Why do poltards think America will ever turn fascist? We had a civil war and we fought an evil tyrant in Europe over racism.
Regular Americans are never going to accept fascism.
Why do poltards think America will ever turn fascist? We had a civil war and we fought an evil tyrant in Europe over racism.
Regular Americans are never going to accept fascism.
Other urls found in this thread:
>over racism
Over taxes, mostly.
Anti-racism is anti-white
Anti-racists are genocidal maniacs
All anti-whites deserve to die
And people will continue to radicalize
we're not thinking it will turn fascist. we're thinking it will collapse under all its communist bullshit and multicult lies. from the ashes something better will arise.
everybody trying to mainstream hitler is a fool. everybody trying to mainstreaming the disgust for their leftist dystopia is a winner.
maybe when people realize what jesus is really all about
It is not about race for the vast majority of Americans. It is about ideology. That is what the lying lib media hides from you by making EVERYTHING about race. America will never be facist. But Americans will NEVER allow it to be a Socialist country either.
Why do you nazi types always try to hide your homosexual tendencies with masculinity?
What makes you think America isn't already fascist?
American WWII soldiers were racist white nationalists tho
why does the media promote homosexuality over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over die faggot die
'regular' Americans go along to get along. Whoever feeds them and keeps them entertained will be their masters.
Why do you project your faggotry into everything?
Americans already go into a clapgasm at their country bombing the fuck out of the rest of the world and exploiting whats left in sweat shops and muh brown people are invading is already mainstream conservative thought. You're the retard if you think America isn't one bad enough terror attack away from making Hitler look like a joke.
There's a funny story about the Logician Kurt Godel, who on studying for his US citizenship exam, stumbled upon a loophole in the US constitution that would permit the USA to be turned into a dictatorship.
tell us the story karl!
fascism will rise again
Gas the kikes
Race war now
Boots on the ground
cucked and bluepilled
A balkanized America is more plausible than a facist one.
>hurr durr racism
>hurr durr fascism
that are just words, unnecessary words
>it doesnt actually say what the contradiction is
Yep, the ultimate in blue balls story-telling.
Some Californians accepted Hildog so.....
If America doesnt adopt a radical solution it will cease to exist.
So in order to stop ethnocentrically dictatorial communist internationalism we need ethnocentric dictatorial socialist nationalism? I agree whites are being unfairly targeted for the sins of their fathers, but I doubt the "nazis/racists" solutions will inevitably result in concentrating whites and making it easier for Asians and Africans to morally justify a multinational effort to zergling rush the USA OR other "white nations".
I don't think our problem starts and end at jews or economics.
>we fought an evil tyrant in Europe over racism.
You're the abyss of retardation if you think that A. fascism implies racism and B. that America fighting in Europe had anything to do with racism, and that, in fact, the American government was just as racist as Nazi Germany.