What do atheists believe happens when they die?

What do atheists believe happens when they die?

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I think the answer is whatever was happening before you were alive.

Have you ever fallen unconscious? Something like that, but permanently.

It's different for may people , I think we return to the same state as before we were born......


body decomposes




How does consciousness arise from nothing? What is nothing?

You go back into a void of consciousness that existed before your birth.

Out of the void, a new consciousness can emerge, but it is not 'your' consciousness (because there is no 'you'), and no part of 'you' is carried over.


I get to "New game +" my life and go back with all the knowledge I have now and correct my past mistakes.

This cycle repeats forever until I have the perfect life, upon which I attain apotheosis.

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how stupid will an atheist feel when they end up in hell and they have an eternity to just think about how wrong they were

You only get that option if you defeat Ultima Weapon

Life is like the lightbulb after you flip the switch on.

Death is off.

>How does consciousness arise from nothing?
It doesn't, it is slowly constructed during the birthing and development process if you are a conscious species.

>What is nothing?
It is a human concept that refers to an absence of something.


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>Out of the void, a new consciousness can emerge, but it is not 'your' consciousness (because there is no 'you'), and no part of 'you' is carried over.
That's fucking stupid. "You" go back but none of "You" returns? Why even bother with unprovable garbage like this?

>How does consciousness arise from nothing?

Who said it did.

I’m agnostic, so I’m not sure it counts, but I don’t think we can comprehend true nothingness. There has got to be something after death, even if it is just you in a void with your thoughts for all eternity. Who knows. Maybe we come back in a new universe shitty fanfic style


It all returns to nothing

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Neverending dmt trip for eternity?

>There has got to be something after death

Both atheists and theists are retarded

its the ultimate red pill to die
no one knows what happens, some jews made up a fairy tale you go to heaven or hell
those who have been dead says nothing happens

Remember what it was like before you were born? It's sort of like that.

When animals die, what happens?

I'm an atheist but my answer to this question is rather philosophical, since there is no objectively way to obtain evidence supporting either side, the question itself is a waste of time. Spending more time than necessary on such questions is a sign of an ill mind.

I will probably visit some version of hell for some time and than reincarnate. Problem with christianity is that you 99% christcucks will end in hell anyway. So christians will try anything to buy golden ticket to heaven. That justify any action, no matter how harmful it is in long run. Ergo... Boomer mentality. Invite niggers to your country. Who cares it will destroy lifes ofnext generations. I would be in heaven for eternity. Also Christianity is very shallow religion. It will not answer anything and it is just DLC for judaism. To make goyim weak and docile.

there prolly is something we just wont be there

I don't know and you don't either, Cletus.

> inb4 a jew told me it happens like this * drools with his mouth open *

They don't care. That's the point of atheism, you don't care about such concepts

nature is the only law.
You die. That's it. Your consciousness ceases. You're only a complex organism after all. You decompose, maggots eat you, you disappear into the nature from which you came. The eternal cycle of life and death. Your death and decomposition serve as a basis for some new life (be it a worm, a flower, a blade of grass).

Thinking that there is anything more than simple death and decomposition is literally nigger tier retardation.
It's deeds and memories of us that make us 'live' after death.

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Though I guess if we live in a simulation then maybe it's possible that humans are specially encoded compared to other organisms and are transferred to a separate heaven or hell simulation when we die, and God is the person running it and warning us.

What a retarded question. In the past it was fine to ask this question because people didn't know anything, but in the light of modern knowledge, this is absolutely absurd. I wan't to talk about my obsession with feet. I love fucking feet. I don't know why. I miss my last girfriend's feet so bad. I was able to piss on them at some point. She was really angry about that, but now when I look at pictures of her with other men, I can at least think "haha, I pissed on your feet bitch." Also, I think I have cancer. My fucking spleen is enlarged and killing me. I went to urgent care the other day and they said to go to the ER if it gets worse. Absolute clown healthcare system. It's all absurd in the end anyway.

>thinking that death is possible


well, there iare good philosophical arguments that consciousness has a non-material aspect, Jackson's knowledge argument comes to mind.


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According to the teachings of Dr David Hawkins the Void is not the ultimate state, but something to be transcended.

When your body dies, you will return to whatever level of consciousness you have obtained in this lifetime. If you are unconditionally loving, that place is Heaven. If you lie somewhere between integrity and unconditional love, that place is a heavenly realm.

It didn't come from nothing.

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We all get isekai'd and have better lives in 2D.
When you die there you are taken to an 1D world. After that we enter weird dimensions.

>Threatening otherwise good people to get them to follow your lack of logic movement.

im just speculating

>being a reductive physicalist unironically

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that without the necessary DMT

they don't make it to the afterlife

That would be awesome. I found afterlife or reincarnation scary. Endless cycle without end.

well maybe you haven't ever dreamed of paradise

holy shit, imagine being THIS retarded.
neck yourself you braindead nigger monkey.

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they think they cease to exist
which is partially correct
but their souls (if they developed any) remain and they will see the errors of their ways
btw, not a christcuck

Atheists literally believe they don't have a soul, they believe they are just a biological automaton with no free will, when they look inside themselves they find nothing, they are NPCs.

what a normie, your rainbow is even upside down

fuckin lgbt rainbow fag

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Imagine being a loser filled with fear of death to an extent that you have to cope and deny death by the concept of "life after death".

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>having a soul

There is no paradise for me. I have bad luck. So if there is hell and heaven, i will go to hell.

>not a Christian
and thats why (((you))) will be right beside the gaytheist seeing the error of your own ways

what happens after you die? absolutely everything! not none of those thing include you because are nothing any more, ever again. for everyone else though, life just keep going with their routines until is their turn to die comes by

When I look within myself I know I have a soul, our soul is like a fractal of god's soul. We are a part yet contain the whole.

that dude believes in jewish fairytales, and you believe in Poo in the Loo, cow-piss drinking mumbo jumbo.
Get in the line to neck yourself.

Nature is utterly brutal, and in the end there is nothing romantic about it. Only death and eternal darkness. We will all look like pic related one day.

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christcucks are nothing like the original man


This, immortality is actually fuckin' scary

I ratter just die and turn to dust , traveling for ever to nowhere in an absolute ever increasing darkness.

oooOOOOooooOOOOO scawy

i can visit hell any time i want, when i do, i see nothing but sheeple like yourself

>may god rest his soul
>i will pray for him
>allahu akbar

Based. I hope you are right.

wow youve truly convinced me, enjoy being a toilet brain, the creator is truly merciful.

either something or nothing but I don't despair because whatever it is we will all end up there

I already wasn't alive for billions of years or whatever, it'll be just like that again, and it was fine

Everyone who has had an NDE is not afraid of an eternal life with the Creator, you can only get that when you are worthy however. As it is you will reincarnate on a plane of existence worthy of your consciousness, which will likely be a low one.

We all have souls. It requires spiritual depth, twisted into evil, to shit post.

>believing in children's fairy tales
>muh big man in the sky
>he made all men with his magic wand

proceed to suicide yourself, you down syndrome crustacean.

"The question is always the desire to know, and to preserve simple human truths, secrets that are needed: the secret of happiness, death, love.

“But thinking about it is like knowing the day of your death.” Ignorance of this day practically makes us immortal.

who could relate, we play for high stakes at gunpoint

catch 'em and break

undress 'em, tie 'em with tape

no escape

Like going to sleep and never wake up.
Every time you go to sleep you die.
I belive there is no creator or after life.
Im a beliver, not some atheist.

let's face it Hell is probably a Utopia, literally all the competent and responsible people who work hard and use their wits to surmount problems rather than cry to God will be there getting shit done.

There are many higher dimensions than our own which nobody has experienced and yet you can say that you know all?

im not an atheist but you have several options
Which of course happens is, your energy gets made into other live forms, so it would be interesting if you can expierence live or have consciousness again. Maybe we are a part of one live force, and we always have consciousness, so if this consciousness dies, you instantly switch to the next
Or it could also be, which is pretty likely that the universe is in a loop, when you look at how the universe is build, its laws, and mathematical layout behind it, its pretty likely that after heat death some quantum mechanical systems kicks off, which creates a new big bang

Real eternal nothingness is not very likely for me, because it makes absolutely no sense. Because what defines you? Is it just the energy and matter? Well this does not get destroyed, and becomes absorbed by other live forms, or is it the soul ? well the soul does also not get destroyed
So no matter how you look at it, its unlikely that nothingness awaits us, even if you dont believe in god, or heaven or what ever

yes, making assumptions and coming to conclusions on topics you dont know the first thing about is going to get you very far. make your parents ver proud.

Imagine the pedo jews when they realized that...

Hell is Christian's edgy revenge fantasy for getting cucked and defeated in this life

I hope I will die in a way that DMT floods my brain in the last moments, time dilates to nothing and I go into my last and greatest trip. After that, "me" will cease to exist.

nothing, the configuration of matter (your brain) where your consciousness emerges from ceases to be in such a configuration to support this emergent consciousness

What happens to a computer program after I shutdown the computer and pulverize the parts?

>You want a physicist to speak at your funeral. You want the physicist to talk to your grieving family about the conservation of energy, so they will understand that your energy has not died. You want the physicist to remind your sobbing mother about the first law of thermodynamics; that no energy gets created in the universe, and none is destroyed. You want your mother to know that all your energy, every vibration, every Btu of heat, every wave of every particle that was her beloved child remains with her in this world. You want the physicist to tell your weeping father that amid energies of the cosmos, you gave as good as you got.


Your consciousness, memories, and everything that defines your personhood is purely the product of your brain. When you die your brain decomposes. No more you.


We humans have evolved to a point where we can comprehend this. We’re not meant to be. Other animals don’t have to invent preposterous comforting lies about rivers of milk and honey, because they don’t sit around and ponder their own mortality. They don’t have the brain for it. We’re just cursed that way.

I think truth is somewhere in middle. You live forever and karma is engine to keep this wheel of life rolling. You are just combination of god soul, human body and ego. Two of them will fall apart. Soul will return to sea of souls. To be used one day again. Just like recharged battery.


bro, you literally believe that humans were created.
you're directly shoulder to shoulder with the uncontacted turd-eating tribes of papua new guinea. they believe about the same thing.

All the while they and dumb people like yourself are proving the theory of Darwin.
Please don't try using your brain, you might have an aneurysm

>muh higher dimensions
where are they? have you experienced them?
explain them to me if you're so eloquently familiar with that concept.

Is the brain a creator of consciousness or is it a neural net which receives consciousness from an external source?

Choose carefully before you commit yourself to a purely physical atomic view of the world.

They rot into the soil like any other carcass.

hell is not only a christian concept. there naraka, the underworld, the abyss. nearly all spiritual traditions have one. and if you want to know where they got the idea, just take some shrooms. its a real place, if youre lucky enough, after your burn, youll be taken to the heavens.

talk to the normies who are more on your level. im leagues ahead of you.

oh and btw, since you're a christcuck, and you believe in hell for sinners, let me then remind you that, (according to your belief), you are a major sinner, with no chance at redemption, if:
>you enjoy various foods
>you lust for flesh
>you indulge in said lust
>you groom yourself
>live a worldly life

christians are just dumb goyim who are the biggest hypocrites on this shit planet.

I don't really believe in religions but I'm scread as shit to be tortured by fire and lava. What God(s) could do such things?

What happens when a bug dies?

Actually Buddha called this view a wrong view. Saying the person is the same is also wrong view. Then we would teach patticasamupada, consciousness, pleasure and pain, are dependently arisen. It is like a fire that you keep feeding, with better or worse fuels. Is it the same fire or different, is irrelevant. If you dont let it go out (Nibbana), you had better feed yourself good fuel or else you'll be in for a whirlpool down to dugatim (bad destinations). Good people float up like oil, and bad people sink like rocks, no matter what those around say.
Even most Buddhists dont know real Buddhism. This is because of google, mahayana, cults like Kadampa, and typical of religious organizations in general once money, fame, gain, honor corrupts them. Also apparently even Jews are taking over, as usual, and denying ordination to goy. This is super evil since being a monk who cab meditate, not use money, go beyond death by renouncing sex (birth), that is the salt of the Earth and they have closed the escape, now there will probably be war as a result (just how it is), and much nightmare hellish stuff.

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The Buddha showed the condition of 'after death'. He called it NIRVANA.
NIRVANA is NOTHING. 'Nichts nichtet' as Heidegger said: 'Nothing nothings'.
Hence, when your conscious awareness dies that's it folks, there ain't anything else.

where is this scary place located, chief?

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>uses abstract reasoning and language which were pulled directly from the ether

>cant see how non physical energies create the world around him

dat self awareness tho

Banned book, the gospel of Mary touches on heaven not being heaven without everyone you love there. It hints at there being a point where all the souls in heaven ask for the souls in hell to be released. A lot of the pages are missing but the gist is there

yes sure, but if i decompose and my energy and matter is taken to create another living being, my matter is taken to create its brain, so the question is, if i then can exp its consciousness
I mean sure there is no such thing as my matter or energy, its all one, we borrow it and it swaps constantly, but consciousness is a mystery. What binds my consciousness to my body? If another animal lets say gets created, why and i am dead, so i inherit no consciousness, and it takes my matter, which then gets made into its brain, then i therefore must control its body, therefore this is me, and ergo i have its consciousness. Because if this is not the case, then consciousness makes no sense, because my brain changes, every cell in my body changes all the time. After ten years all cells in my body were replaced, yet i still have consciousness. So if i dont have consciousness and every brain is bound to a consciousness as a biological reaction, this consciousness must be bound to a me, and a realization of existence in some form. So my consciousness is not ultimately bound to me, but rather is lost by my death, and created anew after my death.
I cant explain it, but i hope you get what im saying

on a lower plane of existence? you know like dimensions? you know like physicists are having to cope the reality of in their quantum mechanics?

may the lord have mercy on your pathetic soul.

>but I don’t think we can comprehend true nothingness
Just because you cannot comprehend true nothingness does not mean you will not return to true nothingness after your death.

>There has got to be something after death,
That would be the best case scenario the worse case would be no consciousness or awareness at all after death for all of eternity.

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