Will He Recover?

Do you think it's possible for a man to ever recover after something like this?


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I've seen worse.

Someone post that video of that white soiboy getting held down on the sidewalk with his legs behind his head by that giant negress.

>I've seen worse

Doesn't even look bad

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fuck niggers

Cuck the niggers
Sex war now

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Wetback got BTFO.. That was too funny.

Daily reminder if a nigger comes at you, switch to kill mode. Don't try to merely knock him out or chase him away because it won't work. Reasoning with him DEFINITELY won't work. You end that fucking coon or he'll end you.

Why do American white people just stand there like fucking spergs waiting to get attacked? YOU KNOW A FIGHT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN, THIS NIGGA COULD FUCK YOUR SPINE UP. But muh legal justification. Fucking pussies, you deserve to get swamped by Mexicans.

no. it was a negress holding down a skinny wh*teboi

Yeah. Kill mode like the spic in the video. xD

That sounds hot as fuck.

lmaoing at all caucasians right now

How will he ever recover

Whoever taught niggers the word respect hopefully died the worst death ever. Niggers don't know what it is, don't deserve it at all, yet they desperately want it.

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That spic got the shit slapped out of him.

imagine this now part of your life's memories. Being forced to suck your own dick by a sheboon

>h-hes a spic, not white! a white man would never have this happen to him!!
cope lmao

t. small dicked asian hapa incel

The problem is niggers find everything fucking disrespectful and think it justifies their violence.

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hanging niggers in the first place, fuck him and the coalburner.

thats a white guy retard

This made me horny. Sissy white Bois need to know their place

So that's felonious assault. And he did it on video... this is why niggers are stupid

The funniest part of that video is that nigger stealing whatever fell on the ground at 0:12 and running away

Switch to nigger mode, sucker punches and all

>that stance
>those two dodges
Every time it impresses me

Is that Richard Spencer?

>switch to nigger mode
Wrong. Go islammode. Americucks will never be as based as mohammed (pbuh) killing his enemies and marrying his wife and daughter in the same day.


thank you

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That's a fucking wetback. If you think that's White then you obviously don't know what White is.

Theres literally minorities that just hit the gym just so they can assault people. Using any made up excuse "he was racisss"
Youll never see these faggots try it on a tough guy.

Without any previous footage it just looks like a local chimp, chimping out and hassling and assaulting random white people.

No, it actually isn't. The spic told it he was going to kill it.

The problem is, if a nigger sucker punches you, nothing will happen to them. If you fight back, you're fucked. It's easy for people to talk about lmao white people when the legal system is stacked against us, and whites dont typically have a flagrant disrespect for the law
>inb4 muh Trayvon
>inb4 13-50
Yeah, NAXALT. the reality is, even though Africans do commit a shitload more crime, that's just what they get convicted of. It's not counting all the kike lawyers and lefty judges letting shit slide, and its certainly not counting the amount of cops who, by virtue of bullshit department policy, fear of becoming the next Darren wilson, or nogger cops looking out for nigger civilians, africans are way more violent and criminal then you can even imagine. The system doesnt work against them, its actually stacked in their favor, but nogs are such savages that even then it cant help them. White privilege is a meme, But this guy is right. If you've gotta deal with nigs, assume they want you dead, and act accordingly.

blacks never pull this garbage with dudes near their size though

#Who was Bilal?

we just shoot the niggers.

>switch to kill mode.
I don’t think people have built in switches that’d automatically allow them to not get their asses beat by a blatantly stronger, superior opponent.

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On the black dudes side with this one, why are you gonna be a little mumble bitch and directly threaten someone like that? "I will kill you" The black dude was well within his rights to make that dude piss himself, which im sure he did.

if she had a cock she could have raped him

You are correct, especially if he fought back. They never fight alone. As soon as he fought back, the crowd would attack and gang up on him. The negro is a pack hunter.


Being a manlet has its perks

If your white and you dont train some martial art/workout and ccw, you're behind the times. Niggers collect welfare and spend hours a day working out, gunning each other down, and committing assault and crime like it's their day job. It basically is. If you're not preparing yourself for the day when you're going to have to meet them in kind, you're fucked, cause it's not that far away. Nigger are literally preparing doe thebrace war on whiteys dime.

Don't be stupid. You know you're a subhuman spic. That's why you don't fit in. It's like you low IQ turds don't see that there is a difference between us. We're not the same beaner. You can shill that shit on the internet but you know the truth.
>blacks never pull this garbage with dudes near their size though
Don't know. I don't spend time trawling niggerville.

It's disrepected, not disrespect.
"dis-respect" is a third-world shit-tier thing, shitskins always kill and maim over "disrespect," because they are fucking savages.

blacks are dyel as shit.

And thus to all punk rockers

It's called a trigger.
It's not built in, but should be nearby anytime you might encounter the pavement ape.


>all those comments


This would make a nice Fashwave edit

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hunt down the niggers or die trying

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Context please? It looks like a kid body slamming a tranny.

That...is exactly what it is.

Congratulations newfag, you've just doxxed yourself.


Oh. Okay then! Sorry for being a dumbass. Please accept my peace offering.

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Holy cope


Always so quick to respond with violence.

Its a good question user

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Do you know what the word cope means spic shill flag?

How will newfags recover?

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1.- get some white meth addict degenerate that will suck dick for $5 dlls
2.-get some buff muh dick giga nigga
3.- get $20 from atm
4.-give white boi $15 for losing a staged fight
5.-get moshe on the camera
6.-upload to further the narrative and demoralize white folk

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If you tell someone that you are going to kill them, you'd better be willing to stand on that claim. If not, you deserve everything that comes afterwards.

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this is why niggers dont have any remotely successful civilization. muh wakanda

>If your white and you dont train some martial art/workout and ccw,

You’re just posting out of pure anger over seeing this white male get choked and bitch slapped by a black man right now.

You went from talking about martial arts and fighting like a man to concealed carrying and implying that pulling a gun on an unarmed person in a fair 1v1 like a literal nigger is okay, all in one sentence.

If white males weren’t so prone to Incessant cry baby impulse rage, y’all wouldn’t be the viral laughing stock of all of Twitter right now.

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He's white tho.

niggers are savages that need to be put down

stab the nig in the throat

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video? i want to hear this.

Don't play with niggers and you wont have to woory about shooting them.
Let them attack you unprovoked and then just shoot those fucking chimps.

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how do you not throw your finger into her eye socket? like how would that not be the most natural reaction here?

Some nigger runs up and steals a scrap of fabric that fell during the altercation.

Fish swim, birds fly and niggers steal. They dont even care what they are taking. If they see a thing and it is unattended, they take it. Apes show greater self control.

ihr dummen Arschficker habt für die Juden und Freimaurer gekämpft , jetzt bekommt ihr dafür die Quittung . herzlichen Glückwunsch ihr blöden nigger

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>random nigger on the street
You are actually, verifiably a cuckold and the earth will be a more beautiful place for your not having ever reproduced.

hi, joan

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Niggers are tired of getting their asses kicked.


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you got it

The guy in the video had a lot of restraint though. He was being uppity but let's be real if a nigger started talking shit to you in public (in front of all of your friends who are white) you'd be hard-pressed to not beat his ass as well. The white guy in the video was trying to look macho for his girlfriend and it didn't work out, bold move on his part and given the results it was a stupid one at that.

That being said, you should always be ready to kill anyone in any situation. If you aren't, you are evolutionarily unfit for survival

lol except there literally is; it’s similar to how women can lift cars off of their children. read more, lurk forever

bongs would immediately suck his nigger dick

>he even has the Bruce Lee haircut
Absolutely cinematic!

And a new meme is born.

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you've never been in a fight against someone way bigger and more powerful than you... you don't just get to jab them in the eye, you have basically zero control in that situation, they can handle you like a rag doll, like they're your much bigger brother who thinks you're a little joke. Unless you have a knife or gun you're going to get absolutely fucked up in a situation like that.

All I'll say is if you're in a scenario like that, don't allow yourself to get to the ground in a compromised situation, and don't get up in someone's face if they can throw you like that, keep your distance, and run away. If they get you on the ground they can literally _KILL YOU_ if they want to, and you never know when someone's going to snap in that particular scenario and decide to end or ruin your life.

>If white males weren’t so prone to Incessant cry baby impulse rage, y’all wouldn’t be the viral laughing stock of all of Twitter right now.
oh no how do we get them 2 stop maeking fun?

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>start shit
>let someone get in your face
>try to be polite
what a dumb fuck, get your fucking guard up the SECOND they start approaching you

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Ah, well that certainly does change things.
Dis you see the one about the black UPS guy?
Driving like a nig. White guys yells at him, nig stops in the road, punches white guy and white guy hits his head on the pavement, then dies.
The nig got off with self defense because they said the white man called him a nigger and he has the right to defend himself from hate speech.

They also said that the white man was really sick, and was going to die anyway, so hitting his head on the pavement isnt necessarily what killed him....

Looks like something outta The Boondocks.

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>On the black dudes side with this one, why are you gonna be a little mumble bitch and directly threaten someone like that? "I will kill you"
Where is the video where this happens? Its not the OP video right?

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wrong, you can still do things to fight back. being a squirmy fuck also helps.