Nearly half of all americans wear their underpants for two days or longer (...)."


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I cant say I do that on a regular basis. Maybe once a month at most.

I mean like if I'm out of underwear I'll just grab a pair from the hamper but like are you not showering every day dude, are you putting on your old underwear after you shower lmao

I switch twice daily 0_0

I wear my underwear for at least a week

Why would I dirty an extra pair before showering?

Nearly half of all Americans are brown and black people...

I use deodorant on my balls so what’s the problem

>Nearly half of all americans wear their underpants for two days or longer
Nearly half of all americans are niggers...
Problem solved...

>t. European that doesn't shower daily

>wearing underpants
Mutts still have a long way to go

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this lol, why would you change 'em every day, are you all shitting your pants on a daily basis

So half the population of America commit half the crimes?

i change mine like twice a day because i actually work out and get all sweaty unlike my fatass fellow countrymen. i'd believe it though.

this, most Americans are cut. We don't have to bathe our privates daily like women

mine are 3 weeks old

sorry you got dickjewed.

nearly half HAVE WORN underwear for two days in a row, not DO. Like you haven't been lazy on a weekend before. Learn to read the clearly stated questions and answers in your own retarded poll you Turkish rat.

Most EVROPEANS shower daily and change their underpants daily

There's no reason to get back into dirty underpants after a shower, you dirty nigger

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I could see someone changing twice a day if they work outside in the summer but in a climate controlled gym? Come on man

>only twice

>Wearing ball prisons

Im free, Youre a faggot
Take the kiltpill Jow Forums

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stop wasting water or potatoes will cry

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Last drop of peepee gets into the underpants you dirty monkey

You foreigners spout the most useless bullshit. Or maybe you're just dedicated to shitposting enough to get a VPN. Either way, get a life faggot.

Ahmed and Mohammad probably have 1 pair of underwear and shower once a month but nice try

Wtf, do you shit your pants daily or what?

If I am pulling a lazy weekend I will do this, but during the week or if I'm going out regularly I change daily if not more.

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Do burgers actually shit themselves that often?

sorry you're a filthy heathen, but that's your choice. burn in hell for all i care.

>most Americans are cut

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>falling for the under garment jew

All the good germans died commando

it won't help with your loss of nerve endings cutdick

Who doesn’t have enough underwear to make it between laundry days?

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Before and after getting raped by Abdul?

as they should be

>unironically wearing underwear

literally what is the point to wear clothing under your outer clothing?

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>he doesnt know
Wear it once like normal, then the next day go front to back, next day turn inside out, the day after that go back to front again and on fifth day swap em out.

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Problem solved.

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try some Ben Gay user it will set you free

Nearly half of Americans aren't white.

>but like are you not showering every day dude
Um yes i am?

>tfw dick not mutilated
Feels good my parents didn’t have a doctor sexually assault me and mutilate my penis

im glad you're so worried about my dick. now dilate a lil more and bend over. you'll feel this just fine faggot.

there was a super fine italian girl who rode the same bus as me. she often used to lay down on the seat, i think because she was a senior and didnt want to be seen by other seniors. anyway, because she was laying down, i often saw up her skirt and i think she must have known. i noticed that she would wear the same underwear two days in a row without fail.

Okay, and? The cloth is still fine and there's no smell. What, do Europeans regularly shit themselves or something?

>I mean like if I'm out of underwear I'll just grab a pair from the hamper

You people continue to disgust me everyday. I stopped considering the United States the first world years ago and everyone else should too.

They are dumb fat disgusting people that shit their own pants in Walmarts.

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anal leakage is a sign of extensive anal abuse

i honestly wear mine for like a week straight lmao

>Nearly half of all americans wear their underpants for two days or longer (...)."
You are the faggots that shit on a shelf so you can look at it.

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>tfw you dont get laid
have sex..... o wait you cant


lmao just use a piece of toilet paper to wipe your dick you germtist

Four days: Front ways, backward, inside out frontways, inside out backward. Gezuz H. Christ, why am I explaining this to you? I thought you Krauts were supposed to be efficient.

They couldn't find a realistic picture with shart stains?

isn't this also the same level as Trump’s average approval number?

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gold bond my dude

New underwear daily and I have a pair of boxers that I’ll wear for a few nights after showering. Just because they’re comfy to sleep in.

well it's so we can check if we got a colon disease

American women enjoy piss-stained balls.


I shower every other day and also change my underwear at that interval. Unless I'm doing sports and I'm sweating.

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Niggers and spics. Nearly everything bad about America is attributable to those two groups.

I shower once a week, and wear the same clothes that entire time. The only time I change my underwear early is when I either piss or shit myself

That is disgusting. I don't go more than 4 days without changing my bed sheets.

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It's a holdover from back in the days of Uncle Eddie. the dirtier your shorts were the more money he'd give you for them. bonus if you sharted in there.
> On street corners in the working-class Irish neighborhood of Grays Ferry, teenage boys talked openly today of "Uncle Ed" or "Fast Eddie." They told what he paid for their socks, underwear and excrement, what he offered to pay for sex. They showed how he has been memorialized in graffiti on a Chinese restaurant wall: "Danny D. {expletive} Fast Ed on 7-3-91 for $25."

"I'd heard about him since I was 8," said a 16-year-old who attends a neighborhood parochial school. "When I was 13, a friend of mine who was older said, 'Do you want to go?' I said, 'Sure.' Then I took him up," nodding toward an 18-year-old friend sitting on a stoop. "Uncle Ed paid me $10 for bringing him over," said the 16-year-old.

This is how authorities allege that Edward Savitz, 50, a Philadelphia business executive who has AIDS, operated for several years, luring hundreds of youths to his fashionable Rittenhouse Square apartment building and before that to another expensive downtown neighborhood, promising $10 to $30 a visit for satisfying his sexual fetishes.

your underwear should be coated in damp sweat at the end of the day unless you're a full blown NEET who literally does nothing.


The non-white people obviously.

I'm currently wearing mine for two days at a time because I caught chlamydia last week and every time I wear my boxers the discharge that comes out of my penis creates little crusty spots on the inside material.

Instead of having to constantly worry about "crusting-up" a new pair of briefs, I instead feel more myself just wearing the previously spoiled pair.

Visiting the sexual health clinic tomorrow. I do however, plan on wearing a fresh pair to the appointment in order to avoid the embarrassment of flaky chlamydia falling onto the floor/ my hand/ the health professional's hand as I pull my boxers down.

>shower daily
yup is skin damage time

Ill shower at night after a workout and wear the boxers I slept in the next day. Thats about it for me.

>cope, i dont get pussy, be jelly

>when I either piss or shit myself
When, not if

Whats to explain?
Been wearing mine for 5 days.
The smell is so strong when I sit down to take a shit I get a huge wave of ball musk hitting my nose.
Women are subconciously attracted to ball musk.
This is a known fact.

I use disposable underwear

>he doesnt shower once a day

I bet you stink like a nigger

Yeah dude if I have to leave for work in 10 minutes and I'm out of underwear I'm calling in late to a load of laundry

Hold on, gotta cut my ears off so I don't have to clean them. No I'm sure they don't serve any purpose whatsoever.

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Now do English and fail8ng to brush their teeth.

>work in office setting
>wear same pants and socks every day unless they get dirty/sweaty
>only thing I change is my shirts and boxers
>laundry every weekend and repeat the cycle


to do*

>tsw havent showered or changed clothes in months and youve been sitting in your chair for like 5 hours and finally stand up

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>implying I wear underwear

Depends entirely on what you do every day. I'm not overweight and do office work in an air conditioned environment; it's understandable if you're doing yard work, hard labor etc.

Nobody cares about your grammar error you limp wrist faggot

>wearing underpants

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I never wear anything twice without washing it and go through multiple pairs of socks everyday.

I change after I shower, which while NEETing or on a weekend is usually every other day since I work out 5-6 times a week; to keep all of my clothes clean all of the time would require 2 showers daily rather than 1 every other day and that is just a disgustingly jewish thing to do.

This is what happens when you have sex. Learn mathematics instead

Atta boy

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>changing them when you haven't even sharted yet

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yeah especially females ...cause those holes are leaking you know ..

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LMAO at these fools in this thread.

The rule is, after the first day you flip your boxers inside out so the second day it's like a new pair.

mfw i've gone commando for the past 4 years

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I do that, isn't it normal?

>Nearly half of all americans
Spics and Niggers