Be nigger boat

>be nigger boat
>party with gerbils' feticist
>faggot judicial file for kidnapping and abuse
>captain leave because of impeding arrest
>niggers fake being minors
>niggers fake being diseased
>joke minister of defense get them unload
>niggers with god-tier health
>niggers now in Italy
>Spain do the too-late good samaritan
>readytorape.exe is loading

Attached: niggersboat.jpg (602x338, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:,

It's a never-ending sharade. Europe is doomed. I don't understand why the US, being bordered by oceans, and only a nigger-tier country, is destroying itself.

Can someone give me a brief insight on what's going on, and why is Italy becoming nordcucked?

this filthy bitch wants to fuck us

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Most niggers come on a plane anyway. This is just theater for the normies

laughing in other side of the atlantic

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Who is she?

Our Minister of defense, from M5S party.

Not that my country is any better, but fucking kek! Ministers of defense in Europe are laughing stock.

>niggers fake being diseased
>implying they don't all have aids

Attached: WHO NOSE BB.png (450x450, 26K)

I wish they would fill a boat full of ebola niggers, so that Europe can meet the ultimate bacterial enrichement and end this farce once and for all.

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How can realistically we avoid such phenomenon? I am not against legal immigration, especially if they are screened for needed skills, but I am tired of "refugees" and leftists.

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Let's get a MED general up in here. Name the active ships, post news.

Romania to take 10 immigrants from Open Arms. Can you imagine the route they have taken?

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Lega is not against legal immigration too, since they are civnats.
Kikes and leftists confuse the waters and associate illegal immigration Kalergi plan boats with general migration to further the replacement agenda.
Nobody really hated immigrants before the nigger waves.

Only 10 pff I want more.

Dones Minecraft have a black market funding option?

Salvini should restore the Roman empire!!!

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>I'm not against legal immigration
What a fucking joke of a human being you are.

Salvini isn't restoring shit. That nigger is not a real politician, none have been since Mussolini. Truly one of a kind.
Today's italians (and therefore politicians) are all pathetic manlets, seeking nothing but excuses and bargaining. No virility whatsoever.

Attached: Duce.jpg (565x800, 99K)

Salvini is not a manlet though.

stop posting this shit in every thread, faggot.

That doesnt look like a nigger

Voting for salvini was a mistake, he’s an useless clown.

Mussolini was a c.uck

>Salvini is not a manlet tho
How so? He gets bent over at every single boat full of filthy smelly niggers, whom he just accepts. Always!

Not even gonna answer you, mohamed. Just know that sooner or later history repeats itself.

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The alternative would be...?

>today politicians are spineless
>let me show you a man of the past that failed
You don't seem to know how politics works. Probably you are a high school tier fascist.
t. right winger

I don't know.
He is either playing with fire or just accelerating for some reason.

He only look tall next Berlusconi which isn’t a big archiviement. De gaulle was 196 cm and was born in 1890.

If you see Italians not tagging the post they want to respond to, ignore. They are from Jow Forums.

Il filo is pure cancer

>Man that failed
>Mussolini's defeat was definitive, not a simple product of contingencies of time and place
The only highschooler here is you, or you're simply stupid.
Accelerationism is a strategy made by (((them))).
Unfourtunately he's all we've got because italians of today are not strong idealists. Individualism plays a big role as well, obviously.

It makes sense that this is Turin. L'esperienza bianco-nera.


He is roughly 1,85 m, not a manlet in my book

For once the Italian fags took one of the boats instead of expecting a micro-nation to do all the work.

Nah, he’s 180 at best. Most zoomers finishing high school are taller than that.

Shut up Malta, do something useful in your otherwise useless existence and sink one of these ship, nobody will do anything because you let (((people))) do shady financial shit and they treat you well.

>Accelerationism is a strategy made by (((them))).
I disagree.

Answer please

Too bad all of them are useless clowns. In every nation on this sad planet.

If only it were that simple.

Who gives a shit about the height, he's a manlet because he gets dominated by others.
Un eunuco.

Heya, ciurmaglia, follow my channel, and support me at

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>I disagree.
Yes goy! Worsen irreparably your situation, that'll work!

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>foto per profilo wa.jpg

If you cut before puberty they get huge. Castrato singers were absolute units. Farinelli was easily 190 cm and was born in 1705.

Yes it will.
Once bread and circus and relatively comfortable lifestyle will be gone, even normies will revolt.
At first against the invaders, and then against the traitors that let them in.


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There's nothing more damaging and humiliating than having a channel with a high number of subscribers, but a low count of views per video.

>open arms

More like open legs


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She looks jewish


When does your shilling contract end? I swear it's you and another two retards in every Italy thread in the last week. Where's your buddy with the EU flag? Has his shift not started yet?

english mate

>3 italians (probably same guy, by the way he writes)
>1 estonian
>1 finnish
>1 american calling everybody "shitalians"
>1 w/ european flag saying we're niggers
These are the main protagonists in every ita/pol/ ever.

Don't bother. He is shilling.

Well, maybe if we didn't have a Trudeau-esque PM.

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italians (probably same guy, by the way he writes)
Pretty sure it's the same guy yeah, all 3 have the same stilted English.
The problem is the US will not be a first world country if it turns into a mutt wasteland (more so than now).

Please accept my apologies for my interest in Italian politics, but we are having do-or-die momentum in Europe through what’s gonna happen in Italy.

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>be nigger boat
>get offered to dump your load in spainish port
>refuse because we want to fuck italy

Really? just torpedo this fucking ngo already

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Depends on the nature of such interest. The finnish guy I see in every thread keeps spamming "muh Salvini is a kike", demoralising every now and then.

>shilling for PD on sunday


That’s not me.
In fact, I’m more pro-Salvini, and just very eager to see where the hell this is going.

Unironically Renzi is blowing up PD from inside.

he's an egomaniac, he will either make his own bilderberg funded party or he'll destroy PD if he can't be on top of it anymore.

Propongo di alzare i calici per Matteo Renzi.
Possa vivere tanto a lungo da erodere quella merda di PD, eliminandolo per sempre dalla faccia della terra!

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He hasn't done either of those things though, in fact he slashed the funds for shit like italian courses for "migrants"

he's a leftist shill

LoL you salvirgins apologists are just as fun as the amerimutts thinking trump will ever do anything to save the white race!

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don't worry, (((user))), or at least not now.
the moment italians will consider salvin's efforts not enough effective and will move to someone more to the far right, that's the moment you and your (((friends))) should really start worrying.

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this, stay strong brothers
we will rise again!

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I really cannot wait. Because nothing will change with Salvini, he is controlled opposition like all “far right” zionist parties in Europe.

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We're confirmed to have them. Thanks PSOE cucks.

Salvini being controlled opposition or not it's not the point, nor you should care.
The moment Salvini will be gone - either politically killed off like they did with Berlusconi or literally murdered by some crazy antifa - it's the moment Italy will be out of democratic ways out of the ethnic replacement and invasion from Africa.
Whatever could happen in such a situation, who knows.

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I read quite a bit about immigration, Salvini's solid. There's clearly a plot to turn his base against him.

>>niggers fake being diseased
kek. quite the subterfuge I'm sure.

That is as clear as a sunny day.

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Well you can thank those PN PL fucktards.

Why not declare war on Libya and mine the waters and just sink every ship that tries to enter from there?
USA destroyed Libya why can't Italy?

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because USA controls NATO and can do whatever the fuck they wants, while Italy's just a pawn who'd get BTFOed instantly

Berlusconi was in a agreement with Gheddaffi when he was alive. He engaged in the patrolling of Libian coast to avoid departures of refugee from the country.

lol, salvini fags are the shills you fucking brainlet
the fat traitor is bff with bibi, meanwhile m5s are hated by ((them))
just a random example
plus msm suck salvini at every occasion while spitting on m5s, I wonder why

>meanwhile m5s are hated by ((them))

Attached: M5S_cuccati_da_soros.png (498x1021, 46K)

>Lorenzo Fioramonti
the same one calling to boycott your country?

>msm suck salvini
From what timeline are you?

he's clearly another seething piddino spreading lies and disinfo

>english mate

Mi permetto di dire la mia.

Ragazzi, dovete capire che il mondo là fuori non è Jow Forums, con i suoi meme, i rare pepe e le altre stronzate. La vita REALE è una cosa seria.

Qui su Jow Forums vedo sempre un grande tifo per la "Destra Alternativa", quella ESTREMA, quella piena di razzismi, odio nei confronti del diverso, euro-scetticismo ecc. Ma finché tutto ciò rimane confinato nel micro-cosmo di questo sito è un conto, si cazzeggia e si ride assieme, ma traslarlo sul piano concreto è pura follia.
Sia chiaro, i problemi ci sono ma non è che si risolvono ragionando DI PANCIA e lasciando che i nostri istinti più bassi prendano il sopravvento.

Ricordate che i fascismi sono costruiti sulle paure della gente, sulla disperazione, sulla RABBIA degli emarginati. La gente è convinta che adottando il pugno di ferro, lasciandosi trasportare da slogan accattivanti e puntando il dito contro il prossimo le cose piano piano si risolvono. Ma la storia ci ha insegnato - o dovrebbe averci insegnato - che non è così che funziona.
Questo atteggiamento alla fine si è sempre rivolto contro il popolo che doveva difendere, e con esiti tutt'altro che piacevoli.

Non sono un'attention whore in cerca di (You), credeteci o meno.
La mia è solo un'esortazione, quasi una supplica, un invito a RIFLETTERE prima di prendere la matita e tracciare quella benedetta crocetta sul simbolo del vostro partito.

Badate bene che non state giocando a fare l'alt-right intellettuale dimostrando ai "lefties" quanto ce l'avete lungo: in quel momento starete decidendo sul vostro futuro e su quello di tante altre persone.
È una bella responsabilità, non la sottovalutate.

Statemi bene (non ironicamente) e una buona serata a tutti.

every tg edition begin with a "journalist" reading his new facebook post even if he's just the interior minister
even his "enemies" like saviano are just controlled opposition to increase polarization, I can't believe he's so stupid (he's also a sionist just like salvini)
they always attack him for stupid things or niggers (his strong argument), never for things like judicial reform, flat tax and things that could actually make him lose votes
you are a literal idiot if you can't see all the help and the exposition he got from MSM, even repubblica subtlety shill for him, he link that trash newspaper all the time
wake up zoom zoom

Yes he was the only person standing in between the influx of niggers into EU, the globalist jews noticed that and it stood in the way of their great plan to flood Europe with niggers. So they had the USA oust him, hence my link.

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Go back to plebbit. Your psychology major only granted you a vacancy at McDonald's. Thinking that most of people on Jow Forums follow the modus ragionandi you detailed is idiotic.

lol, lega and pd are the same shit, lega was in the government for a lot of years, they will never change anything, they'll just rip poor idiots voting for flat tax just to get rid of niggers
also why should I be upset? no election in sight faggot, m5s alone still have 1/3 of the parliament, enjoy your 17% loser