Why is LOTR right wing and Harry Potter left wing?

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Are we still pretending that Farage is based?

Tolkien himself said that LOTR is not allegorical.

LOTR was written by a smart and sophisticated man.
Faggot Potter was written by a stupid cunt

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Idk I think the one with Umbridge was sort of based
>Bureaucrat government and boring cunt female lie about reality to pacify students
>Chad students meet in secret and train to defend their way of life
I'd still fuck the life of Umbridge though oh Lord

Thier both entertainment consumption products for the mases

based Borgenicht

I’m pretty sure the whole point was
>muh ebil racists
>wizards be oppressin us yo
>misegination is good nothing positive is genetic in any capacity

which part had to do with miscegenation? and yeah I'm aware that jk rowling is a dumb cunt and I'm reading in context that was never intended. but like, what am I supposed to do, watch the first half of american history x on repeat?

my ID has splc in it fuaaark

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One came from the mind of a Christian WW2 pro-European man. The other from a single mother and Narcissist in hindsight.

>Dolph Lungren


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>lord of the rings
>mass consumption
Cringe and kikepilled
have sex


We'll come back for you Britfags... we have a bit of house cleaning to attend to.

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Lol good girl. Didn't even blink when the opening punch connected. Technique needs some serious work but points for tenacity.

Oh I hope she's married and has kids by now.

Needs lessons from stipe on how to beat niggers

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I think what OP means is right wingers use LOTR fantasy to propagandize and convey their messages.
Whereas left wingers use Harry Potter fantasy to propagandize and convey their messages

He’s dead

I've never seen any right wingers use LOTR for propaganda purposes, and it's hard to since LOTR is very a-political as opposed to Harry Potter which has a central theme of BS discrimination against non-magic people.

You might notice that the word "said" is past tense.


Just making you knew

Welp better kill yourself freind there is not other option.
As for that last point there is hardly a chapter as the books go on where she doesn’t harp on about how wizards really need to be fucking muggles

thanks for making me knew

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Harry Potter is about classism.

It is written from the perspective of someone who was born wealthy and has delusions of grandeur.

>Magic = high-born
>Muggle = low-born

>Harry is born wealthy. First movie shows his vault filled with gold coins.
>Harry is just like us low-born though.
>Harry is just harry.
>Harry must save the world and all those low-born muggles from another high-born who wants to preserve their culture.

>I've never seen any right wingers use LOTR for propaganda
How the fuck haven't you?

England and America are in wrong team. Germany too.

Show me

mutt education in all its glory

yeah I'd forgotten all that shit, you fellas are right

lord of the rings is a tale of christian morality

the ring represents sin

he was lying because as a lingust he knew the power of (((them))

Honestly, looking at her twitter feed, I am starting to believe Rowling didn't even write the books and they were ghost written by somebody else.

The Ring represents unchecked power.

No, he said he dislikes allegories.
He said it WAS an allegory at a different time. I also said it was directly inspired by Catholic beliefs.
"Of course my story is not an allegory of Atomic power, but of Power."
"The Lord of the Rings is of course a fundamentally religious and Catholic work, unconsciously so at first, but consciously in the revision."

>I've never seen any right wingers use LOTR for propaganda purposes, and it's hard to since LOTR is very a-political

>what is orcposting
it used to be apolitical, now its almost a 1 to 1 comparison to the real world just set in an entirely different universe

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You forgot the Star of David high above the other flags in both pics

>Tolkien himself said that LOTR is not allegorical.
The reason LOTR is so popular is because it is allegorical, regardless of what that cuck Tolkien said. It's full of archetypes which is why it resonates with people

this is now an orcposting thread. also, the hobbit must be deepfaked to remove all niggers of color in the film, there werent many of them, so it wouldnt be difficult.

sage cause tfw you forget to post the image with your message

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everyone loved LotR at the time when society was still relatively sane and openly avowing gay rights let alone communism and transgenderism was unacceptable
Harry Potter on the other hand was gaining major traction in the beginnings of the anti-right sentiments during the Bush era (the pro-censorship christians of the time only helped to propel the mediocre books into the spotlight) so it's practically a religious canon for the modern american left, especially since it's ultimate moral is just another racism allegory
Harry Potter was memed into becoming a central work for modern anti-conservatives even before the modern concept of a meme was widely understood, and when everyone caught on LotR was the logical countermeme for the other side

one is written by a man and the other is written by a woman

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Dumb faggot. The jews are with the anglos and (((Russians))).
Based EU is with the muzzies.

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One is based on pagan and christian motifs which easily resonate among huwhites while the other is some basedshit mass entertainment product that's not rooted into anything relatable.

Because Harry Potter is magiclmaoooo trash, nothing about logic, just feelings and girly things
>Wands change allegiance because hurr durr i'm alive me not liking you anymore because need strong wizord
>Magic is tied to blood, but let's not discriminate wizards having sex with humans, i mean fuck magic, love is magic too, whatever if we go extinct, racist much???
>hermione is black now even though i described her as 100% white all the time
>Dumbledore is a huge retarded flamboyant faggot
>House Elves

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>The jews are with the anglos
post nose kike

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Good thing that LOTR is metaphorical then.

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>Rothschild is born wealthy. First bank shows his Bank of England filled with gold xoins
>Rothschild is just like us goyim though
>Rothy is just Rothy
>Rothy Rothschild must save the world and all those shabbos goyim from an Aryan who wants to preserve their culture
Heh. I wish I fucking knew when I read those books over a decade ago.

I grew up in Europe

Thank God were post modernist and can read into the text without regard authorial intent

>hello i am here to buy a wand, let me destroy your shop doing so
>no problem mate i'll magically repair it after your rampage lol

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LOTR - Based Men make decisions that save the world, making their own rules as the forge the future together despite their differences

HP - Kids continually know better than adults, breaking rules with a wink and a nudge from the principal to continue their eco conscious agenda while they themselves dodge all major consequences

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Every goddam' thing that happened in the Harry Potter movies is happening today and being perpetrated by Bolsheviks. Crazy shit.

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Only in regards to those saying it was for the world wars and nuclear power
He also said
>The Lord of the Rings is of course a fundamentally religious and Catholic work; unconsciously so at first, but consciously in the revision

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A friend of mums tried to get her to not let us read Harry Potter because it wasn’t Christian to read about magic. She shouldn’t have because it isn’t good to let your kids read gay dudemagiclmao trash. Look how shitlibs parrot it constantly there has to be a correlation

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Many of those trees were my friends

I’m not sure, but I grew up on both and I remember how Harry didn’t like having names banned from common use, like Voldemort.
Libs are always banning books, words, and wrongthink though.
Harry Potter taught me not to trust the government and that it can’t protect you from bad guys you have to protect yourself. The author is left wing but she indoctrinated me toward the right with her epic.
Tolkien has left wing paradises, only Rowling redpilled me to the right.

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If I have a daughter I am going to make sure she knows how to actually throw a punch instead of those downward flailing swings girls always do. If a girl knew how to actually throw a punch she could decimate any sheboon. Their only tactic is to grab hair and then throw 100 weak punches.

Its no shocker that the book with the least input by any editors is the longest, and considered the absolute most boring in the series. Theres no trimming of filler and stupid bullshit. Its also not a major surprise that the publication company took notice and cracked down harder on the last two books following it.

tehy are both very much right wing. Both stories are about racial superiority


Gender of the writers.