What would happen if the Mecca was nuked?

What would happen if the Mecca was nuked?

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Every Muslim in the world would be forced to take residence in Jerusalem, they're second most holy site.

That's how you would cause the most intense Jihad.

Muslims hate each other almost as much as they hate christians and jews.
Nuking them would make them put aside their differences to unite to fight us.
They would lose hard ofcourse, but still.

It's not mecca that needs to be nuked.

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>never do that
ok ..hear one of the scenarios of mecca and what i saw in the future
>the saudi government get overthrown
>the king Escape to european country
>holding with him trillions of dollars of KSA money
>the west(Elite jews of USA) want a piece of that $$$$
>EX king give promises and make deals
>somehow the people of KSA got the codes to the accounts and got the money back
>america started shit with the new leader
>we had a deal with the ex king
>new leader refuse (it's belong to our people)
>USA hit mecca with nuke
>WW3 started
>USA/UK/ some countries from EUROPE(they are really mad at USA)/ RUSSIA/CHINA
>"in the right time they will flip on the usa"
>if you just saw the muslims eyes it's just pure furious
>they don't even talk just anger
>riyadh,jeddah.dammam got hit hit with nukes
>other cities in the arab world got hit with nukes
>new york/washington DC/los angeles /Dallas Texas got hit with nukes
>north korea hit japan and south korea just becuse ..fuck it it's WW3
>euro countries start to flip back on the usa
>some start to invade each other
>Mexico invade small parts of the Southern United States
>israel got hit
>Vatican City got hit
>the american leader at that time get assassinate by his generals
>they even posted the video to the world
>All in desperation to stop the WW3
>norad base get hit with nukes
>Radiation Leaks inside (norad become a Grave)
>everything is fucked up
>americans were getting killed all over the world
>even by non muslims (other Whites)
>the world blaming americans for WW3
>%69 of earth peoplelation died at the same year

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But then their God would recieve a massive soul boost and then beat us in the afterlife where it really matters

I would nuke Israel first just in case

Jews would be upset that their satan box was blown up, no more energy for Saturn :(

Nothing much
A new box is built in Pakistan or somewhere else and everyone in the Muslim countries just go there for haj pretending it was always there because that box has moved a few times throughout history and each time they were required to pretend it was always there

Would be funny seeing all the muds here chimp out. Hehehehehe. Depends on who nukes it.

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They’d just build another. It’s like saying what if they nuked the Vatican, or Calvary, or something. You can’t eliminate a faith with a bomb.

Every muslim would start spinning like a compass unable to find north.

isnt there a meteorite inside the box that has religious meaning?


Why would India side with the Islamic world when India itself has been the victim of ceaseless terror attacks from Pakistani Islamist government operatives?

>US Jews go down
>Canada Jews go up

That's actually what Muslims believe triggers the final war, Mecca getting taken out

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>That's actually what Muslims believe triggers the final war, Mecca getting taken out

Please don't. That's spiritual warfare. We'll have reactivate the goat staring unit.

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Saudis turned the Prophet Mohammed's mothers burial site into public toilets.

Wahhabists don't care about mecca, they are basically Puritanical and want no idolatry. The only reason Mecca is still there is because it's KSA's second biggest money maker.

That’s a two birds with one stone solution, brother.

You don’t need nukes, to destroy any group/civilization all you need to do is push feminism and woman voting to cause them to collapse just like the west.

In my analysis, the city of seven hills can only be: Mecca, Rome or San Francisco


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Would rather see that crater where the rothschilds live and their ilk

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