You was this close and you still couldnt invade us

The utter state of the German war machine

Attached: 6996241-The-white-cliffs-of-Dover-0.jpg (800x600, 48K)

Naval invasions are difficult enough against minor opponents, going up against the world's biggest navy would have been suicide. Not a Naziboo, but you have to give them some slack here.

Holy shit can you really see Germany from the coast of Dova?

you were scared in your little island
fuck anglos thanks the french to save your ass in dunkirk

i hope your parents will die tomorrow in pain

*you were

You were*


You literally got invaded twice in 30 years, with both times it being a literal walkover, and now you're a North African colony.

you can see france, which was germany

>picture is of the cliffs
>thinks germany is opposite the channel
>YoU cAn SeE gErMaNy FrOm DoVeR?
>actually fucking lives there

Attached: 1566019611460.jpg (1920x1080, 250K)

your stinky island wasnt worth it anyway desu

Daily reminder that Hitler and Gestapo were all 100% jews.

Wtf I love jews now

>a naval power’s fleet is blocking a land power’s target
>lol how could they not just sink the British Navy

kek if you didn't save them in dunkirk maybe England would've been defeated and we wouldn't be in that shit today

1. you had much more time to built up your military 2. you specialized on your air force and navy, while Germany specialized on tanks and regular infantry for obvious reasons (still managed to beat France in several weeks). Hitler didn't even think the UK would be our enemy. 3. invading a nation by air and sea is extremely difficult. See D-Day, where the combined force of the UK and the US fought a bloody battle against a few ill-prepared German divisions


>Hitler didn't even think the UK would be our enemy
I wish we'd been allies Hans

They didn't care about you. They would have straffed you with V1s until no anglo was left alive.

Attached: strafe.jpg (297x322, 52K)

You realize technology was not the same in 1942-45 as it is today? And even more fortunate for you Hermann Goering was an incompetent buffoon

That has to be close enough for artillery bombardment. I remember in WW1 Germany was shelling Paris from like 50 miles away.

Why didn't the Germans just cover that line of coast with artillery and ferry troops across?

They realized that raping your women wasn't worth it

The invasion would have been a failure. Even if they did establish a beachhead they would have had to contend with endless bombing from bomber command and also suffer at the hands of the RN. It would have been a disaster.

All the artillery in the world isn't going to stop unchecked air power from strafing your invasion fleet and beachhead 24/7. In the context of the time period for any invasion of Britain to have even had a chance British air power would have to be destroyed. Again Hermann Goering was (as history now clearly shows) not the man to be able to do that.

Bold words from Belgium-at-sea.

ITT: Cope