“The demonic powers (Satan) should be given a portion, occupying and assuaging them...

“The demonic powers (Satan) should be given a portion, occupying and assuaging them, so that they will not disturb Israel’s intimacy with God.”
— The Zohar: The Pritzker Edition (Stanford University Press, 2007), vol. 4, p. 140.

Referring to a sacrifice of a goat in the same passage (Zohar 2:33a), it is written, “…this goat is intended to preoccupy Satan, leaving Israel alone with God.”

As in many pagan religions, in Kabbalistic (Orthodox) Judaism, the demons must be propitiated with blood sacrifice so that the life of the people of Israel may continue unmolested.

When there are severe disturbances in superstitious societies such as these, they result in ever more propitiations to Satan, so as to restore peace and tranquility. When Hernando Cortez and the Catholic Conquistadors were closing in on the Aztec capital of Mexico City in 1521, the Aztec priests began frenetically sacrificing ever more victims on their blood-smoking pyramid. Orthodox Judaism, from the evidence in the sacred Zohar, is not appreciably different from the Aztecs.

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Two more points:

1. The Zohar insinuates a certain urgency to the sacrifice of goyim that Israel must make to Satan, in that, where no such sacrifice is made, it is believed that Satan will sacrifice rabbis. The Zohar states that this occurred to ten rabbis who were killed in the second century (A.D).

2. The Zohar is the source of the Gnostic, New Age and neo-Nazi belief that Satan and the God of the Bible are the same person. In many passages in the Zohar, the conflation of Yahweh and Satan is difficult to miss. For instance, the Book of Genesis testifies that the Biblical patriarch Joseph was beloved by God, while the Zohar states that for the crime of kidnapping and selling Joseph, which Joseph’s brothers had committed, it was Satan who sought retribution against Joseph’s enemies (2:33a).

To anticipate the objection that Orthodox Judaism is not Kabbalistic and that the Kabbalah is actually heretical and not a part of Orthodox Judaism, we refer you to one of the largest and most politically influential branches of Orthodox Judaism in the United States: Chabad-Lubavitch, which proudly operates “Kabbalah Online” at:

There is no denying the pivotal role of the Kabbalah and its principal book The Zohar in much of Orthodox Judaism. Furthermore, every U.S. Congress since the administration of Ronald Reagan, has officially made the birthday of the Kabbalist Menachem Mendel Schneerson — Chabad-Lubavitch's last grand rabbi— as “Education Day USA,” a Congressional decree which is intended to lay the legal groundwork for officially promulgating the Seven “Noahide” Laws of the Chabad, and of Orthodox Judaism in general. As we assured The Saker in his interview with this writer, the Noahide Laws require the execution of anyone who engages in Avodah zara, i.e. “idol worship.” Orthodox Judaism considers Jesus Christ an idol, and Christians as idol worshippers.

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Judaism Discovered: A Desideratum
by Michael A. Hoffman II
The completion of my book Judaism Discovered gives me the satisfaction of knowing that I have accomplished one of the
great works of my life. I certainly do not mean that it is "great" in any sense other than the toil it represents. It is the
actualization of thoughts and lines of inquiry which I have been pursuing for years.
For example, Who is a Jew? What is the role of counterfeit Jews?
If the counterfeit is predominant - as I believe it is - this fact opens a revolutionary vista on history, signifying that
contemporary Talmudists and Zionists are descendants of people who were not in Palestine when Jesus was crucified.
This fact in turn disarms the race-based antipathy of the opponents of Talmudists and Zionists, a racial animus upon
which, ironically, the rabbis and the Israelis depend for the continued allegiance of their own am ha’aretz.
Furthermore, years ago I noticed that disinformation about the Kabbalah had been seeded - the illusion of a fissure
between Talmudism and Kabbalism was deliberately sown - using the figure of Moses Maimonides to pretend that these
two supporting “pillars” of the Third Temple are inimical. I searched the texts of Maimonides, however, for hidden
Kabbalistic sympathies, and found clear evidence of Kabbalistic doctrine.
One goal in writing Judaism Discovered has been to transcend the current state of Talmud criticism; which is largely
centered on the repetition of a what amounts to slogans: 1. the “Talmud defames Jesus and Mary”; 2. the “Talmud is

There’s nothing wrong with stating that the Talmud contains these disgusting scurrilities, which indeed it does. In fact, it’s
courageous and commendable to say so. The problem is, that’s where what passes for anti-Talmudic "scholarship" begins
and ends these days; there may be some brief reference to pilpul and PaRDeS as a sop to sophistication and
methodological analysis, but the current state of Talmud and Kabbalah criticism is mostly superficial and leaves most of
the big questions unanswered.
For example, very few critics seem to understand that Judaism is neither Left wing nor Right wing; it manifests as Leftist
or Rightist at will. One moment it is the instrumental ally of the Throne; in the next, it is the revolutionary power that
overthrows it.
I sought routes into Judaism from dozens of investigative approaches, beginning with, pro forma, the irrefutable fact of
the existence of the Jesus and Mary Talmudic blasphemies, and the truth that the Old Testament is not the foundation of

I expand on these themes, based on my original excavation of them in my book from 2000, Judaism's Strange Gods. It is
vital to prove, from the rabbinic texts themselves, that Judaism is not an Old Testament faith; and to unravel for all time
the confusing series of feints that attempt to mislead the truth-seeker into believing that Jesus is not in the Talmud, or that
if He is, just barely.
But Revelation of the Method being what it is in our time, even positive confirmation that the Talmud blasphemes Our
Savior and His Mother and possesses allegiance to an extra-Biblical gnosis, has elicited controverting apologia from
prominent rabbis, all of whom seek to “contextualize” these revelations about the contents of the Talmud by placing them
in a framework of a Roman Holocaust/Nazi Holocaust typology that renders Judaism’s defamation of Christianity as
"understandable" from the point of view of post-modernism's acceptance of the rabbinic exceptionalism clause: Judaic
suffering is magnitudes above the historic experience of other nations.
Therefore, fierce rabbinic hatred for Romans/gentiles/Christians/Muslims has at times been understandable, if "harsh." To
overcome this rabbinic line, we need to plumb the depths of the rabbinic texts and not content ourselves with detection of
the degenerate libels of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary which these texts contain.

Though we are not dealing with the "Jewish" race of antiquity, we are dealing with a rabbinic spirit which functions as a
kind of ideological organism; an organism which exhibits as one of its most striking features, the ability to reinvent itself
in response to the light of exposure.
When an informed researcher documents that Judaism is "A," it becomes "B." When "B" is understood by the public as an
antithesis of Judaism's thesis "A," Judaism transmogrifies into synthesis "C," and so forth, in an endless and bewildering
historical metamorphosis that has deceived and gulled generations.

Though we are not dealing with the "Jewish" race of antiquity, we are dealing with a rabbinic spirit which functions as a
kind of ideological organism; an organism which exhibits as one of its most striking features, the ability to reinvent itself
in response to the light of exposure.
When an informed researcher documents that Judaism is "A," it becomes "B." When "B" is understood by the public as an
antithesis of Judaism's thesis "A," Judaism transmogrifies into synthesis "C," and so forth, in an endless and bewildering
historical metamorphosis that has deceived and gulled generations.
The student of Judaism who dogmatically categorizes it as inevitably Left wing or Right wing, Zionist or anti-Zionist,
anti-Muslim or pro-Muslim, will defeat himself and confuse all who adhere to his erroneous proposition; a proposition
which Judaism itself is pleased to project; just as it sees the silver lining in being regarded as the scion of those who
crucified Christ, since those malefactors were genetic Israelites, however gravely disordered in their behavior.
The paradox here is that whomever is genetically descended from the murderers of Jesus must be acknowledged as a
racial Jew and an Israelite, and this identification has, throughout history, triggered the strange awe and wonder for these
supposed “Jews” which their alleged consanguinity with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus Himself, engenders among the
gentiles, in a kind of love-hate relationship which has been played throughout history like a fiddle.
Even the "Christ-killer" invective has utility, by perpetuating the hunted/hounded, persecuted martyr image, which
Judaism has capitalized upon to great effect, particularly since 1945.

What would be the point of publishing yet another dreary "Jew-bashing" book that indelibly stigmatizes 21st century
Talmudists with the two brands they themselves have been past masters at manipulating and cultivating: the myth of their
descent from Abraham et al., and the myopia that decrees that they are always and everywhere subversive Leftist
I would not have spent a good deal of my life investigating Judaism if I was only going to regurgitate a tired and selfdefeating stereotype of it.
I have sought to break new ground and to anticipate the counter-arguments of rabbinic and Judeo-Churchian critics. It has
been my objective to craft Judaism Discovered so that there is no possibility of a rational refutation of it. While it's true
that the book's evidence and arguments can be twisted, misrepresented and demonized with the usual underhanded, ADLstyle smears and falsification, the information in Judaism Discovered cannot be easily disarmed, because much of it
pertains to epistemology, viz. Judaism's knowledge of itself and the ways in which it responds to discovery.

If in Judaism Discovered I have successfully anticipated the rabbinic epistemology, then what I teach concerning rabbinic
dissimulation is valuable not just as a history of Judaism’s past, but as a guide to rabbinic machinations and strategizing in
the future. Admittedly, that's a tall order and whether I have succeeded or not remains to be seen, especially in terms of the
ways and means by which not just rabbis and their co-religionists, but also their powerful gentile mouthpieces in the
churches and universities, respond.
My objective has not been merely to convey a set of facts to the reader, but rather to teach the reader how to deconstruct
the deceitful tactical and strategic feints which Judaism wields as a response to the dissemination of accurate knowledge
about its inner doctrines.
The astute reader of Judaism Discovered will be armed to penetrate and expose the disingenuous elements of virtually
every rabbinic act of camouflage and misdirection. If this knowledge of how to decode Judaism were to become
widespread, it could have far-ranging consequences

It could result in the revision of almost the whole of modern western culture and letters, so steeped are the intelligenstia of
Los Angeles, New York, London, Paris, Rome and Berlin, in the pieties and platitudes of the rabbinic gestalt, which forms
a foundational narrative into which virtually all contemporary western thinking about religion and history are stuffed and
Judaism Discovered also has the potential to spark a revival of ancient western verities long abandoned by supposed
paragons of 20th and 21st century “conservatism,” these “paragons” having concocted a bastard, "Judeo-Christian family
values” movement, which is so deranged it places Orthodox rabbis at the front of the barricades, as allies of Christians in
the struggle against, for example, abortion and homosexuality. This is equivalent to surgically implanting silicon breasts
on male transvestites and proclaiming them allies in the struggle for the restoration of femininity.
The “conservative” mania for proclaiming a movement for restoration of Christian culture inclusive of Talmudic rabbis, is
a betrayal of the wisdom and vision of every Biblical prophet and every Christian saint. It is on the basis of this desperate
craving for looking good in the eyes of the world and its media empire, that Pope Benedict XVI, the much-heralded
paladin of Christian tradition, ventured into two synagogues, one in Cologne and the other in New York, not to admonish,
warn and preach, but to pray with rabbis who worship not God but themselves; an esoteric fact of which the former
Cardinal Ratzinger, the “brilliant theological scholar,” is only too cognizant.

Judaism Discovered differs from virtually all the writing on this subject which has preceded it in the past hundred years. It
does this by means of empiric and strictly factual discovery of Judaism's deepest operational and spiritual secrets, and in
particular Judaism's extremely circumspect epistemology of concealment; its chameleon-like propensity for projecting an
adapted outward image synchronized with the prevailing zeitgeist, even while the hostile fires of its inner volcanic core of
hate, burn with an intensity undimmed since they were first kindled in earnest, on Calvary in 33 A.D.
Conversely, it has also been this writer’s mission to endeavor to remove the ground from under classical "anti-semitism"
and "Jew hate," and to show how these brittle, senile, clichéd and programmed responses actually fulfill the rabbinic
prediction of gentile bigotry, a prophecy which they impart to Judaic youth and by which they maintain these unfortunate
persons in bondage to Judaism throughout their adult lives.

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>Jews againts God!
>We can do what we want, it's written in my book.

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Holy fuck you are dumb...

Lucifer doesn't exist, it's Jewish mysticism pushed by Kabballistic Jews. It's the Hasidic Jews who sit in the White-house who believe in all this mysticism. Funny enough, I can trace my lineage exactly to the moment when the Hasidic Jews took over, which was a movement designed to teach the Kabbalah to the world.... which they have managed to accomplish, since almost every religion is based on this nonsense. Jesus is called "Lucifer" in the final chapter of Revelation, it's just a title for someone who was chosen. It's a Latin word that made its way into a Greek/Hebrew Bible, that should be your first clue ;). It just means Morning Star, or Son of the morning, bright one, from the Hebrew word HEYLEL. Almost every university in the west has a Jewish organization on their campuses called HILLEL, or LUCIFER, this is a youth group for young Jews.

Isaiah 14 is the only chapter that has this name Lucifer... if you read the beginning of the chapter, it's addressing the king of Babylon, not some demi-god.

"That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!" Isaiah 14:4

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" Isaiah 14:12

It's insane, they stick a Latin word there, slap on a capital "L", now it's a demi-god, when in reality, our enemies are men, priests, kings, and merchants. Show me one chapter where Moses explains to us that we are dueling hyper-dimensional sociopaths?


Pretty sure gnosticism is older than the Zohar unless the Nag Hammadi texts were faked.

Deuteronomy 18: 10-13

10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. 13 You must be blameless before the Lord your God.

What if Moses was made up by the hyper-dimensional psychopaths?