They've created the ultimate bulwark against deniers!

It's over boys, they've designed the perfect counters!

Attached: o_shit_its_over.jpg (1695x384, 158K)

Show me the documents

Attached: 6B3EB151-8A44-448E-803A-B4599BB59317.png (382x380, 154K)



> If you were a jew...
Why resort to such trickery, if the holocaust is real then why use these silly games in your arguments?

I can't get past the second line.
How the fuck does extermination of Romani gays prove gas chambers?
What the fuck is this retarded dichotomy are they putting forth?

Attached: 1548122640180.jpg (448x635, 85K)

Get better eyes, loser.

>Its another Leftist counterpost that does nothing to address the arguments of their opposition.

what gas chambers? who says the ovens weren't functional? lots of people were dropping dead, that's what happens when you inter hundreds of thousands of people

the holohoax is actually the least documented event in human history. Unlike the real genocide that occurred in Croatia during Hitler's tenure, there is virtually no evidence of the mass murder by the Germans. Where are the cables that demonstrate this mass murder? The allies broke the german codes, we know what they were talking about, we know what the allies were talking to each other about, and no one thought to say anything about millions of jews being gassed and being atomized so that not even their ashes remained? What the fuck?

If i were a jew i wouldn't lie so easily.

ask the Commies what happened to them, they liberated the camps. Are we going to pretend that millions of jews didn't crawl out of the woodwork to claim gibs and refugee status after the war? Where the fuck did those millions of jews come from?

I'm done, this is retarded.

>If you were a Jew, would you kill 6 million of your own just to get sympathy?

>If so
>If not
>If one
>If they
>If you
If you're faggot and you know it, clap your hands.

Just the fact that it's called "The Holocaust" shows there is branding behind it.

It’s just pilpul like all kike kvetching

There are ways to get around that but I'm not spoonfeeding a retarded newfag like you.

>How large can a conspiracy become?
Look at progressivism. How many billions of people have been duped by Jewish/Marxist lies in the last century? All it takes is a few people with an insane amount of money to get a massive lie started. Our side is never allowed to publicly dispute the lies. Obviously to hide the truth. The same goes for the holocaust lie.

That whole list is nonsense.

>Just the fact that it's called "The Holocaust" shows there is branding behind it.
And thus an agenda. Good point.

This must be like "rational" wiki or whatever right? Holy kek.

not a single gay, romani, or political opponent claims to have seen a gas chamber or survive a gassing

>I am not a jew, how the fuck would I know? I wouldn't do something comparable, as a gentile
>"It's a hypothetical, just roll with it"
>Ok, hmmm, I guess so yes
>"wtf is wrong with you ?????"

get a real computer, phonephag
