I told you this would happen

>>On Friday, the FBI Violent Crimes Task Force raided Reardon’s house and seized a cache of weapons and ammunition, including dozens of round of ammo, multiple semi-automatic weapons, a gas mask and bulletproof armor.

I tried to warn you. You said fake and gay. The false flag is tomorrow. I don't give a fuck if you believe me now.

sys.Jow Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fabcnews.go.com%2FUS%2Fohio-white-nationalist-anti-semite-arrested-threatening-shoot%2Fstory%3Fid%3D65040200

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faker and gayer

12:15, central time

is that when you take your meds? I wish it was earlier.

I thought faggots like you loved being caught with your pants down. As we grow in power our light will reach all corners, leaving everything exposed. While you may glow, we are light itself.

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Oh what the GLOWIE NIGGER KIKES are going to do to my BASED DINARID SELF? Cry and bitch and moan? Start WW3 over it perhaps? Maybe televise their own suicide by ingestion of explosive, God willing?

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Hey Jew. You're awfully neurotic today aren't you.


> /// ACHTUNG ///

This is a jew thread, do not participate in jew threads without option field

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