it should be mandatory for people to work retail or service for 1 full year at some point in their lives.
It should be mandatory for people to work retail or service for 1 full year at some point in their lives
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wouldnt you just wipe up the ketchup and slide it off into a bucket
is this supposed to be le epic troll on the waiter or what
That’s not retail, you massive retard.
No faggot
Thats an easy cleanup.
Sorry youre such a bitch I guess.
what the heck am I looking at
An waiter who pissed of a customer.
An upside down glass with some sort of liquid and dollar bill floating around in it, if you were to lift it, it would spill out.
Genius jew trap
Food service is absolute garbage.
Someone who wanted to fuck over an IHOP server
>be waiter
>pick it up anyway
>shit spills everywhere
>get the incel dishwasher to clean it up
>pocket that sweet two bucks
>An waiter
It shouldbe mandatory for people to finish highschool.
>or service
I wash dishes lol. I make 8.25 lol. It's very fun lol.
Yeah, you just get one of those bus tote things and position it at the end of the counter and slide the glass into it, wipe up the ketchup. I can figure this out and I've never even worked at a diner.
I absolutely agree. it is a valuable lesson in treating others with respect and I think I am a better person for it.
I agree, it was hell but it taught me how to deal with people and forged the idea in my head to treat people behind the counter with respect
An upside down glass of ice-water with a tip inside. Ketchup surrounds the glass so that when the glass is turned right side up, the water spills out and makes a mess.
Pretty funny. As a kid we would go to White Castle and take out the picked from the sliders and stick them to the window. Just for a joke.
It's called an aggressive prank. Try it sometime to impress your buddies.
I worked in the service industry, I'm probably the biggest dick to people that work in the service industry. There's a reason why, fuck those people
In some regional dialects the w is omitted from pronunciation, making the "an" grammatically valid
lol get rekt loser
All you need is a thin ridged piece of paper, it's not that hard to get around
lol what dialect says "ate-er?"
You should An Hero
>t. wageslave in a cuckcage
Ever done the Squishy? Where you put two ketchup packets under the toilet seat.
I had this idea. Basically the point is for customers to suffer being treated like shit for minimum wage so they stop. That way when it becomes their turn to clean up the mess I can fuck with them too.
When I was a teenager we used to spin a nickle on the table them slam the salt shaker down on it. This would break the bottom out so the next person that picked it up would get the entire contents dumped all over their food and table possibly even themselves. This was entertainment pre internet
t. youngfag just got his first job
That's what teenagers are for, but yes.
Though I don't believe you can ever really fix arseholes like in that pic.
>That's what teenagers are for
Yeah... its not like stores are open other than the afternoon or anything.
I don't see many teenager working service industry jobs anymore, it's all 40+ year old shitskins
These are things you guys only did as teenagers, right?
you have to be 18 to use this board.. if you already are.. you should commit a mass shooting or kill yourself, because you are the problem with society, you redit spacing kike mossad nigger.
glow more faggot.
That's nothing compared to what I did at IHOP once. My kids got shit service at one once. Invited my shitter employees from a construc gig I work for. We hired everything on the menu and ate it like slobs. Trashed like 3 tables. Ketchup bombed the table and put maple syrup between menu pages and than toilet paper bombed the bathrooms. And took a collective shit on the floor in the bathroom. Some on the toilet seat and stole all the mints and walked out. Left no tip btw. I am sure we are permanently banned from that fucking ihop but we made their lives fucking hell for s night or maybe longer with the menus. We trashed like 20 plus menus.
* construction
Man I'm fucking tired.
>it should be mandatory
Die very slowly in a fire, you wannabe tyrant.
Cry me a river, its not like they have to hard manual labor in blistering heat. All you have to do deal with is raging boomers and fags.
why should you have to do all that? Why did the person have to be an asshole in the first place?
Are you a ngiger?
>describes the usual state of an IHOP
>ruin someones, who already has a shit job, life, just because your dogshit spoiled brats didn't get "treated right"
Elementary, Thanks Captain Underpants!
I didn't say exclusively them. Besides, there are 18 and 19yr old teenagers.
That's due to overpopulation. It drives down employee bargaining power.
White man with a vengeance. That's why we trashed the place professionally. They fucked with my kids and insulted them and gave them shit service. Eye for an eye. A nigger wouldn't be smart enough to do what we did with the menus or tie ribbons with the toilet paper. Also learn how to spell nigger.
Probably because their service sucked and they had to flag you down multiple times throughout the night because you were too busy texting.
But you are. And you make less than in service employees
These shitskins should go overpopulate their own damn counties
>shit job
>shit life
Don't care not a excuse cope harder Eurabian. Because you fucking know it and I know it if someone fucked with your kids you'd be a asshole real quick.
>we chimped out on and trashed a restaurant for no productive reason.
you sound like a complete retard, nigger, and AND larper
You're a piece of shit
some genuine jigsaw tier shit
t.fucking breakfast food servers.
Niggers are truly the cesspool of society
Progressively, sure
haha look at all these pathetic servers
no tip
They'll fuck with your food here if you are a dick
This is what happens when you expect monkeys to behave in a civilisation.
indeed this is siumple but mainly its to keep shiity ppl from robbing your waiter bro of their tips
Only a white man has the ability to set a restaurant back a few fucking days in productivity. Black man smashes a window and runs or robs the place. You fucking niggers couldn't achieve destruction like a white man. Fucking wage slave nigger cucks.
What about if I am an angel until you bring the food, genius? No tip, no chance at fucking me again because I am on a holiday
republicans get spit, its mandatory.
Cry more loser
>White man with a vengeance.
Sounds like an Argentinan
>A nigger wouldn't be smart enough to do what we did with the menus or tie ribbons with the toilet paper.
That's retarded. filthy nigger confirmed
Dont be shitty at your job and this will happen less often. Some people are assholes and you will run into them no matter what you do. You can make a solid six figures and still run into a ketchup type nigger no matter what you do. Now in your shitty fucking job try not to be a lazy fuck, that easy fucking job does not deserve six figure compensation.
Fuck wagies.
This is something I vaguely remember doing years ago. Now I just leave some money in the plate with leftover scraps on it. Making them remove the dirty money from left-overs. It's genius. Because they have to wipe their hands down afterwards.
It's assumed that Australians (or anyone else from the 1st world) won't tip. But your parents might still do so, to make up for your behaviour.
>It's genius
What did the staff even do, jack off in your kids food and then laugh right in their face?
>wipe ketchup with napkin
>take another cup and put it under the table against the bottom of the table
>slide water cup to it so the water drains into the other cup
>take money
This is a white man. He commits vandalism if someone "looks at" ""his"" "kid" wrong.
A complete scumbag.
His kind (white men) would torture their cousin to death if the cousin expressed interest in marrying one of his daughters.
>YHWH allows men to marry girl children, including in cases of rape (tahpahs) in Devarim chapter 22, verse 28: na'ar (child: hebrew masoretic text), padia (child: greek septuagint), puella (young girl: latin vulgate).
I am a programmer and a licensed attorney. Blonde hair, blue eye, over 6ft, less than 190lbs.
White men who are murderers and drugdealers think they're "better" than me because "MUUHH WHOOITEEE WUUHMANN"
Sunni muslims are being imported to replace you, you woman worshiping animal. They will take the young girls as brides while you go ballistic about "chomo"s
This is the white man's rolemodel:
One called my daughter a bitch for not leaving a tip and when my son stood up for her the manager asked them to leave. The corporate was called and nothing was done.
They Quoted this to the White man:
>>YHWH allows men to marry girl children, including in cases of rape (tahpahs) in Devarim chapter 22, verse 28: na'ar (child: hebrew masoretic text), padia (child: greek septuagint), puella (young girl: latin vulgate).
Your daughter is a bitch.
Or maybe he didnt want the niglets at the next table stealing the tip, so he made it require work.
I did when I was 16. 4.75 an hour in 94. Ate good and drank good LOL
Go to fazoli's in Georgetown KY those wagies tend to give okay service I guess but if you wanna fuck with them just order a fuck load of.sliders or demand weird shit like a not baked chicken parm
Girls are ment to be married young:
>YHWH allows men to marry girl children, including in cases of rape (tahpahs) in Devarim chapter 22, verse 28: na'ar (child: hebrew masoretic text), padia (child: greek septuagint), puella (young girl: latin vulgate).
Not whore around like you white men encourage. Your daughter IS a bitch, and I would (have an associate) say that to your face. Then I would sue you and your associates for every penny they are worth when you "white MAN'd out".
I am a programmer and a licensed attorney. Blonde hair, blue eye, over 6ft, less than 190lbs.
White men who are murderers and drugdealers think they're "better" than me because "MUUHH WHOOITEEE WUUHMANN"
This is the white man's rolemodel:
Look at this fucking larping faggot. Fucking gay ass mother fucking nigger faggot looking like he's got some kind of fucking shit going on. Linking some poor fucking guys mod account is fucking guy that is fucking worthless loser. I hope you genuinely take a long look at your fucking muslim loving ass and fucking kill yourself. You worthless no good son of a wage slaving bitch. You're a fucking cock and you know it when you say stupid retarded fucking remarks like that, a noxious that the living you it always reverts back to the anti-white thing yet you're sucking the hardest cock right now for Muslims. I hope to God one day you're fucking children work at an IHOP and someone just straight-up fucking goddamn sense a pack of niggers and robs your fucking God damn kids blind
They were probably a shitty server with a crap attitude.
Fucking none.
or just grab a fucking towel and place it around the cup without spilling water everywhere
so words were exchanged and in response you acted like a filthy animal eating and shitting everywhere, I'm sure a lesson was learned.
Almost all white men's daughters are bitches. Girls do not stay "sweet" for long. White men are the pack mules and muscles of "their" women. The women control their minds, they (the men) are stupid garbage.
(That means you , white idiot)
>links his moddb account
Thanks we'll gladly report you to whatever boss you have and let him know you hope the white race is ethnically replaced and I'm sure that'll go over well. Or this is just a big larp and you're a faggot.
>take out the picked from the sliders and stick them to the window.
We used to put refrigerators on railroad tracks. Derailed one.
I know its easier for you to try and rationalise this as just immaturity that would be negated by parental figures that would probably shit on drumpf in your little fantasy, but no you have to deal with me and my woman on holiday giving ZERO tips and acting like new zealanders to begin with
top lols
sounds like your whole family is a bunch of pricks and you're to blame
Nigger when you can develop something that's more than a clay hut in thousands of years let me know.
Why is it that everyone who says this "required year(s) of retail/service" are without fail people who have never actually done either one?
I don't want your pity, fuck off.
>I hope to God one day you're fucking children work at an IHOP and someone just straight-up fucking goddamn sense a pack of niggers and robs your fucking God damn kids blind
Sorry; 6ft+ (less than) 190lbs blonde haired blue eyed lawyers don't have "kids". We aren't goats, unlike you: labourer animal.
And my game is great :). While you wage, I work on my hobbies.
Oh and I know the guy who owns all the IHOPs around here, coincidentally...
>I know its easier for you to try and rationalise this as just immaturity
If the shoe fits, boy.
It's not pity, it's life skills.
The kids didn't do anything to them. So I had to be a prick. All comes back to my daughter said she wouldn't tip. Fuck wagies.
i stopped being a moderate in just 1 week as a cashier. the amount of EBT users is fucking insane. this dude had $400 on his card.... just because he knocked up some whore he couldnt afford to. why are retards rewarded? hard workers like me just get hit with taxes. its unfair
Americans sure are trashy
I kind of agree with this. A had a cynical pessimistic view before working in a restaurant, but it give me a newer, more deeply negative view of life after 1 year and 4 months.
Made working in corrections seem like a godsend.