Not working black in todays day and age

>not working black in todays day and age
It's almost like you want to serve the jew

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The true redpill, paying taxes is for cucks, a real man gets his full payment for a job

If you work and pay taxes you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.

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Reminder that Jow Forums cant solve this simple math question

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skatteverket here, prepare your anus

I'll bite...9

Reported to bituah leumi for tax dodging

give some ideas, how to earn much that way?

1. Easy.

I also got 9, but I might be retarded



its 9 you retards


1/3 = 9

o fuck i'm retarded. need some coffee this morning

based and reason pilled. hit the beast where it hurts the most.

The correct answer is 9-3/(1/3)+1 = 1

>You would follow PEMDAS normally, left to right, check parenthesis and exponents, multiply and divide, then add and subtract. When experiencing a fraction bar, you have to go through numerator first, then denominator before moving on to the next element.

Now tell us which letter of LGBTP movement do you identify with?

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual or pedophile?


Only a division no mult, the order of operation is set.

9-((3/⅓) + 1)

>Only a division no mult, the order of operation is set.
>9-((3/⅓) + 1)

This beyond retarded: give this Island Monkey a Green card "honoris causa".

Maybe you and the only single fucking Yank that got it right Mr. can exchange passports and citizenship.

>3 = 9/3
>9/3 : 1/3 = 9
>9-9+1 = 1
1 is the answer, you retards.

>need some coffee this morning

Hey check out these dude jerkin off trannies with a pedmas. You could totally daivd blane mentally fuck some people that don't know how to do this that have been disenfranchised in the hood or shit. You know we can all do this shit.

3 things you always hear people say
>I suck at reading, writing and math

Men, totally disenfranchised, feeling like fucking loser and their not capable. stuck flipping burger...fuck that selling drugs.

Not paying taxes, not contributing. Down and out. FRINGE OF SOCIETY.

and you can do it ezpz take it for granted. Have and have not. Will receive will to bestow.


Just going by wolfram

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-08-18 13-30-57.png (826x379, 37K)

got him

pick one

There is either something wrong with your ⅓ unicode symbol or you are fucking with us.

9-3/⅓+1 = 1

Novel idea to use fraction symbols though, I totally forgot about them.

Attached: screencapture-wolframalpha-input-2019-08-18-14_50_51.png (1457x1513, 105K)

Working black is usually done in post communistic countries. Where 50% is earned this way.
But Germans are proud to be good goys with paying their taxes. Germans look at you with contempt for exploiting the system that is made to enrich politicians and billionaires.

Been living on NEETbux and buying and selling cars in black for years,
Never payed any taxes,
Sell about 3-4 cars a month ,
Make more money than every wagecuck i know