of IQ tests. The ones that differ the most between races are also the most genetic. And affected least by environment. Opposite of the result you would predict if the difference was caused by environment.

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Thanks Rabbi, it was a nice attempt.

Some uncomfortable things are necessary, like having to take the bus, or quit smoking so much. This might be necessary to your survival.
Multiracialism is not.

There are three groups in this field.

1. White hispanics like Fuentes who have the history of hispanics but the behavioral tendencies and competence of whites. They can stay.

2. Nonwhite hispanics who accept that they are inherently a lower class and accept that in a free market they don't have the ability to compete with whites on even ground. This is an exceptionally tiny group if not imaginary.

3. Nonwhite hispanics who agree with anti-white/egalitarian policies, but understand that they need their host to survive if they wish to continue enjoying the higher quality of life. These are the more intelligent parasites and they are arguably more dangerous than the ones who are explicitly anti-white.

There is no way to distinguish between 2 and 3. Nonwhites who pass some sort of ideology test can be either one. They can't be allowed to be citizens.

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kek.... oh my sides, you delivered user :)

Japan isn't a shithole