All Non-Greenland Threads Are Slides

This board is currently facing an absolute cataclysm of slide threads from Mossad, Shareblue,, alphabet agency glowniggers, the Canadian government, and the Chinese government, all of whom are absolutely terrified of people discussing Greenland, the most important event of the 21st century.

The purchase of Greenland will effectively place the United States in a position of complete dominance over the arctic, thereby completely isolating Canada from all sides while ensuring viability and American control of the Northwest passage, a position that will leave Canada no choice but to surrender its territory to the United States.

You leafs would rather we all forget and talk about some bullshit like Epstein or Hong Kong, but your days are numbered. Once we requisition Greenland, the rake will descend over every last leaf, from Baffin Island to Toronto. You better cooperate or we'll let Trudeau permanently stay PM over your autonomous zone.

Attached: donald-trump-1166329.jpg (600x338, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I fucking wish dude

If you just tell us where the other leafs are hiding you won't get sent to the Greenland mineral mines, I promise.

go back to /ptg/ you kike faggot

Attached: anon.jpg (690x389, 57K)

It's afraid.

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Whoa is that an anti-Semitic meme?
My name is Elan Carr, I'm Trump's Anti-Semitism Czar.
I was ordered to create a database of anti-Semites by monitoring the internet activity of Americans.
Looks like you just got added to my database buddy. I won't give you a red flag yet, but we'll be watching you.

Attached: usa-640x300.jpg (640x300, 31K)

53% white

You overestimate the care of governments and agencies and vastly underestimate the stupidity of Americans, Canadians and other retarded subcountries who post here.
Jow Forums is big and mainstream.

Attached: ClownNewsNetwork.jpg (960x642, 222K)

1. The office was formed in 2004 by a bill written by the 108th Congress, not Trump.
2. The office is essentially a meme bureaucracy with no power of any kind, beyond writing reports
3. They only monitor other countries, not the United States
4. There's no evidence that this guy is uniquely terrible, for all you know he could be one of our guys
5. He was appointed by Pompeo, not Trump
6. Antisemitism isn't illegal
7. I'm not an antisemite. I'm a countersemite

So much wrong with this shill. It's rare for so much bullshit to conglomerate in one short shitpost.

Morten Siegstad
Pingaaruteqarluinnarpoq oqaatigissallugu Maniitsumiik qatseriartorluta tikikkatta suliaq annertoorujussuaq Sisimiuni qatserisartut suliarereersimammassuk. Taakkualu atortuutaat naammanngimmata Maniitsumiik pumpe-t sakkortunerit marluk Sisimiuniillu atorneqartartut assingat ataaseq nassarlugit tikikkatta. Kisiannili aamma ikuallattup kujalliup aqunneqalerneranut Maniitsormiut Sisimiormiullu qatserisartui ikioqatigiilluinnarlutik suleqatigiimmata suliaq sangutinneqarpoq killilerneqarlunilu.

Ikuallattoq avannarleq illuaqqanut qanillisarlugu ingerlateqqaarneqarpoq ikuallannera sukkavallaarunnaarniassammat nuna imaaniik isugutsersarlugu, taamaasiunngikkutta ikuallanneq annertunerujussuussagaluarami, qularnanngitsumillu illuaqqat angunissaannut qanilliartornera sukkanerulersimassagaluarluni.

Ikuallannerulli kigaallassimaartinneranut Ilulissaniik, Qasigiannguaniik, Aasianniik aammalu Kangaatsiamiik qatserisartut suliartornikuusut taakkuupput kigaallassimaartitsinerungaatsiartut. Beredskabsstyrelsemiillu ikuallattoq annikillereersoq aatsaat tikipput, ikuallannerullu qamisarnera ingerlallugu. Atortuuteqarnerunerat aammalu inuit amerlanerujussuullutik qatserinerat, paarlakaajaallutillu ingerlaannaavinnerat tassani pissutaalluinnarpoq, tamannalu qujanartuuvoq.

Uagut kalaallit sulinitsinni 3-5 time sinilaariarluta 20 time tungaanut sulisarpugut, taannalu nukippassuarnik atuiffiuvoq qasunartorujussuullunilu. Igasoqanngilagut namminerlu iganiartartussalluta, inuillu 7-10 akornani amerlatigisarluta sulisarluta ulluni amerlaqisuni. Beredskabstyrelse-meersut ulloqmut 6 time sulisarput, helikopterinut allaat ajornanngitsumik sakkugisarlugit assartuinerminni, ATV-nik 2-nik atortoqaraluarpugut, BRS-meersut sulilermata ATV-it sisamanngorput.

Taamaammat sulinermi atugassarisavut assigiinngilluinnartuupput, sakkuutigut annikinnerungaarmata.

Qatserinermilu suleriaaseq BRS-ikkut atugaat uagut Nunatsinni qatserisartuniik allaanerunngilluinnarpoq, atortuutaalli

Attached: brand_i_groenland.jpg (930x500, 216K)

I’m in here


das rite!

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I'm feeling sleepy guys, just go to sleep

Should the whole global warming idea come true greenland seems like a pretty good idea. It could become the new atlantis when the rest of the world burns. You can just paddle to greenland from afrika. People would be safe there.


hold on i can find more, but they really all loved that one there

Lennie Boesen
Vittus Qujaukitsoq er en af de hovedansvarlige for den gronlandisering og nedprioritering af det danske sprog i den gronlandske skole, der gor, at de gronlandske unge i stort tal opgiver deres studier.

Og så skal man læse, at han brokker sig over, at de forlader deres studie i utide? Forstår han ikke, at gronlandiseringen har store konsekvenser for de unge, når de videregående uddannelser IKKE foregår på gronlandsk?

Vittus burde foretage en konsekvensanalse, hver gang han skriver et politisk manifest. Så ville der måske ikke komme så meget selvmodsigende vrovl fra den kant.
Synes godt om · Svar · 33 · 16 t.
Anders Nilsson
En politikerskabt katastrofe
Selv om det af rapporten fremgår, at man ved lov i 1979 afskaffede den danskundervisning i folkeskolen, som Augo Lynge fik indfort i begyndelsen af 1950-erne, så er der intet i rapporten, der tillægger det nogen særlig betydning i forhold til de mange arbejdslose uden formel uddannelse.
Loven af 1979 om gronlandsk som undervisningssprog medforte, at antallet af dansksprogede seminarieuddannede lærere over et kort åremål mindskedes og måtte erstattes med ufaglærte, gronlandsksprogede timelærere.
Det igangsatte en politikerskabt katastrofe, der stadig her 36 år senere handlingslammer folkeskolen.


Moses Willumsenm
VQ qineqqusaaravit qineqqusaarutitit sulilu neriorsuutinnik pilersitsiffiginngisatit, aamma taakku sipaarfiginiarpigit.

You go ahead and sleep then. You're gonna wake up to a SWAT team of newly americanized Greenlanders all busting down your door at 3 AM, rakes pointed. And if you know what's good, you are gonna tell us where the other leafs are hiding.


Pele Lange
Pele Broberg Naleraq kamattorsuulluni naalakkersuisunut inatsisartullu siulittaasuunertik qimappaat nunarput Danmarkimut tunineqarmanngooq.
Synes godt om · Svar · 1 d
Pele Broberg
“kamattorsuunngikkaluarlunga” ;-) Naqissuserneqartoq Danmarkimut pituttorneq apeqquserneqanngilaq, tassa mittarfissuarnut atatillugu nunarput akigineqareerpoq.
Isummernerali suli taannaavoq, uagutsinnut aallaavigaluta naalagaaffinngornissaq anguniagassaavoq. Tamannali pisinnaanngilaq namminiilivinnissamut aqqut matuneqarpat, soorlu pisortatigoortumik USA-mut nunarput tunillugu.
Akunneq naanersiorluariuk
Synes godt om · Svar · 1 · 1 d
Pele Lange
Pele Broberg qujanarmi saamaartaratta, sap. ak.naaneri ullullu tamarmik uvanni assigiipput.

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fuck guys... I think I would fail in greenlandic class

Siumukkunnut annanniaajartulersoruna, allaminuna peqqutissarsiortoq

It's still a great investment if there's an ice age instead. Super high tech subterranean cities that can be sealed off and expanded from within, many hundreds of kilometers away from the coast in the icy heart of our new clay, would be permanently inaccessible to niggers and kikes, and would withstand a doomsday scenario on the surface. Descendants could exit someday when the ice melts, and niggers would be gone.

I'd also build a super futuristic airport/spaceport.

You are obviously a nigger. A niggerfaggot to be precise.

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Epstein isn’t bullshit. That is the closest we’ve come to a real happening since 911

Your desperation for the rake is palpable, Chen

Attached: canadianflag.gif (1280x640, 155K)


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Shouldn't you be frying up some bugs? How was the ghost festival?

>Want to invade Eskimos

>Cries about how Ameridians or Latinos are invading "your land"

>Cries about issues like the migration crisis that is in Europe and is none of your business

>Worships a 70 year old zionist because somehow "Drumpf is daddy"

God Americans are brainwashed hypocrites. You need some gassing


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Every last meme flag seems to have the same caved in head takes. I wonder why!

Please buy us
I beg of you, liberate us from our miserable lives

Attached: 1554946419096.jpg (780x818, 133K)

Holy shit, a Norwegian speaking our language? Wtf?

You idiotic want-wit.

>rare flag


Just promise every Greenlander 100k USD and they will switch sides.

Why does this sound like finnish

America, please buy Africa.


Sure. But we will make it a series of non-voting territories where 21st century colonialism can be realized.