Cannabis redpills

Why isn't weed federally legal yet?

Attached: Weed.jpg (1200x1146, 233K)

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nice crystals

Attached: GgDDsfaFYgsHGadsDA.png (426x561, 722K)

its a good excuse to put niggers in cages

Because hemp is a threat to multiple industries. The government doesn't give a crap what you put in your body. By framing the argument in terms of smoking marijuana, the public is distracted. You don't really think they care if you smoke weed right? They will literally feed you poison and not give a shit. Since they have everyone distracted with the smoke weed lol argument, they may as well make a profit from it through imprisonment and asset forfeiture.

When the cannabis turns red, the third temple shall arise...

Attached: TheDigitsAreInYourMind.jpg (600x310, 17K)

we need to stop making excuses and just bash those worthless animals into the cells like is good anyway. I really wish the supposed bias actually existed as much as it's claimed to be. The nigger enemy would know it's place.

because it doesn't really matter to anyone but you who can't stop smoking it

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It will destroy the govt funded smuggling.
The paper industry doesn't like it because it's cheaper to make and better.
To get the marijuana tax stamp from the federal govt you have to be growing it, and to grow it you need a tax stamp.
Gotta make those private prisons money goy

It is in God's country

Smoked weed on the weekend. got very high body went numb. no longer can feel any sensations on my skin, or taste anything. Go to weedo friends "Its all in your mind". go online to check "weed is a miracle nothing bad happens to anyone from it". go to doctor one month later, caused irreversible neural damage will never get back the sensation of touch or taste. fuck weed