Was colonization bad?

Was colonization bad?
Why Europeans didn't stay home?

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You're right. All migration is bad. Let's end neo-colonialism by migrants!

>minced non-whites produce hapas

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Competition. Security. Geopolitics.
Picture this: Your opponent is going around the world amassing resources which translate into military, naval, and economic might. Do you:
>Do nothing and hope they don't decide to invade you or otherwise impose their will upon you
>copy their strategy and try to outdo them by gathering resources and strategic positions around the world

In this world you either have an empire or you are part of someone else's.

True, no one really had the choice

>Then endgame of multiculturalism is a population of clean cut white people.
If only

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Fleeing the 30 years war

It was bad for Europeans, that much should be obvious by now. For the ones who were colonized it wasn't so bad. Without colonization they would still be living in the stone age.

What an amazing invetion!
Niggers and faggots go in, Japanese salarymen come out!

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The civilizati-o-matic.