This man is 50. Meat eaters will never look this good at 50 because their bodies age like shit from high protein/high fat. A total disaster! Sad!
This man is 50...
Other urls found in this thread:
The adrenochrome diet.
He looks unhealthy
He looks like he fucks black guys
Who actually likes this no talent faggot?
His acting is bleh and his """Music""" is borderline boring.
I'll spawn 5 healthy, muscular white boys while the queer is still on PREP. Nature doesn't give a fuck about your preconceptions of "health".
He looks meek
who the fuck would want to live til 50 jfc
you sound like a gay paedo
it's called being rich and buying cosmetic enhancements, good genetics, and photoshop
>This man is 50.
This man is also in full make-up and this pic has been professionally photoshopped.
Every 49 year old? Its coming for you too, Hans
Look what some Botox and hair dyeing can do.
Cope harder meatfaggots
This man is 68 and a carnivore.
Eww, that's gross. If those people weren't already half dead, I would send them to a Gulag.
I let him pound my boypussy if you know what I mean
Look at at all the triggered anti vegans, cry babys
Copin boys? Lmfao
>attacking Strawmen because you can't argue against the idea itself
>age 47
>access to skin treatments, hairplugs, hair dye, and personal trainers.
lol söy on söy boy
This man is 85, meat eater and is on track to win the World Masters Weightlifting championship.
Cope with what? I still have my fucking youth. I don't have to cope.
Yeah he looks this good cause of skin treatments and photoshop like every other 50 year old
Here's the redpill, grass eating boy.
How you age is almost 99% genetics. Diet and exercise is only 1%.
whatever you say bro
Retard. My favorite is how your only response is "cope". Also OP is a fag.
Grandpa is going to kick your lazy faggot ass.
t. Low test grass eating onions boys with 12 inch arms
He was shit in suicide sqad,,He was shit in Panic Room ,He was shit in American Psycho
ANyone that uses hollywood clowns for where the bar is set are fucking retarded.
You might as well be pointing out great fighting styles based off WWE.
T. Worldview shattered and no legit retort to op post other than excuses and coping. Sad!
Go back to Plebbit fag
Worldview-Shattered Cope
So stylish.
Post body
Post a 50 year old that looks younger than leto and eats meat
Meh, it's just genetics. His Mother still looks good. His brother got the bad genetics.
I'm 39 meat eater/high fat diet and can pass for around 22/23. It's good but most women my age don't take interest because they think others will assume they are dating a much younger guy and teenage girls hit on me all the time, which is fine but they are obviously too young for anything serious.
Post body, grass eating, onions slurping fag
>not marrying an 18 year old
LOL I fucking love those epitome videos.
Anyone from a 3rd person perspective can see how sick they are.
I think sugar is the culprit no meat
>can’t retort the point of this thread
What a faggot
Mate, your forgot to take off the hollywood filter on that pic.
holy shit this
glad i never fell for the vegan fad faggotry
Not in the West in which they are all thots. Maybe if I lived under a greats Islamic nation!
Are you fucking retarded or does this just confirm some kind of bias you hold?
There could be dozens of reasons working in conjunction with one another to explain his appearance. You chose his diet to be the only thing. You are a dumb nigger-faggot.
His Mother is almost 70, which shows they have youthful genetics in the family.
This and checked.
T. triggered fag
Show me a 50 year old meat eater who looks younger
Hey dumbass he's only 47.
Because of plastic surgery you dimwit. It's Hollywood they get face lifts the way most people get haircuts.
just watch that fad chaser söy cuck
Post a 50 year old meat eater who looks younger if its “just genetics”
I always wanted to know how to get that undead necormancer look.
Dude is a manlet. I'd rather die at 70 having lived a life as a masculine alpha than "look good" at 50 and be a beta.
I am 35, still built, and eat meat and veggies. The best diet is a balanced diet.
That you fucking retards think people eat only meat like you eat only vegetables and vitamins is ridiculous. He probably shakes every morning until he has his protein supplements. Muscle mass is probably that of an average woman with weaker bones and likely to have mental deficiencies.
Way to win those hearts and minds.
Okay now post a meat eater who looks younger than Leto at age 50. Like I asked. You wont because it doesnt exist, faggot
Sigh, me too
comparing a rich fag that has excess to the best doctors to 99.9% of the population, now that is a strawman
That's such a retarded absolute. It's like finding the youngest looking 60 year old man and saying he eats shit so a shit eating diet is the key to youth.
Jared would look the same no matter what unless he had a really poor diet. Of course genetics are the biggest factor in how one ages, that's not even debatable.
My whole family looks 15-20 years younger. It's just genes, user. Eat whatever you want.
user, it's called MAKE UP
You are a fucking retard.
T. No retort. Find me a meat eater that looks like this at age 50. You won’t because it doesn’t exist. Yet you claim your argument is right. A total disaster, low iq and sad.
it's not hard to look that good when you drink blood
Tom Cruise is a fucking meat eater and almost 60 and looks young. David Beckham is almost the same age as Jared and looks youthful and is a meat eater. You have a nigger brain. Typical vegan.
They look “young” but not like this. Such a sad disgraceful response.
This man is 75
>Find me a meat eater that looks like this at age 50.
You are comparing to some fake hollywood clown, it is not real.
There is no comparing reality to fake you little kid shit.
Not gonna lie, would bang His Mom.
Your shit existence is a disgrace..
Oh yes, some fat bald old man who looks 30 years older than he is could look like a teenager if only he ate a diet of onions. Good one.
What the fuck is this shit doing on Jow Forums. Jesus Christ.
Then find a fake hollywood clown that eats meat, faggot. You won’t because meat stresses your body by forcing it to digest carcinogens and look old.
She's really hot
You failed and lost. Now stop before you also loose your dignity.
T. I have literally no response and can’t find a meat eater that looks as good as Leto
This thread again?
Every fucking day, you damn loser.
You will NEVER stop meat, dipshit.
I'll hunt, trap, fish, and raise my own food forever, you faggot. Fuck off.
You are broken..
No really, you are so right. Danny DeVito should eat his onions and apples and he will soon look 12 before you know it.
Do you any idea how much money went into make-up alone he got for that specific photoshoot?
And then comes the lifetime of beauty products he used.
>no,it's cause he stopped eating beef.
dude.. i dont go looking for dudes pics online typically? im typing one handed as i drink milk and eat steak and eggs for breakfast 345, 5 times un-assisted on the bench here
i would search for dudes that eat meat just to prove you wrong but your mind is made up
I don't. Could you explain in detail?
You mean wont bother giving you photos to compare to other fake photoshopped photos.
I lost yet you can’t show me a meat eater that looks younger than Leto. How did I lose exactly? Because you need to cope about your shit diet like a fag?
This, and of course the pic is airbrushed to fucking hell and back
>Because you need to cope
Says the person trying to convert people.
If your position was so strong and great it would stand on its own.
You need other people to agree with you for validation because simply not eating meat does not provide that.
he looks young because he drinks babies' blood
this.. not sure if true but seems accurate to me.. also what about all these ufc homos you all love so much? pretty sure they eat meat. ken shamrock? how old is he? any of those guys that were in ufc a ways back? pretty sure they all eat meat.
also: bodybuilders?
give em a fucking cheeseburger!
The wizmods over at /b/ are seething rn