If I were a shill, or any entity or organization hired to make people forget about Epstein, do you know what I would do?

If I were a shill, or any entity or organization hired to make people forget about Epstein, do you know what I would do?

I would make the whole theories about Epstein appear ludicrously absurd. I would gather a team to post 24/7 shitty theories about him on social media and Jow Forums. Baby teeth? Totally. Body switch? Absolutely. I would promote, encourage and spread myself the most eccentric suppositions about him, and post whole threads of false evidence to backup my claims.

And then the MSM would take a look at these theories, take a look at Jow Forums, and make a giant glowing headline "CONSPIRACY THEORISTS BECOME CRAZY AFTER EPSTEIN'S SUICIDE". I would ask journalists to write articles presenting the most ludicrous theories in an ironic tone. And after a so meticulous campaign of disinformation, when people will think about Epstein conspiracy theories, they won't think about the Clintons or prince Andrew. No, they'll think about Epstein's alleged baby teeth. And they'll tell themselves: "what a bunch of losers, the MSM is right."

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Muh clintons muh andrew

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how does it make you feel to post something like. it can't feel good.

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it sure is late. i'm getting tired.
You must be tired.
All I want to do is just go to bed
Nothing new will come here tonight.
So sleepy.
there's always tomorrow
Go to sleep.

who? who's Epstein? never heard that name before

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the conspiracy theories surrounding jeffrey epstein have been debunked multiple times

He's alive.

You don't have multiple geared secret services guard a white METT van while no journalist is allowed close by, just so you can fake loading a corpse in that said white van, to then turn around and load a body bag in a black suburban.

Attached: who.jpg (611x962, 190K)

Ignore the Meta-Shill and just look at this fucker. An appeal to rationality doesn't work against that which is innately irrational.

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