I'm thinking of going to a Michigan Militia Meetup at some point.
Has anybody had experience with militias? Are they all boomer tier, or are there actual red-pilled people (J woke/race realism)?
you have to suck at least a few cocks to get in, i never went back
Point and laugh. FBI wants to centralize people because people that don't want the white race to be genocided are adapting to their tactics.
it'll be a dick swinging contest with a bunch of larpers and retards. There will be dough bodies wearing knee holsters that will want you to salute them because of their made-up rank. Anyone that even seems half competent will be an FBI plant.
>Anyone that even seems half competent will be an FBI plant.
It would seem to be a given that FBI and other police agencies would infiltrate such organizations. I wouldn't know who to trust.
This. Sadly. I would join a real militia if they didn't insist I use a gun and let me train with compound bows, daggers, and staff. I greatly prefer primitive weaponry and martial arts, but have no problem with sane people using guns. To each their own.
If everything already fell apart, sure, find a militia or military troop that is now fallen apart but otherwise, not a great idea. Just find like minded people and realize you aren't there to become some FBI honeypot, you are there to just prepare for possible shit hitting the fan. Anyone starts talking about random violence, you should cull them from the group immediately.
You're doing militias wrong then. Here's a hint, it starts with family and organically brings others in. Move out of the city and get to know your neighbors. I don't think you've been around any real "minutemen." They're generally racially conscious white men who go /out/ on a regular basis, veterans, normal white men that are prepping for the inevitable. The white flight families who know violence and the path this country is headed towards. They are the people who will be some of the very few standing with you (maybe not you, let's be honest) when it's go time.
>it starts with family and organically brings others in
That thought crossed my mind, too. It would involve a very tightly knit, closed group of people who have a history together. So it would naturally be a high trust group of people.
>I'm thinking of going to a Michigan Militia Meetup at some point.
Enjoy being surrounded by FBI and ATF agents
>muh daggers and bows during a gun fight
I always assumed every member that wasn't fat was an agent or informant representing every LEO agency.
I'll pass.
>Michigan Militia
nah, it will be comfy AF.
You biggest problem will be getting overfed by all the Woman's Aux, then trying to find a semi-private place to drop a load in the now semi-crowded woods during "maneuvers".
Other danger will be getting into any discussions about Jesus. Lots of these types have some hair-splitting interpretation of something in the Bible they feel a need to share.
>Other danger will be getting into any discussions about Jesus. Lots of these types have some hair-splitting interpretation of something in the Bible they feel a need to share.
So in other words, when it's time to rely on them to stand up to be counted, they'll have the same ol' excuse as to why they won't (something something dead jew on stick).
glow harder
>let me train with compound bows, daggers, and staff
ok gandolf
All militia have ATF/FBI agents in them if you join don't tell them shit they will relay it to the feds.
You are the militia. Read, train on your own, and subscribe to the grey man principle.So called militia groups tend to function like religious cults and ought to be avoided.
It's my understanding that 9/10 militia members are Feds.
What part MI? My wife and I are moving to the Midland area in a little over a month. I've been wondering what people are really like around there. We've just been there twice for my interview and to look at housing. There's a lot of really fat people. I've been trying to figure out how to meet people and if theres redpilled folks or just dumb rednecks.
join a church instead faggot
Very tightly knit indeed. No loose talk and a lot of forethought into exercises. It has purpose, not just a gun club for politically active men. Everyone can shoot a rifle, that's no challenge, not everyone can build a fire in the rain, make shelter for wounded/sick and feed 3 other people dependent on you. You are protecting you and yours first above all else, but I certainly know many will organize if required. I would never trust these large named "militia" organizations to be anything other than a gun club at best. That said, gun confiscation or true famine and economic collapse causing families to "lose everything" are the sparks of a modern civil war in my opinion. We have what we need. Land, food, family, our dogs, massive information intake via the internet and the ability to arm ourselves in public. It's just not bad enough. That may sound blackpilled but war/organized violence should be a last resort. No excuse not to prepare and figure out who is really with you in the end before you are forced into a situation you're not prepared for though. It may save your life some day.
imagine every person you rat out or arrest ends up being an agent from a different agency. What a circle jerk lol.
Okay seriously, is Jow Forums just all mittenfags and memeflags now? I swear I keep seeing more of us every day. Are we going to become the Awakening State?
Fresh water every six miles on average.
I'm from metro Detroit. I'd check around Saginaw and Bay City.
lol Jew on stick
If they are public they are compromised. Word of mouth only.
>"Whilst you were at the firing range, I studied the blade"
This fucking larper lol
FBI honeypots. The ones who actually form and train get literally raided and arrested.
They don't let meetups happen unless they are actively involved in it.
Why would white people want to associate with a nigger?
These. Be a prepper and teach your family to prep. Martial arts training for their bodies/health and firearms training for defense. Everyone should know what to do and how to communicate during emergencies. Teach kids to drive as soon as they're physically able. Just in case there's an emergency. Maybe they need to take you or your wife to the hospital? Marry your kids off to like minded whites and build up from there. If enough people do this, there will be a small village of people who you can depend on with the right equipment and skills. With enough people, one of you can get elected sheriff or some other positions of power and shape the local laws in your favor.
The niggers mostly live south of 11 mile. Most of metro Detroit is majority white.
Militiamen here. You actually have to go back, Pedro.
Better to train on your own and/or take classes.
Just do it. Don't ask any of these retards and glowfags.
they are too infiltrated with either glow niggers or outright fucking wack jobs.
I will continue to be a one man death machine incognegro.
I looked up the demographics Saginaw is a nigger infested shithole. I'm not going anywhere near that place and bay city doesn't seem much better.
What makes you think I do?
>More than ten Mexicans in the state
Bay City is 90% white. If you don't like that, check around bad axe.
THIS! EVERY BIT THIS. We have so many good instructors with half full classes and I'm almost done with every one my local range offers. We need more responsible freedom loving bodies in the classrooms.
So yer really loike daggs, huh?
Why do you disparage white people as rednecks unless you are a kike or nigger?
>Bay City is 90% white.
Could have fooled me when we were driving through it. We must have just been in a shitty part. I'm also used to living in a state that's 94% white. Any amount of niggers is far too many. I'm not even sure the last time I saw one where we live now.
Because I saw a lot of fat white trash. They're gross and might as well be niggers.
Train with people you know and trust and avoid glownigger infested foreign groups.
absolutely this