White nationalists are a joke

>Talking to american white guy
>he goes on about how great white civilization is
>talks about spartans
>talks about Roman Empire
>talks about Greek Philosopher
>I ask him about his European Heritage
>"Oh I'm mostly British and Irish, with some French/German"


Why are white americans so retarded? Do you guys really take credit for things your ancestors had nothing to do with just because those people also had less melanin in their skin

fuckin lol

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Fuck off Mouette

It helps them cope with their own shit lives

It's like Africans and the pyramids.
>buh it was on duh continent of Africa, so deys Africans like me

The difference is I literally never hear this from actual black people outside the "we wuz kangs" meme

White nationalist and right wingers talk about great white civilization all the time though.

>Do you guys really take credit for things your ancestors had nothing to do with just because those people also had less melanin in their skin

But libtards think it' s a-okay that blacks screech about slavery, even though the last few generation never experienced it?

Hypocrisy much?

>shitty rapper
>shitty strawman
shut up nigger

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Your country was founded By British, French, and German people who built empires better than the Roman Empire and had better thinkers than the Greek Philosophers.
It's the fucking wogs who have the need to cope.

>comparing cascading effects of poverty and discrimination that your ACTUAL ancestors faced in the last century to white people taking for shit other white people did 1000 years ago, who they share NO ancestry with

Are you actually retarded or just pretending?

civilisation doesnt require straight bloodlines.
Ive never heard a central european calling romans and greeks their anchestors. we consider it the source of our civilisation.
you build a shitty strawman here