How many broken bones in his neck?

What's the status on this?

How are they claiming he broke bones in his neck?

>I defy you to break bones in your neck with a bedsheet in any random room in a house, let alone a super max jail cell.

Attached: jeffrey-epstein-2-3.jpg (1236x820, 184K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Broke his own neck with paper sheets

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6 gorillion by some estimates


Oy vey goy

Why in the f did he even come back to America to get arrested? Didn't he have the connections to fucking know to stay away?

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Oh my, I guess it's official then.


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>those quints
what does it mean guys

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He obviously didn't drink enough milk.

here we goooooo

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Rummaging thru cases dating back to 1898, it's all pretty much the same; those with "broken neck" fell from a height (like 10 ft) and those who strangled all pitched forward from a low spot.

It's odd.

It doesn't have to make sense, it just needs to be a story for the MSM to tell the naive and gullible.

It's the forensics version of the 9/11 "magic muslims!" nonsense.

Attached: 9.11.jpg (480x360, 54K)

Absolutely based

We don't have one photograph or video of Epstein since his arrest. How do we know he was even in prison? Would they hesitate to kill a body double patsy to put a bow on it?

check my quints


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thats actually a very good point

Belgium supports epstein

They pulled a JFK with Epstein. They needed a body double to satisfy the need for the coroner to be presented with an actual corpse. So they likely strangled the poor bastard before slipping him into Epstein's cell and staging the suicide.

Epstein is likely back to drinking the blood of 12 yr old virgins on some of the other hundreds of islands we don't know about.

Good job Goy, case closed on this human trafficking operation. I'm sure we'll all see endless news stories painting him as the kingpin, the global mastermind fo it all and now that he's dead theres absolutely no rational reason to keep looking at anything.


This is the most likely situation. Government mobs using the good ol Patsy and body double

It's not odd at all. The guy was murdered by a strongman using some sort of ligature. The suicide story was all made up.


>I'm sure we'll all see endless news stories painting him as the kingpin, the global mastermind fo it all
I think (((they))) will go the other way. Painting Epstein as powerful will still attract public interest. Kingpins have networks and connections, but the Zionists' goal is to isolate Epstein.

Instead I think they'll run a series of stories painting Epstein as a pitiful, eccentric loser not worthy of anyone's time. Lots of people want to know how the mighty have fallen. Nobody cares much about a dead creep.

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Ok well that settles it. Case closed. Who's ready for football!

>How do we know he was even in prison?

It's very odd that
>One faction protected him for decades
>One faction arrested him/ sought prosecution
>One faction (close to him) killed him
and with Trump, Clintons, and Mossad as friends.

Slicing it this way makes the fake death scenario plausible.
This and the details of the death are fucking retarded.
I wonder if they generate stories as clickbait for the CIA to build datasets on us.
The Jussie Smollett story was fucking retarded as well. And oh so many political connections Jussie had.

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>And oh so many political connections Jussie had
Smollett's connections are the gay ones.

Attached: Smollett Obama.jpg (600x381, 59K)

Put me in the screenshot.

Also why are they saying boneS?
Theres the neck part of the spine and the hyoid bone, and the vertebra certainly didn't break. So why are they saying multiple bones broke when its just one

the conspiracy theories surrounding jeffrey epstein have been debunked multiple times

Oy very vey

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why am i suddenly feeling so sleepy

Heres what you don't seem to understand:

You don't get to say that something has been debunked until AFTER you have actually debunked it. You can't just come out of the blue and announce that something has been debunked on a whim. You need to do the actual debunking part first.

Look for the symbols. Identify the symbols. Spread the knowledge.

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Not to spin my thread here but

Jimmy Savile and Jeffrey Epstein both collected glass eyes of the dead

Here’s one for you. Why would anyone plead not guilty and then hang themselves? What does pleading “not guilty” mean to you? How often does that occur in inmates?

Lol they broke his neck and tied a bedsheet around it

Save your energy, that's a bot.


>Still believing Mossad kills their own
See Mordecai Vanunu. If they didn't murder him and instead gave him a slap on the wrist, if the fact that Ghislaine Maxwell is still alive didn't tip you off, you can't be helped.

Jeffrey Epstein, probably not his real name much like Maxwell, is very much alive and enjoying his retirement after a successful decades span career that helped solidfy Israel's control over our countries domestic and foreign policy. But yeah, something something Trump did it or something something Clintons. Have fun living in the dark retards.

> Hasn't looked at the side profile of epstein and compared it to the cadaver that was delivered in a different coloured van than the one his 'body' was loaded into

He cannonballed off the top bunk

the conspiracy theories surrounding jeffrey epstein have been debunked multiple times

Why is no one bothered David Rockefeller is in his book and owns an island in Antarctica

Such as?

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What am I listening to?
I kind of like the music, sounds like clown music.

Oy vey, it's a spinocaust

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the allegation that he was involved with sex trafficking minors to wealthy or influential individuals. These allegations have never been proven

Apparently there was evidence enough that he was killed, I mean suicided.

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take your meds schizo. there is no basement underneath comet ping pong

Okay moshe, whatever you say
Glad you took time to really think of a way to BTFO some kind of animeshitposter, really doing a great job!
Feel proud!

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Boomers will believe anything.


checkd and confirmed

he was making a deal to expose the rest.
then he suddenly decided that death was preferable to getting away with it.