Why is China able to build high speed rail literally all over the country while America struggles to build a track...

Why is China able to build high speed rail literally all over the country while America struggles to build a track between San Francisco to Los Angeles?

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Cali is busy going into deep debt over giving people free healthcare, China has literal slave labor.

Because our politicians pocket the money that should go toward these types of things.

america doesn't have the population density needed for bullet trains

Bc the average American can afford a car

Slave labor, shitty steel, etc. Also, China is doing something.. San Fran to LA would be state/local governments doing it.

China doesn't have
>an established interstate and airport system that people already use

This country can't fucking decide on bathroom signs, there's no way they can collectively decide on a massive project like this. China may have the bugmen, but at least they are efficient.

Stop making this thread every day.

>Where does China get all that money?
Asians have always stolen our ideas and profited from them. That and using their own people as slave labor makes them comparatively wealthy nations.

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Retarded Americans literally believe all Chinese achievements are fake and a conspiracy made up by the Chinese government. They literally can go to China and check it for themselves but they refuse to see reality and cope with retarded theories

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Fuck you. I want the best fucking trains on the planet.

This shit is so fucking Satanic. I fucking hate this evil shit. You should hate evil too, you fucking homos.

Heavenly Father, We pray that our divine hatred of evil grows stronger and stronger, in Jesus's Most Holy Name. Thank you, Father. All the Glory to YOU.

have you paid attention at all to a single one of the 15 dead mall topics today? the primary same reason for dead malls is the same primary reason this is stupid.


because china is more capitalistic than the us

Ist dis Cappy poosta?

Because all the public rail works concocted in the USA are just hyper-expensive boondoggles for politicians and democrat unions to rob the taxpayer with. They're never intended to actually be completed, or useful.
China, meanwhile, will plot out "we need a train going from here to here" and then just actually go and lay the damn rails. Even over their citizens, if they're in the way. Yellow men are the best at laying rails, they built the west coast's railways too!

because government is the only entity that can waste trillions, never make a profit and still be in business.

debt 300% of GDP

The AI posters are getting worse

We had this thread yesterday

and you got btfo