India's CAIT (Confederation of All Indian Traders) has called for a boycott of Chinese goods for China's support of Pakistan in the Kashmir issue. They have demanded a 500% import duty hike for Chinese goods. First the US, now India. That is over 1.6 Billion people that are now boycotting Chinese products. Who's going to boycott China next? Collapse when?
Good. If we go to war we will need India's numbers.
we're actually stupid enough to do this. We'll then blame capitalism for runaway inflation.
So we will have to wait until 2055 for India to get plumbing?
Why does every country in the world suck US cock except for China and Russia?
has nothing to do with usa trade war
India is against CHina for it's support of Pakistan
china shouldn't have supported Pakistan
That's just retarded then.
Thats roughly 22% of China's exports being boycotted. (US 19.25% and India 3.08%)
What the fuck are you on about? China openly supports Pakistan in order to fuck over India and get the Kashmir to break apart from India which is very important because it contains about 1/5th of the world's fresh water and is very important for their agriculture and their ability to feed their populations, why shouldn't India retaliate?
losing kashmir would be even more retarded
for one,
below Kashmir India is fully open plain, there are no mountain barriers to stop an invading army
whenever Indians lost Kashmir, the next army would immediately ravage through the plain since it was almost impossible to defend from Muslims.
Is the world just going to mass embargo china? please lmao. however for continental development in asia tha'ts really bad.
>muh hongkong and democracy!!1
Long live the CCP - kosher bois on suicide watch
Why do you brain-dead burgers always associate Winnie the Pooh with the chinks??? Winnie the Pooh is ours. It was a Canadian soldier in Winnipeg, Lieutenant Harry Colebourn, who bought the bear as his pet on his way to the first world war. A hunter had killed the mother and he didn't want to kill the baby so he decided to try and sell it. Obviously it's not a good idea to fight a war with your pet by your side, so Colebourn couldn't keep the damn thing so he had to get rid of it and left it at the London zoo. He called it Winnie because he was from Winnipeg. Winnie the Pooh is ours. I've even driven past the exact spot where colburn is from in Winnipeg. There's a marker in White River on the trans-canada highway where Coulburn found Winnie and bought him from the trapper. The Chinese would probably be too afraid to have a black bear as a pet, and they've got their hands full trying to take care of those goofy pandas. So hands off. Stop it. Use a panda next time for your shittty memes or I'll burn down your gay ass white house again. PS I've attached a pic related as a teaching aid because I know some of you burgers are very slow on the uptake. I want to do everything I can to help you understand this.
Europe has no reason to, on the contrary EU has been on the trade warpath with USA.
And a lot of Asia and Africa is dependand on China.
Because Xi Jinping looks like Pooh bear.
And this meme was made by Chinks not Burgers.
It became so popular in China that they banned the cartoons because they were associated with criticism of Xi.
We indians hate mudslims
While you white lick their buttholes.
Whites are inferior cucks
Just accept it.
Xi a cute
Indians are superior cucks
Just accept it.
Rolling for Dravidapoo hotfoot extermination.
communism isn't actually an alternative to capitalism, and capitalism is not a political system, it is a set of economic models.
Rolling again for P00 Gigadeath.
Immanent Chankoro rice-o-caust confirmed.
Day of the pot when?
Final nuke 'em roll for a cleansing dung fire over the Dravidapoo mistake.
Soon I hope. Rice rots fast. Mebbe lemming cycles can predict:17-20 year phases. Biohistory theory depends on complex details. Possibly also long form weather.