If you don't want Mexicans into the USA

Then stop making that country a shithole, you Americans are to blame for this, you have keeping mexico down to make your asses richer and richer, here a are list of what you have done to Mexico and Mexican people:
>the USA created, funded and trained the cartels to destabilize the region
>the USA hijacked the mexican economy and political system to only serve USA interests and not those of the mexican people
>the USA approved the NAFTA with the help of a mexican president (a USA puppet btw) causing the greatest economic crisis in mexico to this day, which caused millions of mexicans to fled into the USA
And the list goes on, if you fuckers didn't messed up mexico maybe that country would be first world right now

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What have you done for Mexico, taco bender? They used to get my tourist money but they can all eat a bag of dicks now.

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work a part time job, support my family and study engineering bro


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Lol remember the corruption their government had in the 90s? Not my problem Mexico jew'd itself and the population turned to crime to make money as well as coming to my country to fuck it up. Eat shit and die flag fucker

>Be Bolivian
>Only US meddling mentioned is CIA helping kill commie faggot che
>che murdered unarmed citizens until he reached Bolivia and fought a handful of indio farmers
>che instantly surrendered and got his head blown off
based imo.

No one cares. Just kill anyone trying to cross the border. Gather up all the illegals here and summarily execute them on the spot. I don't care where they're from either.
>Mexican and illegal? BANG
>Chinese and illegal? BANG
>German and illegal?BANG
>Irish and illegal? BANG
>Norwegian and illegal? BANG
America is for Americans. Everyone else can fuck right off.

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back to plebbit you faggot

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Just like a Mexican to bump his own bait so more people feel bad for him.
If your people cared about Mexico they would fix it, that's not America's problem. Now go back to picking my lettuce Manuel

>If your people cared about Mexico they would fix it
yeah that's what we are trying to do but the attempts are futile when the USA is doing the impossible to keep mexico down

>Be Peruvian
>Have been helped against Colombians and Brits
>US was ready to save us if Sendero got too strong
>Would put a coup if Veronica Mendoza wins

Don't blame America, when it's your retarded cousins who cross the border into my country illegally.
How about you sort out your cartels, government, and industry.
The difference in countries is that I can blame you for fucking up my country with all your citizens coming here, but us Americans give you money from tourism, medical procedures, and pharmaceuticals.
One day we will be shooting you before you even get to touch the border because fuck you.
Keep thinking it's everyone else's fault but your own.

>How about you sort out your cartels, government, and industry.
impossible when the mexican political class (USA puppets) and the USA goverment itself is supporting them and keeping them in power
> but us Americans give you money from tourism, medical procedures, and pharmaceuticals
And you Americans are keeping pur wages so low, pumping out our natural resources and killing us to get your daily dose of opiods

>the USA created, funded and trained the cartels to destabilize the region


>the USA hijacked the mexican economy and political system to only serve USA interests and not those of the mexican people


>the USA approved the NAFTA with the help of a mexican president (a USA puppet btw) causing the greatest economic crisis in mexico to this day, which caused millions of mexicans to fled into the


It sure sounds like you are saying the US did some savvy negotiating and you don't like how Mexico's elections turned out a couple of times, but you are saying it in the whiniest and gayest way possible to get victim points.

Top kek
You see how you have to say "it's your fault that out government is corrupt" and "well you're buying the opioids"
How about you take some responsibility and admit that you're people have no morals or care about your country.
You're people let it get fucked just like we let ourselves get corrupted by Isreal.
The difference is that we actually have people that care about our country here, yours on the other hand...you're part of maybe the .5% that does.
Tell your Tio to stop going to the strip club every day, tell your friend Salvador to stop working for the cartel, tell your police to stop accepting bribes instead of issuing tickets.
I've been to your shit hole country, the food is good but your people are more retarded than a nigger that grew up in Gary, Indiana.

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>And you Americans are keeping pur wages so low, pumping out our natural resources
Did you just call your own people natural resources hahaha

i meant our oil, our iron, copper and shit like that


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>>German and illegal?BANG
>>Irish and illegal? BANG
>>Norwegian and illegal? BANG
Fuck off faggot. I don't mind whites that are illegals. There needs to be an expedited and easy pathway of citizenship for whites. Everybody else can go back, though.

All this is true, we let psychopaths in power, and are either too brainwashed or too chickenshit or too sold out to do a goddamn thing about it.

Not our fault your GDP is shit and you choose to sell it so low.
Pinchè miatè

You mean a crime organization ran and entirely operated by Mexicans in MEXICO is still America's fault?
>Such low quality bait

all of them are USA puppets