Red Pill Me On Race Mixing

One thing has been bugging me since forever. Are humans who are mixed race genetically "superior"/healthier than us? I'm white. I don't have a trace of foreign in me. 100% European. Inbreeding is not good. For the gene pool. Obvi. But isn't staying in your race for generations and hundreds of years the same thing? At a certain point you're bound to run out of diversity withing your race. I've noticed that people who are mixed race tend to be good looking. And I'm talking about the ones who have at least 4 different ethnicities or races. Is it true that mixed race people have an identity problem? They can't really put a pin to what they really are. I still wanna marry withing my race, and within my ethnicity. In the words of Jared Taylor.. I want my grandchildren to look like my grandparents. I just thought I would challenge my thoughts here. I have a feeling you guys have a reply to my questions.
Tl;dr.... Why is it better for humans to stay withing their race and not race mix? I'm talking exclusively about biology, and not culture. Ofc culture is the biggest reason.

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t. 56%

Our population of whites is genetically diverse enough. Small town inbreeding isn't ideal. But with a large population its healthy.

Dont forget that genetics mutate in every generation so its ever changing within the race.

Did not know that. That's good.

Unless done in great numbers it's pretty harmless.
In the end obssessing over it is harmful. Kikes try to push to unreasonable levels, while wignats are freaking out at every BLACKED clip.

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Above 500 individuals of any mamal race, if there is not inbreeding within familys there isnt genetical deteriorarion due to mixing, this is true for dogs for example, and has been studied deeply cause of wildlife preservation, following your own logic, the entire human race Will be inbreed and we should date monkeys, besides RACE mixing is bad with lower rsces like africans, making your kids having lower IQ

Is it better to fuck a chimpanzee than a human just because there more "diverse genes"?

If you are actually interested in the time to learn facts and science here, sources in the discription:

Race is just some bullshit that people with neither self confidence nor value came up with to justify their existence to themselves.
In practice everyone is completely mixed, but most simple minds only see colors and associate mixing with uniformity when it tends to cause the opposite.

In short: don't worry.

Disclaimer: this is purely about genetics, culture is a layer on top of that and bullshit like religion and ideology is even more nebulous nonsense.

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>Unless done in great numbers it's pretty harmless.

Even a small amount of mixing will eventually wipe out certain traits, phenotypes and behaviors.

Poland has a high percentage of people with blue eyes for a reason....

>Is it true that mixed race people have an identity problem? They can't really put a pin to what they really are

28 yo halfrican brah checking in
Can attest to struggling with identity as a teen and early 20’s. ”Too black for the white kids, too white for the black kids”. As far as appearance, I rock a perma tan and am very ambiguous looking. Most people guess I’m some flavor of chink or beaner. Culturally, I’m “white”. Military brat raised on tradcon values. However, I have many interests and hobbies that don’t fit the tradcon box I used to try to keep myself in.

>I still wanna marry withing my race, and within my ethnicity. In the words of Jared Taylor.. I want my grandchildren to look like my grandparents.

It pains me that this is an impossibility for mutts like me. But at the end of the day, a strong culture of national pride and personal responsibility is what’s most important.

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I have slightly darker skin, brown hair and blue eyes. Does it matter in any significant way?

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I don't think it's a good idea. I've outside my race before. I wouldn't never have children. Even done in small amounts those few are at start of a branching family tree. It eventually impacts the entire population.

Niggers eat albinoes for a reason.

Race mixing between groups that have big differences in how they think results in mental illness pretty frequently. Hapa dudes are a meme for a reason.

> t. Johannes Van Dijkstien, second year Humanities student

Genetics absolutely matter. Culture, religion, morals, ideology; those things are what gives us our degree of seperation from animals. These essential components of our humanity are absolutely worth fighting and dying for if you believe in their power to shape the destiny of people. In short, get fucked you postmodern nihilist.

You are asking a question that is in the process of being resolved. It will take hundreds of years to see who is "right", who is right of course is the group that wins the conflict of ideas, cultural and otherwise. I will argue that yes, staying within your cultural and genetic group is important to maintain homogeneity and continuity of these things, which I argue does have concrete benefits for the society you live in. I'm not as extreme as others in that I think all Caucasians can safely intermix IF their culture and religion is close enough. On the flip side even if two peoples culture are the exact same but they are genetically very different, I don't see it inteemixing there to be acceptable. Ultimately though, that's just like my opinion man. Do what you think is best, but obviously, actually think about it logically.

Mixing is ok only with genetically close populations, your kids from a Czech/Slovak/Belarusian/Russian woman will look Polish(Northeastern European) and will not ruin Polish unique genotype, kids from Southern European women or Northwestern European women will look slightly different but still passable, kids from chinks/niggers will look nothing like a typical polak and will ruin Polish genotype. Preserve the beauty of Northeastern Europeans, Janusz, it is your duty.

Do you have some women to spare then, Vanya?

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You're such a cutie Ivan, you think it matters lmao. We will get replaced sooner or later. Just enjoy your life, rape bitches & drink booze & take drugs & steal money and enjoy the downfall of our societies.

Daily reminder that it's better to agree with our replacement than COPE and stay miserable.
Btw. I'm from Kraków and I see more and more Asians in my city, what about you my Slavbro :3?

Well, we have some central asians here in Petersburg, but not many, Moscow is flooded with Caucasian monkeys like Azeris/Chechens/Armenians and Central Asians too, but all other cities in European part of Russia are pretty much 95%+ Russian/Ukranian, so it's not that bad here.

One very real problem, which gets worse the more distant the pairing:

If your parents are from Greenland and Samoa, apart from "what the fuck," good luck if you ever need a bone marrow transplant.

You can bank stem cells if your parents have the money and foresight. But you're fucked if you ever get leukemia.

Cool propaganda Jew

>Even a small amount of mixing will eventually wipe out certain traits, phenotypes and behaviors.
Let's not forget that values are the most important thing.

I dunno why you would want a Russian chick when polkas look more or less the same, unfortunately I don't have a harem so I can't share any girl with you but you can come and try your luck.

Excessive inbreeding is not good.
Neither is excessive outbreeding.
Look up outbreeding depression.
The "hyprid vigor" thing is propaganda to promote race mixing. They tell you an extremely small percentage of the information to make it seem like race mixing is superior.

How does one interact with Russian females? What I find is that they are incredibly sweet at first. Then they turn into unbearable monsters rather quickly.

>have a harem
>share any girl with you
that doesn't sound white at all

You just have to pass all the shit-tests, of she sees that you are not a basedboy cuck you will be fine(but all women are like that I think)

>At a certain point you're bound to run out of diversity withing your race.
Sorry for double posting but this isn't true.
You only need several thousand individuals to maintain a healthy level of genetic diversity and adaptation.
The main concept that evolution teaches us is that specialization is the key to survival.

Hence the concept of bleaching. In order to incorporate abother strains you have to dillute foreign blood at least through a couple of generations.

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>everyone is completely mixed

Coyotes and dogs are the same in every way. Coyotes just live outside because they're economically disadvantaged.

What about that Russian guy who shills on pol every few days? He makes threads saying that Russia is completely fucked and Putin is a Jewish doggo who imports niggers en masse to culturally enrich you?

>Cool propaganda Jew
już pisałem że mamy przejebane. Coraz więcej Hindusów, Arabów i wgl. Kurwa człowieku wracałem z pracy tydzień temu, wstąpiłem do Rossmana na takim zadupiu a tam 10 arabusów i arabki owinięte po same włosy że aż im ledwo twarz było widać.

to koniec, konfederacja nie zawiązała sojuszu z kukizem, godek odeszła tak samo jakubiak i liroy. nawet jeżeli zbiorą podpisy a to nie jest pewne to się nie dostaną do sejmu i będziemy mieli POPiS przez kolejne 4 lata.

Fuck off now memeflag

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The ones I've dealt with literally told me that they will shoot me with a firearm, bite body parts off of me and release a dog to bite me.

Guess Russian shit-tests are much more hardcore.

heh u mnie z kolei było pełno Niemr szwargocących w szkopomowie.

If you aren't mixed you don't get an opinion. I'm mixed race and it is not healthy.

>he ones I've dealt with literally told me that they will shoot me with a firearm, bite body parts off of me and release a dog to bite me.

We need more Slavic kids, so I totally welcome any Slavs to come here and repopulate Russia, we have too many uninhabited territories. Also, having kids from as many women as possible is an ultimate male instinct, it is fine to have multiple women as long as you can provide all your offsprings with good education and good upbringing, if you are good enough to be a top choice for multiple girls than it means that ur genes are superior and that you need to reproduce more and more. Shitskins are outbreeding us, we should make the world 1/3rd European like it used to be 200 years ago, bringing civilization to Asia and Africa was a mistake.

Po chuj się bawisz w jakieś marginalne partie. PIS robi co może by nie wpuszczać kupy, wesprzyj ich.

>Ale...ale oni nie są tacy fajni jak konfederacja!
Ssij kutasa debilu. Nie pozuj tylko rób efektywne ruchy.

We are not completely fucked, and we have almost zero niggers who live here permamently, but Putin is indeed a corrupt faggot who deserves to be shot, Russia needs a nationalistic revolution asap.

Anyone feel free to correct me here, but as I understand it, your race has developed certain traits over long periods of time. For example, let's say a race developed an immunity to the Flu (just because).
Now take a member of that race and breed them with another race. The offspring is less likely to get the full immunity and therefore, more likely to get sick.

I've seen people say this works for almost all racial traits, including intellect, health, propensity for schizophrenia, etc. I'd really appreciate if someone has a book or source to learn about this.

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This. How many Jews are going to Africa to find partners to have children with?

>Are humans who are mixed race genetically "superior"/healthier than us?
This is a stupid "mutt resiliency" meme propagated by jews.
The argument is basically that highly specialized dog breeds have health problems because of heavy selection / inbreeding, therefore mixing dog breeds provides much-needed genetic diversity.
Unmixed races aren't all suffering because of a lack of genetic diversity - except jews, ironically enough.
So what happens if the whole of humanity mixes together and you get a single 80IQ coffee-brown mud race? Now everybody is the same "race" and there's no more genetic diveristy (according to the jews). Does everybody suffer from some racial inbreeding problem? No, because the argument was a jewish lie to begin with and they never cared about your genetic health.

Can you get some benefit by settling in the Far East?

>needs a nationalistic revolution asap.
Fuck yes, you will lose even more territories.

Yes, a hectare of land for free if you start some agricultural business there, Far East is rather warm and suitable for this kind of stuff, but it is not densily populated outside of Primorsky Kraj.

> PIS robi co może by nie wpuszczać kupy, wesprzyj ich
To akurat kłamstwo, podobnie jak zachodnia chadecja w ubiegłym półwieczu PiS również wpuszcza imigrację tylko nieco skromniej niż marzy się to liberałom i lewactwu.

>Russia needs a nationalistic revolution asap.
Do it and good luck. Go full Slavic NSDAP and I'd unironically fight alongside other Ruskies.

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I can redpill you about the results of race mixing in one word:


Show your UK flag you fucking faggot

Nie odpisuj ludziom tego pokroju, bo dyskusja z nimi mija się z celem. Po prostu zignoruj i docieraj do osób, które jeszcze nie są zniszczone propagandą sukcesu.

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>I'm black, 100% European

Which one, nigger?

This, OP is a (((faggot)))

>To akurat kłamstwo, podobnie jak zachodnia chadecja w ubiegłym półwieczu PiS również wpuszcza imigrację tylko nieco skromniej niż marzy się to liberałom i lewactwu

Truth. PIS is letting in 100s of thousands of shitskins on the orders of multi-national corporations who are now demanding foreign labour as a result of rising wages in Poland.

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I mean specialization is a double edged sword if you are just going by textbook evolution standards.
You adapt to fill a specific niche in the environment and can thrive in that niche. Race mixing with some other breed might produce offspring that lack any specialized traits and just can't compete.
On the other hand if environmental pressures change suddenly and drastically enough, your specialization could just be made obsolete rapidly or overnight.
There's really no one-size-fits-all answer here, but for the purposes of informing people we can definitely say two things to dispel commonly perpetrated myths -
A)The concept of hybrid vigor is often incompletely/inadequately presented for the sole purpose of pushing race-mixing propaganda.
B) White people are no where NEAR the danger of facing inbreeding depression (which is the proper term for the negative results you would associate with incest). In fact it is actually absurd to say that whites (or any race) are "inbred" or that if two white people have a child they will not be as healthy as a mixed child. It is complete propaganda and non-scientific.

>Po prostu zignoruj i docieraj do osób, które jeszcze nie są zniszczone propagandą sukcesu.
Wbrew pozorom ciężej jest przekonać ludzi, że źle się im dzieje niż na odwrót. Docierać trzeba do ludzi którym chce sie robić cokolwiek, nie tylko politykę. Działalność lokalna to ostatnia nadzieja.

Keeping Poles constantly on low wages so they leave for richer countries to fuel the chain cycle of labor.

>Keeping Poles constantly on low wages so they leave for richer countries to fuel the chain cycle of labor.
exactly. Then when polesdon't want to work for lower wages they bring in shitskins and most p[oles are ok with it "they're just as polish as you and me" civnat cucker. They don't even realize that their wages wont be raised if they constantly bring in foreigners. Just like UK wages have stagnated since the mid 2000's. This phenomenon also leads to a lot of young poles working abroad, further decreasing the native population.

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>Are humans who are mixed race genetically "superior"/healthier than us?
No, that's not how the immune system works, otherwise humanity would already have a perfect one.
If you fuck a nigger the immune system will be half as good here and in Africa, it's not cumulative, it's reductive.

Isn't that the point of Hitlers Germany? To have a pool of non-contaminated German genes (or close enough) so the whole race would grow together, adapt and develop specializations without being potentially diminished by outside genes?
I think I understand that part, if thats right? And is it theoretically a sound principle? At least socially, it seemed to have started to build a sense of national unity

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The Great Replacement is real and EVERYONE will get to bite their shit sandwich.
All for the globalist machine of plutocrats.

Polaks don't bring shitskins, they bring Ukranians and Belarusians who can easily assimilate.

>Inbreeding is not good. For the gene pool. Obvi. But isn't staying in your race for generations and hundreds of years the same thing?
Inbreeding is procreation between close relatives. Staying in your tribe is just normal and doesn't cause damage unless the gene pool is extremely limited.
Which it isn't anywhere in Europe.

This. In the past, any miss-adaptation would be quickly erased from the gene pool and bad mixing would just quickly dissappear , but now with all the pampering, any retard gets to survive

Any idea how that works for intellectual capacity?
I've seen people say that race develops intellect seperately, and that's a cause for schizophrenia in mixed-races.

you just summerized my country fucking perfectly.


As I said before come to Kraków and you will see your "Ukrainians and Belarusians" lmao.
We took so much Indians, Bangladeshans and Pakis it's un fucking real.

>Ukranians and Belarusians
old news Rusbro. Philipinos, Uzbeks, Vietgooks, Indians...big cities are getting enriched. EU's rim territories are being adapted and integrated.

Idk it hasn't influenced me in any meaningful way, but I am also only 1/4 and even that 1/4 is with some European genetics I believe. If it's not Asian or Nigger it's ok I guess, but I hate how they look and act. Can't say I feel less wholesome or something.

Looks similar to my mom. Is she partly Berber?

I think we should relocate to the countryside and maintain some "outposts" in big cities. We need to get farmers on our side and brace for acceleration.

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Hitler says in his book that if this were more widely known, people wouldn't be so selfish as to curse their children.. I think I remember a part where if people ARE compelled to race-mix, they are far better off adopting the nation's orphans

>Is she partly Berber
Probably, I don't exactly remember the original filename but it was somewhat close to that.

Did the reverse image search. She is indeed half-Berber from France just like my mom. Her name is Isabelle Adjani

Nah, we should just settle Greenland before Nords do it. Advertise to all Poles abroad to come to Greenland and build a white Slavic ethnostate there.

Poland is old, dying and lost. Anything that you propose is a LARP, but settling Greenland? That could work and I'm a total pessimist

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Berbers are white, you're fine. As long as you don't have a Subsaharan ancestry of course, then you should be deported lmao.

Mixed race people are more likely to have higher degrees of facial symmetry, because their gene combinations are entirely novel, thus making for fewer negative duplicate genes (which is the problem that comes with inbreeding). However these novel combinations can react in unforeseen ways as well. It also depends on what races they are.

>Polaks don't bring shitskins, they bring Ukranians and Belarusians who can easily assimilate.
not true on both accounts. The ukrainians who 75 years ago were moved to former german land post ww2 still feel themselves to be ukrainians. In poland most people will not admit to having any gypsie, armenian, tartar, jewish, or russian blood unless you get to know them very well but there's tons of people like that. The ukies in those parts are more likely to admit it because there are entire regions where everyone is ukrainian so they're not ashamed. This was 75 years ago where they didn't have access to ukrianian media. Today they do, so the assimilation will be even less successful.

All the while retarded civnats will say
>but, but in the past poland was a massive anarchic, fractured, multi-culti state, therefore we can be multi-culti today! Anyone can be a pole!

The logic is like this:
When king Boleslaw conquered Kiev in 1018 that everyone west of the dnieper suddenly became a pole, not a rusyn living under a polish king. Why nobody argues against this civnatism I can't understand.

On the same like, when Poland was partitioned in the late 18th century, every pole became a german or russian, because after all there was no polish state then the polish nation also disappeared.

Also, I saw tons of browns in warsaw, I even saw them in lublin this year.

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Time to make the ancestor from Irkutsk proud I guess...
I will visit Russia anyway. Always wanted to visit at least the old Ruthenian places like Nizhny Novgorod or Yaroslav

Hybrid vigor does not apply to humans or mud subspecies. Science has confirmed this

Thank God I'm an ethnic Krakowiak with ancestry going as far as 17th century.

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Racemixing is not for everyone bad. It will enhance subhumans, but if you're the one who's higher developed, you make a terrible mistake.

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>Greenland and build a white Slavic ethnostate there.
Now this is what I call a fantasy. Building cohesive communities with potential for propagation in distant lands is extremely difficult. It might work as a colony, but you need a metropoly to support it. I would rather go to the Far East like Russbro advertised. Easier to estabilish supply and trade routes while having protectors in Moscow.


It's so retarded it's hard not to get sent into a rage when you hear it.

My ancestors were on these lands since Mieszko I, they lived through 500 years of tartar raids, wars with russians, rusyns, germans, swedes, turks, partitions, and foreign occupations yet murzynek bambo who flyed into warsaw 1 month ago is the same like me?

Fuck these people. This is also why they want to destroy Catholicism in Poland, so they can claim more people "are just as polish as you and me".

Pay attention closely to people who support the civnatism the most. While its an epidemic among real poles, once you explaim the difference between nation and state they tend to understand. Those with mixed heritage, whether tartar, armenian, jew, or gypsie cannot see it logically, they react emotionally.

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>citation needed

Red pill me on this, blue pill me on that, white pill me, black pill me...don’t you faggots ever grow up? Your lingo is so fucking stupid and prepubescent.

You will be hard pressed to find a mixed race person in favor of racemixing.

Nice contribution to the discussion, faggot. I can tell this thread struck a nerve.

>At a certain point you're bound to run out of diversity withing your race
No, unless the gene pool is smaller than ~500 people, this doesn't happen. The genes get constantly recombined, some with people have more success than others spreading their genes, thus altering the genetics with each generation. But you simply don't run out of possibilities how to recombine.

Inbreeding is not as unhealthy as people think. Studies in Iceland revealed that those who married third- to fourth-grade cousins have had more surviving children, likely due to biological reasons.

>The Great Replacement is real and EVERYONE will get to bite their shit sandwich.
>All for the globalist machine of plutocrats.

The positive thing is that the america and the EU will collapse within the next 10-15 years so poland will only have to deal with the societal damage caused by 15-20 years of globohomo

>old news Rusbro. Philipinos, Uzbeks, Vietgooks, Indians...big cities are getting enriched. EU's rim territories are being adapted and integrated.

but at least they're not muslim right? Yay for the anti immigration party. This time they're running on an anti LGBT, it will be fun to see what happens after another 4 years of their rule. They can't even stop the local pride festivals now.

>you just summerized my country fucking perfectly.

translate the post and share it

>Thank God I'm an ethnic Krakowiak with ancestry going as far as 17th century.
Don't be racist marek, ubingo from sudan can be just as krakowian as you. He only needs to put on the outfit and learn to dance the krakowian ;)

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I would say that the past traumas have finally broken us. Post-war relocations (my own family descend from Lwów, Tarnopol, Stanisławów and Łódź), rapid urbanization, socialist homogenization and then western globalism.
Only a restorationist movement can change it, but not without huge changes in economy, power distribution and foreign policies.

>Is it better to fuck a chimpanzee than a human just because there more "diverse genes"?
This. OP seems to think the more diverse, the better.
But it's "the more adapted, the better".
You can have a shitload of genetic diversity but still have a lot of genetic diseases, and you can have a very inbreed gene pool, but a high genetic fitness. Look up "genetic purging".

Have dirty-blonde, straight hair and grey eyes, blood group is O-. Engineering degree with a slightly above average grade. 4 siblings, 1 dog, 1 cat. No drug usage, 1 time charged with assault but charges were dropped.

I don't find my mix bad in any way. Wouldn't write blanket cheque for Niggers and Asians even at gunpoint though.

It's very entertaining and I enjoy it. Also it's getting to the core fast. University research takes too long due to formalities and is influenced af. Also they hate exploring "fringe science", a favorite topic of mine.

2nd cousins are already safe. Mother nature isn't stupid after all.

>Left looks like actual monkey

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>what is outbreeding depression

>but at least they're not muslim right?
Yeah, about that...

Yeah. Inbreeding is also related to ethnocentrism, the more related you are to your countrymen, the higher your ethnocentrism, because they're more or less your extended family anyway.

Fuck off slav, that's white america's rightful territory