Is this how most people outside the US see America?

It gives me the impression that people are getting insane amounts of exaggerated anti US propaganda, even more than I would have thought. I see people say things like this a lot and it blows my mind. Is this really what the media is telling people?

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at least we can say nigger online

why care?

Yes, they are all programmed by zog to have insane views of the US.
The MSM programming is absolutely sickening... but on the bright side, alternative media is breaking the conditioning.

We don’t give a fuck.

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life isn't, and is not supposed to be, fair.
That is what freedom actually is, the ability to be both the highest of high and the lowest of low.

>some shitty plebbit post
No. That’s LARP central.

and the ZoG have brainwashed them to be blind to this fact. To the point that they actually think what they have is better, when in reality it is far worse for them.

The US is the best country on the planet but please go back to r*dd*t

Clearly posted b someone who doesn't understand national pride.
Loving your family and nation by heart is the default, jews and others have destroyed this for other nations.

The person sounds like the typical German poster.
I have been to the US and I would prefer to live there. Even in Chicago of all places, but some sub 500'000 city in a red state would be preferred.
The only issue I have with the US is that the healthcare system is so jewed (as in drug prices being retarded, prices not transparent and excessive and expensive procedures being done at a discount for insured patients but at full price for others).

Other than that the US beats Sweden and all European nations.


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Well, maybe the whole Israel infiltration and excessively costly legal battles would be another.

I just live in the country and commute to a 100,000 liberal as fuck small city. Good luck finding a city with 500,000 in it where the majority are Republicans. Liberals flock to cities. I just live out in a rural area and it's way better. Plus driving is fun so having to go half hour to go most places is great.

All MSM news about America is negative. It's either you're all racist, fat, not helping poor, shooting each other, etc.

The MSM really is your enemy.

I've never lived in a over 10,000 city. Everything I see about liberalism, trannies and sjw I thought was a joke until I met one in real life when I had to go to the state capital one day. Cities may be over represented in how the US is as a whole internationally but the majority of the US isn't as uncivilized as cities are.

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>Good luck finding a city with 500,000 in it where the majority are Republicans

I'd be willing to put down a year's salary that such a place does not even exist in this country. The biggest Republican voting city I can think of off the top of my head is Grand Rapids and that shit ain't even close to half a million people.

they forget to mention that almost every degenerate shit like trans, faggots, porn, woodstock has/had its epicenter in the usa.

basically this, risking getting shot is an insignificant price for freedom
and if you're not a retard you won't get shot anyway

So I looked it up and the consensus seems to be that the largest is Colorado Springs which is the only one that is even close to half a million at 470k population. It also happens to be in a deep blue state filled with hippies and faggots.

So yeah, sucks to be us I guess. At least we still have Montana and Idaho.

Plus you can always shoot back.

And male genital mutilation still being defended while every other first world country has all but abandoned it and some even tried to make it illegal.
It's like I'm surrounded by peopleblood-magic cultists.

Are people who lost family members because of united states also programmed?

European need a nanny state, don't care about free will or freedom. We rather die than defend ourselves, ask permission to do anything, think what is allowed. Why the fuck do you think your founding fathers left ?

>they don't have healthcare
This is a person's brain on liberalism.

We have healthcare available to anyone with money, just like we have food available for anyone with money, and fuel and clothes and anything else.

there isn't 1 in 1000 eu faggots that would have that idea cross their mind were they being attacked

The sheer arrogance euros have towards americans is staggering. The US is a great country, but has problems as any other do. The difference is that in the US people are allowed to talk about their problems, while in the EU you socially ostracised if you but dare to be not pro EU or against borderless immigration.

The main problems in the US are caused by all the non-white immigrants.

Well where the fuck are they from thats so great?

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Yes, because they deserved it.

The entire world deserves an American boot on their necks.

America was founded on good, real English principles but niggers and spics have destroyed it. Fuck Reddit, fuck modern Europe, and fuck the modern US. I'd like to see America return to how it was in the 50s or I'd like to see the South rise again. God bless your formerly great Republic

Sweden probably, very culturally enriched compared to your evil country back in the fifties

>drug prices
Americans are literally paying more so everyone else can pay less.

Example: sell medication at $500/month to ALL COUNTRIES, and only Americans could afford it.
Sell medication for $1000/month to Americans, and only charge $100/month to the rest of the world so they can afford it.

This isn't some conspiracy theory, as it is a fact that drug companies sell the same exact drugs to OTHER COUNTRIES for a fraction of what americans are charged.

>you're rich
Pay more!
>you're poor
Pay less!

America's drug prices are high because we subsidize the cost for ever other country, and our "health insurance" scam helps to keep americans from fully understanding the cost

We still have 200 million whites and half a billion firearms so at least there's still hope.

Who cares what subhumans think?

Yes, I'm sure they are. They are even more likely to be, aren't they?

The united states has it's share of problems but that poster is retarded if they think Netherlands or fucking SWEDEN is better than the fucking states

Why are you reading reddit anyways?

good luck Americanon, I have a lot of hope for you

America is probably the worst country in the West solely because we have more shitskins than Russia has people. Plus our government actively supports our demographic displacement and forces other nations to do the same.

Yeah and get cancelled by the majority of the internet and have any chances of you getting a job ruined. But hey at least we aren’t europoors now aren’t we?

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If one has no control over their characteristics(race, wealth, etc.), chances are they would not choose to live in the USA.

>The US is the best country in the world
If Germany had a right wing government, I’d totally abandon this shithole. At least you guys, even with leftists. Have hundreds of years worth of culture and plenty of areas that aren’t infected by shitskins. You’d be hardpress to find anywhere in America that doesn’t have at least one nigger or spic.

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Don't lie, it's absolutely terrible here.
This week my town was having an Immigrant Shoot.
We put Immigrants into a pen and everyone shoots .22s at them until they're all dead. The bullets are dyed so we know who shot who. Highest score gets 20 immigrant children.
There is a mass shooting in every city every week, you never know when someone will pull a gun.
Everyone is mentally ill because we have no health care.
Trump flies over in his helicopter sprinking Racism dust on all of us.
It's terrible DON'T EVER COME HERE.

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The stereotypical view of Americans to foreigners is how we view white rural Texans.

Patriotic, uncultured rubes, loud, gregarious and friendly but annoyingly so, Howdy partner! Southern accent, Steak, guns, lager beer, big trucks, cow boy hats and baseball caps,

Most of those Americans would turn in their guns as soon as the government said so. We are basically in the same place as Europeans. The only differences is we are holding pieces of plastic.

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>There is a mass shooting in every city every week
This is literally true though due to niggers.

Freedom of speech is all we have left. We must die to defend it.

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I’ve never met a Texan that wasn’t a civic nationalist retard. They’ll always go on about how spics are better than Muslims despite the fact they hold the same radical beliefs. Not to mention they don’t care about race-mixing either. They think that Hispanic culture is better than their native Texan one. They're truly a sick and demented people.

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Yeah because the states that have tried this like NY and CT have had such success. Their compliance rates are under 20%

American patriotism looks funny to outsiders. Americans often express love for their country by claiming to be the "best". So of course foreigners chuckle and roll their eyes.

but who has the worst Africans ?

Freedom of Speech just gave niggers and women more rights to bash white men. If we had an authoritarian government that was nationalist and right wing. I wouldn’t mind it one bit. Because the people who call whites “cave monkeys” would be thrown in camps and treated like human garbage.

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I'd rather get shot than be acid attacked by a shit skin

Because I can talk about how the holocaust is a laughable fairytale without going to jail.

Colorado Springs is amazing. I have family there and it's an oasis in a ever left turning state. I've got to move there.

Keep importing blacks and soon you will realize first hand how America got the way it is

I like America

it's like Disney Land to visit

but I worry for people without insurance

I can't really imagine a doctor saying

we can't treat you because you don't have any money

>Good luck finding a city with 500,000 in it where the majority are Republicans
Just from a quick look I think Corpus Christi TX, Arlington TX, Mesa AZ, Lexington KY, Wichita look like they are worth a closer look
>Liberals flock to cities. I just live out in a rural area and it's way better.
Yes. But you need over 100'000 to have good job opportunities in engineering, tech etc but you need < 600'000 to avoid the metropolitan mind virus.

The cities I mentioned do exist, Arlington is about 60% Republican, Mesa has pretty good demographics and is Republican.

>Americans are literally paying more so everyone else can pay less.
>America's drug prices are high because we subsidize the cost for ever other country, and our "health insurance" scam helps to keep americans from fully understanding the cost
How is that not a jewed system with hiked costs?

And it is only partially true since this increase in prices also goes for drugs researched and produced outside of the US. Pulmicort/Budesonide for instance costs 2$ per unit/pill in the US and

I mean if you are dying

you have to be pretty nuts as a doctor not the treat the patient...

How does that even process in the psyche?

I consume very little media, so let me tell you this: there is absolutely no need for propaganda to make you seem loony.

Please doctor I am dying

Sorry you don't have insurance.


Thanks for making Jow Forums shittier.

Is that even real or is it Hollywood to make us appreciate one another?

The U.S. has the same problem as any other place on Earth. The cities are really really really awful, unless you just so happen to be mega rich. It's like this everywhere on Earth, where ever there are cities. The difference between the U.S. and Europe, is that the U.S. has an excellent quality of life in its rural areas, and it has a lot of rural area.

In particular the Germanic people have this idea that they are superior to everyone else as a *people*. The Master Race identity they have did not start or end with Hitler. It is a weird mixture of naivete and schizoid pride/self loathing. Most have never set foot in the US and since their cuckoo clock and cheese country could fit in Texas their brains can't conceive of a nation as diverse and huge as the US.

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GR is about 200k. kent county voted blue in 2016. i thought the mayor was a liberal woman.
>used to live there
you from MI?

the world will never see the good part of the u.s. because whites want to keep it hidden. stopped reading at environment though. not a single country cares about that

This person is clearly an idiot who has decided the US is whatever is in the news cycle. What a turd of a human being.

Fuck off kike

If an American ever comes into work always charge them more, put them in a room furthest away from any other guests and make their checkout time earlier. They are so fucking loud annoying and obnoxious.

why do you make tard posts

Agree with everything except that its people that pay cash that get the discount. Insurance always pays more.

I see the US quite positively (except for the demographics, obviously), but people over here are that used to "muh mommy government" that they can't imagine living in a land where others don't pay for all of your shit and were you also don't need a loicense to do anything at all.

Yes, literally the entire rest of the Western world is laughing at your country. You can hide behind muh guns and muh military, but you live in a shtihole lol.

They say they charge less to be “charitable” but the reality is the lower prices keep those countries from developing their own industries.

You gave your freedom of expression away to corporations by allowing them to lobby for stricter and stricter DMCA laws.
You gave your freedom of speech away to to same corporations by allowing them to turn social media into the primary speech platforms and then allowing them to censor and ban people at own discretion.

By this point all USA has is it's military influence and Trump is doing his best to get rid of it too.

It's funny how many countries come here to inferiority complex-post about America. The amount of cope-posting from literally whos over the last few days is fucking hilarious.

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We see you as ground zero for intersectionalism and all the fucking LGBTBBQ shit.

>people are getting insane amounts of exaggerated anti US propaganda
Every Western nation is plagued by anti-US propaganda.

Hahaha more fair.

>you don’t have free stuff reeeeeeeeee!

Europoor detected!

Eat a dick eurocucks


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No real American gives a fuck about what the rest of the world thinks.

>It gives me the impression that people are getting insane amounts of exaggerated anti US propaganda
This is exctly what's happening. Now imagine billions of normies who don't gives a shit about finding out the truth for themselves.
They all believe in this shit and eat it up.
This is why holocaust is necessary and should be done for real this time. No time to wait.

This is some yuropoor desperately trying to cope about how he has no personal freedoms, has 50% of his income taxed, and everything costs much more than in the US, so all he can do is brag about muh healtcare, muh gun control and muh diversity.

you mean the world world

I'm a Texan and I don't believe any of that. If I had to choose I would pick Hispanics over Muslims, but I don't like either of them.

Anyone can walk into an ER and be treated without money or insurance in USA. Your media lies to you.

Living in America is the greatest thing in Earth. Even poor people in America live better than other countries. On my broke days I might have to stay in and enjoy living better than 3 quarters of the world. That’s why we are going to destroy China in trade. We are completely unaffected in our day to day life

It is called "patriotism". Visit virtually any country and you will find drooling tribal retards willing to either defend absolutely any of it's shortcomings or try to pin the blame for them on whatever no true scottsman they perceive to be alien to it and it's "ideals".

Well good luck in Texas or the Southwest, it's getting invaded by beaners and Trump is doing jack shit about it.

>while in the EU you socially ostracised if you but dare to be not pro EU or against borderless immigration.
Is it really that fucked in Germany?

its not true you make shit films

Good. Fuck off. We’re full.

>drug companies outside the U.S.
No, they're doing the exact same thing: charge americans more ($2 you said) and charge everyone else less (less than 14 cents, you said)

A company doesn't have to be based in America to run the same scheme. All a company has to do is charge more to America, and rely on laws that prevent other countries from selling it to us cheaper.

It's the same exact thing. Charge americans more so everyone else pays less

the standard of living in germany is better than the us though. Infant mortality is better in cuba than the US

Who cares how they see us?

Exactly. Wolves don't care about the opinions of sheep.

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This is a leaf on a vpn. We use .30 as a matter of tradition and law.

>It's the same exact thing. Charge americans more so everyone else pays less
that is the free market your country is made on

Michael Moore lied?

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