Why were indians able to stop the abrahamic invasion and save their culture but Europeans weren't?

Why were indians able to stop the abrahamic invasion and save their culture but Europeans weren't?

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Strong ideals and family values
Hinduism is not that easy to fade away
Sikhism too

It's Sunday, sholmo. Give it a break.

But it didn't fully, India has a shit ton of Muslims.

Go back to your shitty curry stand poo

Shit ton of muslims, yeah on the ratio of 2:8

Cuz when you shit all over everything nobody wants it besides indians. Lol.

Its like not wanting to wrestle/fight a naked man covered in semen.

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You mean 1:4?

Do they shit in streets too, or is it a native thing?

2:8 after removing the predominantly Muslim regions