Dual Citizenship Ban for ALL Government Positions

Why is there no outcry?
Anyone that has allegiance to any other country than the United States should not be serving in any capacity in the government.

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>dual loyalty
Jews are loyal to america?

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Bump because ive been bitchin about this for 3 months but the only people who cair are here.

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America belongs to Israel

Get used to it sweetie :3

to find who they are really loyal to just ask them, if america was to go to war with (insert country of dual citizenship) who would you support?
if they don't give an immediate and straight USA then you have your answer.

yes, this is true, but it's one of those "obvious" facts that the jews have always refused to allow discussion on and so it's a big "blank" non-issue in the minds of every boomer

On my passport it legit says in black and white that holding a passport from another country is absolutely illegal
but the law doesn't apply to jews however

>Why is there no outcry?
Because classic liberalism is embedded in the American "kernel."

Implying that U.S was ever free at all. U.S is just a slave to it's own masters, like China and Israel.

OP...Bringing you the obvious...

Dual citizenship should be banned in general, not only for politicians.

Lmao. The US is literally uder control of (((foreigners))).

Why the Chinese flag? China does not allow dual citizenship. Upon applying for citizenship to another country, you renounce your Chinese citizenship.

>Anyone that has allegiance to any other country than the United States should not be serving in any capacity in the government.

Uh, to do your Job in the government you have to have dual citizens and to apply for such jobs would actually REQUIRE it. No not directly dumbass or every position.

l laufed, idk about rl so i get mad

put a chinese flag on it and idiiotic boomers will actually look, mention anything israel then it's all anti-semitic this anti-semitic that.

Last year in Australia the federal police were involved when it was found out some of our elected federal politicians had dual citizenship.

They were required to quit.

Its a massive security issue to have people who have allegiance to a foreign country in your federal government, yet the USA ignores this.


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Hyphenated Americans are bad enough.
Dual citizens should be deported to their other country.

I have Romanian citizenship even though I’ve never been to Romania.

In courts you hear about people recusing themselves due to conflict of interest. I don't blame jews for supporting their people. I've seen quotes in the media however "the US could be a smoldering ruin and our duty to...", I look at the amount of money having been spent on wars in the middle east, the way that maintaining hegemony turned out to be a refugee crisis in Europe (and the US if anyone but Trump was elected).

>Uh, to do your Job in the government you have to have dual citizens
Why would a foreign diplomat need to be a citizen of the foreign country they're associated with? They need to be educated on that country and have lots of experience, certainly. But why a citizen?

I support

They don't.
is an idiot.