Why did this thread stop suddenly? It was just getting juicy.

Attached: excuse.jpg (800x450, 181K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Welcome to Jow Forums.
You may see an interesting, active thread and when you reply it suddenly dies.
The posts above and below yours might get replies while yours gets nothing.
You might get quads and no one checks them.
You might spend half an hour making OC and no one notices it.
It's not glowniggers, it's just shitty luck.

Attached: batman decides to visit his parents.gif (400x300, 2.13M)

Getting TOO juicy goy

So it's just random that I can't see certain content?

What do you mean?
If you're getting a 404 on a Jow Forums thread it means the mods deleted it, because threads usually go to archive when the fall off page 10.

I realize that it gets archived. But there was no new thread to continue on the digs. Just seemed weird to me. No?

Here's roughly where we were...
Maxwell plus handler(s) are from an agency or agencie(s).
They cannot make direct contact with their agency because of NSA listening and/or their competition and/or enemies are such that they cannot break cover or risk it.
It is likely the request for the message was the In Out burger in NY article in the NY POST in late July.
Maxwell is sending a message which has a set of features.
In Out burger, likely a reply to the original to verify it is a reply or in itself a message of whether she is in or out.
Good Boys.
Green and Red drinks container with pass under phone switched on with messages on it and pointing to the green drink container, possibly "message received".
There is a return question asking if something agreed has been given a green light. Possibly extraction or some part a mission we do not know.

If the OP was trying to maintain a general he's probably just not around.
You can make a new one if you want.

And the was looking to be pretty suspect underneath its bare surface. user pulled this up saying something about a honeypot. What is this showing us exactly?

Attached: 1566149022633.png (800x1280, 159K)