Hi pol black guy here


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Enjoy getting eaten alive

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cope shitskin lmao

I'll stop eating raw meat as soon as you stop eating fried chicken

>muh scary pictures
chemical vat foods aficionado detected

Hi Mohammad, white guy here.

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Raw is objectively more healthful than cooked, as I notice my piss is more yellow after eating raw liver vs cooked. All the nutrients get destroyed when you cook food.

We don't have that luxury seeing how in reality whites BUY their own food there is no free "feed because I'm a little colored kid" happy horseshit.

You know Aajonus Vonderplanitz promoted raw meat after observing how happy nigger cotton pickers in America were who ate raw meat? The only germs are usually on the surface, so quickly frying meat to kill surface bacteria, and have the inside raw, is a perfect middle-ground.

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>be stupid nigger monkey
>oy vey nigga *robs* stop *BLM* acting *rapes* like *chimps out* animals *collects gib*

OP Stop washing your meat in the sink you fucking animal.

When you jiggaboo plague chimps isolate yourselves to the Dark Continent, you won't have to see it

You gotta save your urine and put it in an enema, trust me.

>Hi pol nigger here

Human digestive system evolved to eat raw meat
what is the problem

Raw isn't more "healthful", on the contrary it is cooked food that allowed humans to evolve a larger brain. Cooking doesn't destroy nutrients it releases them for availability, only overcooking does. It is the only true thing that separates humans from animals. Humans are the only ones that cook food; other animals might be intelligent, have self-awareness, language, farm, use tools &c., but only humans cook food.

Our ancestors ate raw bone marrow. What is the difference?

Cooked is better. You're able to consume it faster and in larger quantities. Which in today's world is bad because of overabundance but in the majority of human's history this was necessary.

This is why we love fermented (rotten) foods and glutamines created during fermentation and cooking (maillard reaction)

>fell for the jew propaganda
i bet you think you need to eat 5x as much grains as vegetables too due to the food pyramid

Did Africa even discover fire?

Can you stop being leading causes of rapes, homicides and thefts? Did not think so.

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Can you stop being a nigger?

Cooking is only for cuts of mean too tough to eat raw...the prized pieces, tenderloin, brain, liver, marrow all easily eaten raw

its a well known fact that protein denatures when heated. the jews want us to eat our meat well done so we gain nothing from it

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