Raising the minimum wage is the wrong answer to the right question, and that is:

Raising the minimum wage is the wrong answer to the right question, and that is:

Why the fuck is it getting harder and harder to afford to live?

Well, the top 1% own half of the wealth of the entire planet. 26 (TWENTY SIX) people have more money than the bottom 3.5 BILLION people. There's finite resources. And get a miniscule number of people have taken half of it. Are there ANY solutions? Or does even asking the question make me a "commie" to bootlickers?

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Truly the hight of political discussion. We're really getting to the bottom of this, boys.

Make the market more competitive. Google and Facebook shouldn't be allowed to buy up all of their competition.

Gold standard. This is why when we look at the past, governments were "poor" by today's standards. I mean, look at how much America paid for Alaska to Russia? Even adjusted to inflation that isn't a lot, but to the Russian government, it was real money they needed since they didn't tax their citizens 50% or print new money out of thin air in 1870. Same with Napoleon needing to sell real land to pay for his wars. He didn't have the jews printing more money for him to make his wars endless like what happened in WW1.

>Well, the top 1% own half of the wealth of the entire planet. 26 (TWENTY SIX) people have more money than the bottom 3.5 BILLION people. There's finite resources. And get a miniscule number of people have taken half of it. Are there ANY solutions? Or does even asking the question make me a "commie" to bootlickers?
Yes, you're a commie. And look: this is the same situation we had 60 years ago. The only difference was most of them were still living in the third world.

Now that we've moved the 3rd world into the US, you get ugly statistics like that one. Ya, the immigration policy has created a large underclass, and that's a problem.

>talking about something beaten to death online will change things
start writing your epitaph now then

hey were trying to make a monopoly that answers to no one over here, basically take what we have now but speed things up, get out of this thread you competition scum.


How exactly is it a problem that 26 people have more than all the nigs in africa? If you want to improve the lot of those 3.5 billion you're not getting anywhere with economic theory. For people like that you have to start with the basics (intelligence, time preference, etc.)

>Why the fuck is it getting harder and harder to afford to live?

Because in 1913 we handed the "coining" of money to a power elite in direct conflict with the Constitution, and banksters - Jewish or otherwise - have cut us off at the knees through inflation.

Keep in mind, inflation is NOT increased prices. Inflation is an increase of the money supply, which devalues every other dollar in existence. This is why our (subverted) Constitution dictated that only gold or silver should be coined as money. This is why Thomas Jefferson stated: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies," ... " If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around(these banks) will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

We ignored Constitutional mandates and we are reaping what we sow.

>26 (TWENTY SIX) people have more money than the bottom 3.5 BILLION people.
name names and provide archived links to reliable sources to back up your claims or youre just another faggot shitposting on a mongolian fishfly tying forum

>"I agree It IS a problem but I'm still gonna call you a commie because that's what I was programmed to say".

Why do you defend people (literally with your own life)
who could not give less of a fuck if you lived or died?

Is going back even possible anymore?

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>Why the fuck is it getting harder and harder to afford to live?
Three simple words: Jewish Banking Cartels.

pic related

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>Why the fuck is it getting harder and harder to afford to live?
Democrats raise the national debt 8% every time they have control of the senate with all their welfare programs.

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Oops you're right, I was using old datam. It's not 26. It's 8.


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I get that question alot, and it just further shows your commie mindset.

I'm not defending anybody. The rich are not my friends or my enemies. They're just rich people. I don't care about them at all.

>Is going back even possible anymore?
There's only one solution, but it seems that the public at large isn't ready for the 1776pill, yet.
>"From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -Thomas Jefferson

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>commie mindset
Tell me what makes you think I have that.

I just did.

You imply a war is going on between yourself and the rich... and you imagine that I am defending them from your attacks.

That is your commie view of the world.

That's factually and demonstrably correct though. I think the solution is a return to 1950's America type capitalism. What we have now with $1 trillion corporate welfare bailouts and $100 billion a year for other corporate welfare IS communism.

>this is the same situation we had 60 years ago
No it is not, you fckn retard,

fiat currency is a con game designed to enslave nations to the ((banker)) by buttering up and "enriching" the leaders with monopoly money while the citizens get fucked downwards harder and harder.
the winning game is to stop using jewish moneylending tricks; abolish the Fed and hang the Rothschilds.

>The rich are not my friends or my enemies.
>They're just rich people who control my life.
Stop licking those boots, get off your knees, and act like a free man, would you?!

You can thank normie retards for making the rich as rich as they are in the first place.

Usury should carry the death penalty.

Lmfaoo dude I read that report. Sure try to tell you but they used Forbe's infamous billionaires list for that, when in reality dynasties like the rothschilds own hundreds of billions per living person. Considering that, the real top wealthiest list would consist of literally all rothschilds.
In other words, Jews. Jews, man. It's jews.

Thank you for being correct
Its refreshing to see someone smart in general,let alone around here

>Well, the top 1% own half of the wealth of the entire planet. 26 (TWENTY SIX) people have more money than the bottom 3.5 BILLION people. There's finite resources. And get a miniscule number of people have taken half of it. Are there ANY solutions? Or does even asking the question make me a "commie" to bootlickers?
this tax those rich cunts more
make the wage wap small, distribute the wealth better, ec

thank you. even paring down from 26 to 8 i see vast jewish over representation in spite of jew rothschilds, sassoons, sacklers, icahns, etc. being MIA. at least Jow Forums calls a jew a jew instead of hiding behind the "the 1%" dogwhistle. golden rule = he who has the gold makes the rules. now do you honestly believe that a law to tax these people 75%, 85% of their wealth will pass when all that they have to do is toss our public servants a few crumbs into their election campaign funds?
>Are there ANY solutions?
in 1916 Nicholas II was the wealthiest man on the planet...

Boomers are retards who have no fucking clue what they have taken from us.

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>Is going back even possible anymore?

No. The only endgame is a complete apocalyptic collapse of the financial system worldwide. I'm not being a pessimist, it is guaranteed. We are in an age never before experienced by human civilization - one where all currencies are fiat. The dollar leads the charge, and when it goes so does the world. All paper money eventually returns to it's intrinsic value - ZERO.

I've read a metric fuckton on monetary policy, what works and what doesn't. Our generation is in for a big fucking hurt.

It's funny. Considering that Russia currently trying to buy gold like there is no tomorrow.

Well done: "missing the point" win!

"inflation" is a disingenuous fraud, disguising "deflation" of the value of a dollar.

The common Russia will never see it, though.

We're all serfs now, Ivan.

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Not like it's much different from what we have now. I don't see paper money and not gonna see gold.

Russia and China alike have been buying gold for years. They know what's coming. That's why systems like BRICS have been set up - to try and stave off the inevitable and have some modicum of stability in their nations. But the truth is - it won't help.

You see, it's not just the dollar that keeps the world status quo - it's the military might behind it. When the dollar goes (and it will) the USA will be the hardest hit by the civil unrest that follows. All military will be called home to deal with the fallout. And when that happens, when the USA is and can no longer be the policemen of the world, all fucking hell will break loose.

North Korea will invade the South. China will invade Japan. India and Pakistan will blow the shit out of eachother. Russia will attempt to recreate the Soviet Union - and Europe will probably capitulate to the "Russian Empire" as the hordes of muzzzies and niggers try to seize control.

We're going to see some crazy fucking times my friend.

Millennials are worse than boomers.

someone already mentioned 1913 and the Federal Reserve Act cancer but what isn't discussed much, or at all, is the Emergency Banking Act of 1933 which rendered government bankrupt and insolvent. Not only that but House Joint Resolution 192 of the 73rd congress stripped the gold standard and the gold clause which dissolved the government and it exists only in name.
Since then every birth certificate becomes a treasury bond that is traded for new loans and future income tax payments go toward paying the interest on those loans. It's literal slavery and legal since the constitution doesn't apply to a de facto government operated by the investors of the Federal Reserve.
Then in 1971 the puppet government allowed the Federal Reserve to print as much currency as it wants regardless of how much gold was in the treasury.
Every step of the way the nation and people have been stripped of sovereignty while they see the value of their savings get diminished every year as more currency is created.

You forgot the middle-east igniting between Iran, KSA, and Israel, and the UN being unable to further prevent the myriad of African ethnic conflicts/civil wars.

When American hegemony recedes, the world will be bathed in blood.

>When American hegemony recedes, the world will be bathed in blood.

They didn't want to go for space exploration now everyone will get a taste of alternative. Not pleasant for me personally but history shows that we either get an expansion phase or a war phase. And there is no expansion.

OP, read this.

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"military will be called home to deal with the crisis"
posse commitatus only prevents the Army from repelling invaders into the US, but not from putting down Americans.
Now there's a crazy law.

Yes there is "finite" natural resources, but depending on the commodity in question, we haven't even tapped the tip of the iceberg. And don't event get me started on asteroid mining...
Even then, the notion of "wealth" is still not finite. Wealth can be created out of thin air. In fact, whenever trade occurs wealth is created. This is independent of the natural resources a society has.

Inflation doesn’t rob you of money, the number they have taken from you can’t be quantified because they robbed you of your quality of life. Money is worth roughly 1/20th of what it was since the inception of the fed. Take whatever you make right now and multiply it by 20. That’s the lifestyle you could have had. Most powerful wmd on earth.

It wouldn't be about "putting down Americans" per se, it would be about "keeping the peace" -- which would become irrelevant as most of the military would eventually abandon their posts to go home and defend their loved ones.

I read an analysis once on how TPTB predict the military would actually break down in the event of mass civil conflict. I can't remember where/when I read it, but the jist was:

1) The Air Force would disperse as there would really be no determinate enemy to bomb considering how intermixed the population is.
2) The Army/National Guard would defect back to their families and protect them
3) The Navy would stand guard over the borders, rarely getting involved, while making sure no foreign power would interfere with our internal conflict until the dust settled. Truth is they probably wouldn't have to do much as the rest of the world would be fighting eachother given the absence of the USA.

You speak truth, but I suspect Israel would go full "Samson Option" and wipe out any and all perceived enemy. We've supplied them well, and as a result they'd be likely to survive any major conflict. They'd be wounded for sure, but they'd persevere.

Who could these 26 be?

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Useful thread.

>become third world shithole
>wages take a dive
so hard to connect the dots

>Well, the top 1% own half of the wealth of the entire planet. 26 (TWENTY SIX) people have more money than the bottom 3.5 BILLION people.

This isn't really accurate. It's like with people saying Bill Gates is a billionaire when in reality his actual bank account number is substantially less. These kinds of figures are derived from taking current stock price x whatever amount of stock these people own, which often results in staggering numbers. The problem with estimating wealth like this is it doesn't actually mean anything because the act of trying to offload a billion plus dollars in stock would crash the value of the stock horrendously, making their actual "realizable" wealth dramatically less. Just something to point out.

As to
>Why the fuck is it getting harder and harder to afford to live?
is because endless tides of 3rd world immigration wildly bloat rent prices and the cost of homes, meaning the percentage of your income just paying for a roof over your head is constantly going up (in a free market prices generally go down over time, but because demand is artificially raised through mass 3rd world immigration + zoning restrictions the opposite takes place).

Combine that with the fact that your savings are constantly eaten away from the hidden tax of inflation, and you end up in a situation where people cannot purchase their own house nor save up personal income easily, resulting in a society that rewards high time-preference behaviors and punishes k-selected, family-orientated people.

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massive redpill


So allow me to awnser it this way.

Yes, prices are rising, but so is government intervention. Raising the minimum wage would just raise prices, as companies have to pay more for workers, and they have to get that money from somewhere.

You also have to understand that in a capitalist society, people can shift up and down ranks. all it takes is hard work and will. Stats show that 2/3rds of all americans will at some point be in the top 25% sometime in their lifetime. Understand that while the gap between top and bottom is growing,it is also shifting upwards. Bottom 1% of today was once the bottom 10%. Things cost more because the beuracracy that government has in buisness increases costs exponentially. If the government were to get less involved, then prices would drop.

Redistributing the wealth of the top 1% would further devalue the currency you retarded commie faggot

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You need marxism - leninism - maoism

Muammar Gaddhafi
That is all

The fact that being against worker exploitation and wealth hoarding by "the 1%" has become associated with communism shows the spectacular failure of capitalism, democracy, republics, law, police and the American experiment.
Since the beginning of mankind people would proverbially eat the rich if they got too ballsy. From tribalism over monarchy to fascism, all of them were against the amassing of wealth under a few individuals who would abuse it.

Based jefferson. If only we had listened.

Stupid commie thinking basedboys.

It's a good thing commies don't have any money of their own because the things they imagine they would do with it are absolutely evil.

because the money has no real value

I tell this to people all the time. Phonefagging. But post the chart of wages vs production. It deviates immediately starting in 72 when we leave the gold standard.

It's not a generational argument and you're blaming the wrong people. Banking did this to us.

Materialism fucked everyone. Those 26 people have a single objective in life - to get as much money as possible. They abuse loopholes in our society that they created themselves. Im not a commie. Egalitarianism is retarded, but so is materialism and capitalism. Its not all about money

I long for a place I’m not even sure exists

Important comment

You let jews and other shitheads print money and play poker with stocks and real estate, what did you expect, idiots?

And how do you figure that? All the gold in the world won't buy you anything if you don't spend it.
Even if the government is resolved to take the products of the labourers by force, they have to employ soldiers to do the taking. Those soldiers aren't going to work for free, and in a scenario where fiat money has collapsed, they won't be keen on accepting a new fake currency, either. They'll want gold or silver.

See Venezuela as the example of this: golems are retarded and never leave the 'tard ship sinking until it is too late.

Currency needs to have a stable value


This infographic is fucking retarded. I wonder what the minimum wage was in 1965, when quarters stopped being silver.

Minimum wage as a concept should have never existed. It is just like communism - sounds good in theory but is nothing but disaster in practice.

>Make the market more competitive.
you have to get rid of the surveillance state,


>harder to live
>can literally do nothing and the government pays for it

>nothing but disaster in practice
Show us some examples from practice, where minimum wage was a disaster.

Abolish the fed

Have fun waiving your rights and becoming the property of the state.

it's similar to rent control and allows big entities to lock labor out of the market pinned at the legal minimum

That's not an example from practice why minimum wage is a disaster.

What’s needed are laws like Denmark. The top (CEO) pay is tied to the bottom by percentage. If the CEO gets a raise or bonus, so does the janitor.
What’s happened here, is the top keeps getting increased while the bottom remains stagnant.

-Outsource jobs abroad, reducing work available
-Encourage women to flood various industries -reducing value of labor, complicating certain business environments, and causing social tension.
-Let in poor foreigners in large amounts, which are either soaking up welfare bux or competing with native citizens or both
-Housing is allowed to be treated as investments, rather than strictly as homes, driving up costs
-Allow insurance and college industries to bloat well beyond original scope, making an optional safeguard, mandatory due to scope creep.
-Borrow money endlessly for an ever expanding and self reinforcing gov. + endless war which benefits military industrial complex and any politicians that play ball.
-plus lots of other shit, probably involving grabblers

Wow my money's worthless!