Anf you know it

Anf you know it.

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The euros are throwing us to the dogs. Shoulda seen that one coming

satanic crack smoking wigger europe does not have our interests at hear

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Your English is shit.

who gives a FUCK
USA baby
fuck you eurocucks
you deserve it

Fuck Europe and fuck you, Sweden.

So American WN is the reason they're currently fleeing to Europe instead of USA?

Dumb kikes. 2/10 for at least not using the "x aren't White" division tactic for the millionth time.

This probably would end up whitening our DNA.

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You are not even the rightful global superpower. You came in at the end of a war while superior countries were killing eachother. Your pretty much a traitor to angloids.

Attached: America.png (693x534, 953K)

Degenratecy caught the USA first and spread from there through your cultural hegemony. So kinda, yes. But that's beside the point. Europe will get violent in the future but the shitskins don't want to go back to their third world shitholes. Where will they go?

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

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You say rightful like it's some kind of game with rules, and we cheated. Yeah our geological placement has given us an insane advantage, allowing us to be opportunistic bastards when we have the chance. Do you honestly expect any nation when given the necessary situation to seize the world to not do so?

Now if you wanna say we deserve it for all the degeneracy coming from our country I don't really have anything to say back. That's kind of a fair point.

You bring a good point swede, our cancer is primarily why europe is so fucked whether they're aware of it or not. If WN wins in america, then obviously the glownigger mossad shit infecting you with islamophilia will perish.

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This is genius

No they don’t. They need their own countries to flee to

Europe will get violent in the future but the shitskins don't want to go back to their third world shitholes. Where will they go?

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

If WN wins in America the shitskins have nowhere to go as they refuse to go back to their shithole countries. America is a good solution. Moving from Manchester to NYC is like moving from Manchester to London!

>Not sending them to Sweden
And deny Sven his wife a new bull?

Attached: CaptainSweden.jpg (680x510, 84K)

>if they won’t go back to their home countries

Who says they’re getting a choice? You can’t honestly expect to make such demographic corrections without some coercion

Poem written by a kike decades after the statue went up

If we're going to base policy on words carved into a stone, let that stone be on the Georgia Guidestones :
"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."
Let the genocide begin.

It's the difference between 10 years of war but staunch resistance (ISIS-style but European continental scale) or 6 months fighting ending with the last family coming to the USA thanks to AOC her republican cucks.

Okay Rabbi

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Wrong image

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>white nationalism loses in US
>ZOG curb stomps euro nationalists forever

Muslims and Africans don't need anywhere in the Western world to flee to, least of all an English speaking country of any kind. They are not English speakers, they deserve to speak no European languages whatsoever, you fucking Swedish meatball.

Don't be a paranoid dumbass burger, it's one meme post on a website full of tongue in cheek and "retarded on purpose" banter. I can't speak for the continental Euro trash but as much as I dislike Americans I'll always have their back over fucking mudslimes and pygmies from some dumpster fire in Africa and the ME. In fact I have much more solidarity with the English speaking world in general, fuck Europe.

You really overestimate the power of the so-called ZOG but lol at an American finally admitting you are Jewed to fuck and not deflecting. All it takes is for you people to say "No." Like Salvini did. The most they can do is kick and scream about it. Just start saying no, pussy.

The irony.

It scares you because you know it's Europe's best course of action. Canada probably won't be spared although will suffer very little of it. You should probably migrate to England as the French did in Algeria. England could become 95+% English again!

Fuck off.
Do you think they'll give you first rate choice of where to flee from their rule?
Why the fuck are you doing it for them?

Even red-pilled Sweden is cucked as fuck.

Everyone speaks English well on the continent including the browns and the blacks. If they lived in an English-speaking country they would become fluent in it if they are not already.

>as much as I dislike Americans I'll always have their back
This is stupid.

>And you know it
Isn't an argument

Europe can only be saved if they grew a spine and stopped allowing their own people to betray the interest of their homeland

Did you write this thrilling novel on your first day at school in Sweden today achmed?