Blacks are inferior.
BLACKED threads are hapa dicklet cope.
It's over
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf, how tall is joe?
>40 y/o vs 37 y/o
Niggers BTFO
>ohhhh DC undefeated at HW
Have some fireman fists
Whites have bigger Dicks anyways
oh my fucking god nobody cares about (((Dana White's))) senseless face punching extravaganza, this is textbook bread and circus bullshit that you would think Jow Forums was wise to
Stfu chong leaf.
Without filters this place is spammed with fake nigger dicks.
And you bitch at reality
Shut the fuck up, (((you))) piece of shit. How about you stop criticizing men doing what is in their genes in a ritualistic manner? Kill yourself and do the world a favour for being a faggot. I bet you do teaparties with your faggot LGBT or furry friends instead of watching UFC, which is like the coolest thing ever, unironically.
Pure Croatian beef.
Croatian Domination
Whites are the greatest heavyweights in all combat sports. Blacks were only the "best" when whites weren't participating during the Cold War.
Get a load of this faggot. UFC is the only gentile-owned sport left.
Flag posting is worse than blacked posting.
DC beat Stipe first time around because he had noticed a massive gap in his boxing.
Not to take anything away from Stipe but DC has a massive fight I.Q he is just too small and stocky. It took Stipe 3 rounds to understand "Maybe I should fight long and strong and hit the body" Then he popped him 10 times in the body in the exact same spot and KOed DC.
Really in a perfect world Stipe would have taken no damage at all in that fight.
Pic is my favourite fighter and someone who had a big impact on Stipe.
5 nothing.
6 rogans
Wow. I'm not even a nigger, but the humiliation rage is real. What happened user? What'd they do to you? I've just got to know.
>Having pride in your kin means you want to put down others.
I would like to apologise on behalf of the white race for the way we've treated your people. Expulsion from all of our societies throughout history and the holocaust.
All totally undeserved, yep can't think of any reason why someone would have done that.
WTF are you on about?
Oh! I just got it. Oh yeah sure. Whatever Achmed.
6 rogo units
That's one scary jew
Manlet yes
lol, bring it on, crackers with your boom boom stick magic
niggers cant meme
>Oh! I just got it.
>Actually I don't
You're not very intelligent are you.
No, do you know what it is? The general problem is muslims really aren't that funny.
>Fail to understand an insult because it is too cerebral for me
>Call people dumb muzzies
Sorry Mustafa, I think something got lost in translation.
Are you asking me for permission? Affirmation, or reassurance?
Yes. It's okay to call you a paki because you are a paki. Prove to the world how much you hate yourself yor culture and your prophet and deny in plain English that you are a muslim.
>isnt a first time a white guy beat a black guy
>wont be the last
>plenty of blacks beat whites too in combat sports
>almost like it comes down to individual experience and skill
Whats the point of this thread?
Joe is 5'2" tall but he wears 3" lifts to UFC events. Stipe is 6'3" barefoot.
i'm embarrassed you're from my country
Hello shitposting female.
>tits or gtfo
>Whites are the greatest heavyweights in all combat sports. Blacks were only the "best" when whites weren't participating during the Cold War.
>who is mike tyson
>who is cassius Clay
>who is sugar ray robinson
>who is joe louis
>who is roy jones jr
>who is george foreman
Do you even follow combat sports?
Shut up paki. You mudshits are boring already.
>Target: Hit
Leave this board now, roastie.
he was funny as fuck when he ripped on a female heckler, then he married a weird woman and everything went downhill from there.
thought that was dana white kek
Also that skank he married had a child with a nigger and Joe is treating that mutt like it's his own
niggers and semites aren't human
niggers and semites aren't human
niggers and semites aren't human
Fucking paki retard.
>Also that skank he married had a child with a nigger
not doubting you, but pics to prove it? I haven't seen any.
>massive gap in his boxing
>Elbows are boxing
blacked is almost reason enough to ban porn and i do porn for my job.
>defending niggers
you should honestly think of killing your whole family on facebook live
>b-but b-b-blacks a-are s-strongers
a saxon who can hate = super saiyan
based and redpilled
this always warms my heart
what anime is this, user
Niggers are great at boxing under Queensbury rules. Back then it was whites that beat everybody in no holds barred. Blacks weren't equal, but slaves were still allowed to fight, and usually lost. Europeans also used to travel to Asia and challenge others to duals, which they also won most of the time because kitanas can't cut through chainmail
Defending niggers? I asked a question I wanted an answer to. Was it you that made the pic?
Stipe's eyepoke defense is lacking huh? Stipe lost cuz he couldn't see the punches coming. DC tried that shit again tonight too the cheating faggot
Probably learned that from that nigger Jones. He's expert at making his opponents blind.
I have reported this to the ACLU. This is as clear a case as I've ever seen of the white man keeping the black man down.
Whites are so beautiful too.
No other race is on their level, if we're being honest.
Tenda Spencer's micropenis BTFO.
>oh my fucking god nobody cares about (((Dana White's))) senseless face punching extravaganza,
Some of us still have testosterone and care about combat sports.
8% of the world population 50% of the combat champions. Similar to nigger violence stats.
People generally like their own race. I think white people are beautiful too. But then there's this Indian guy. And Who the fuck's that good looking. Come on.
Yeah this guy gets it. Thats why blacks have big dick jokes are so funny to white people.
Never fuck with Oliver.
he went and got his 'boys' and 'smoked' that white boy later....
Too bad you don't have a competition over which race satisfies your women better WH*TE BOI
JIDF is here again
it doesn't count if its from a company that has to pay the women to fuck the niggers lol
MMA is so gay. Real men watch boxing.
Yeah, maybe BKFC or lethwai. Western boxing is shit tier. Fucking Mayweather is the pinnacle today? Gtfo
Gayboi detected.
boxing died with tyson and holifield
joshua and wilder are bafoons
Hes the height of a chinamans limp. Rogen is 3.33 inches tall.
Real men don't watch TV or care about what another man does
Aside from cartoon being ridiculous example, Oliva is Cuban, so not exactly black
true dat, this shit is so boring
real man don't post on anime image boards
Fury is better than both, Hrgović will get up there eventually too
You didn't think your post out while typing it.
man that was an amazing combo
Got 'em.
do you have this with sound?
No one watches that boring nigger sport