The truth that triggers jews and nu/po/

this is the bitter redpill to swallow

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Other urls found in this thread:

under islam, not under niggers from africa

Ive heard Islam weddings are a blast and can leave the guests floored.

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Inb4 coping incel rage

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>American mercenary allies kill muslims
wow what else is new?

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also they will play soccer with your family's heads if you follow a path different from Islam

only if you become a wahabi US ally

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>implying that other religions like dinduism are peaceful

Poo in the loo

kys retard

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desu i dont think it matters if /po/ gets triggered. who cares about the origami board anyways.

the terrorists that kill muslims (that you think represent real muslims) are your 2nd best ally and also the ally of your greatest ally (israel)

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wait. hmmm. is there a chance that Jow Forums drops in random "desu"s in my posts or am i just going crazy?

or follow a different path than Islam

word filter to be honest becomes desu

what are you doing in south africa?
did Islam reach that far?

Islam does not allow freedom of thought and expression as good as hinduism, buddhism or westernism allows. Eventually Islam is regressive to human IQ development

real islam is traditional, pure and strong against the global degeneracy

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inmaopinion = in my opinion

Converting an entire country with Islam is like making a deal with the devil.

You get what you want with cleaning out degeneracy and restoring gender roles, but then you're left with all this other shit no one wants like restrictions on food, being forced to live by an ultra-ultra strict code, and if you fall out of line you die horribly.

>wtf desu, onions?
Being this new.

real european culture is strong against that too.

also fuck circumcision

>values tradition and culture
>no degenarcy
>kafirs will burn in hell
>children all do martial arts
>trannies, fags, sjws, kikes BTFO
>beautiful virgin women
>women should be loyal submissive housewifes
>everyone is religious and cares foreachother

White muslims already exist, its called chechnya and its /ourplace/ one of the most woke and based countries in the world. Only reason Jow Forums hates them is cuz theyre muslims

thats not a redpill, to be a complete cuck towards some shitty sand religion, kys. Stop trying to convert and go back to w/e shithole you can from.

>real european culture
is what led to the degeneracy we are in

> mfw never brushing your teeth
> imagine your national anthem is about worshipping an acient aristocratic cunt
> imagine thinking you beat globalism by leaving EU
> imagine it raining all the time even in summer
> pajeets everywhere
> everyone is rude
> no vitamin D
> we wuz kangz we wuz empire
> england is my city
> ugly women
> lifegoal of the average brit is getting drunk
> responsible for creating israel

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There's more than two choices.

yeah and all others are cuck'd

>yeah but that wasn't real communism

billions of muslims are living their lives without violence and protected from american enforced global degeneracy.

meanwhile, the US and UK are allied with a tiny group of wahabi saudis and their mercenaries who kill muslims. The saudis are crypto-jews

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I'm not shilling for American elite.

What a silly nigger

in the fields

t. Muslim living In Rotterdam

why i watched this video? fucking discusting a nigger who fuck a whale on a street... did anyone have the context?

>women showing their face in public
Not real islam

face covering is regional "culture" not religion/islam. that is why it doesn't happen in most places.

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>use depleted uranium shells in a foreign country shooting civilians
>oh no they have birth defects

this is the bitter redpill to swallow

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t. American hiding his flag.
why are americans obsessed with niggerdicks?

That's a nice, wholesome picture.

saudis are literally ISIS the state.

muslims are a birth defect. We should shoot more of them up.

do you know what depleted even means, retard?

The real question is, why are arab women so obsessed with nigger dick?

do you know what nuclear waste does?

t. american posting american made porn of mexican women wearing head covering while LARPing as muslim to please american cucks

> thread is about white Islam
> shows brown people
wew lad


Seriously, baka

>Johnny I'm out of ammo, pass me another glowing bar
did you get your knowledge of physics from The Simpsons?

>he thinks carrying the enclosed ammo is the same as getting the bullet split inside your body


> Only reason Jow Forums hates them is cuz theyre muslims

And that's what I don't understand many of the people on Jow Forums. They are smart enough to name the Jew, know that the Jews control Wahhabism/Salafism, but then they will conflate all the rest of Islam with Wahhabism/Salafism.

and 20% of those billions support bombing civilians to progress Islam.

Just change the skin tone in all the left pics 10 shades darker and you are spot on you filthy shill.

>using fake news """"sources""""" paid for by JIDF


Are you claiming that white muslims don't actually exist?

>religion is race
imagine being an amerimutt, devoid of ethnicity, heritage, and culture, and being constantly triggered by the ethnicity, heritage and culture of others.

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fuck off toothpaste you are even more retarded
its suuuuuper common for muslims to marry their first cousins making birth defects more common than you think

islam is failed because of polygamy where rich influential man can take multiple women which results in big groups of man incapable of getting any unless they marry their ugly cousins or go to war to get women.
everyone who tells you its religion of peace is lier as its its religion based on war.
every islam empire was devloping by brutal expansion and exploitation of conquered people.
every single time the expansion stopped it soon collapsed with most states leaving empire and the rest turning into failed states.

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It is better at forbidding degeneracy than the west though.

>islam is failed because of polygamy where rich influential man can take
nope because almost none of the countries practice polygamy

fine, agree to disagree. but you still realize we'll kill you if you attempt to introduce your retarded authoritarian culture here, right? Europe might accept it, but not here. your first few openly muslim politicians in the U.S. are doing fantastic.

>islam is failed because of polygamy where rich influential man can take multiple women which results in big groups of man incapable of getting any unless they marry their ugly cousins or go to war to get women.

Is that actually realistic?

>retarded authoritarian culture
found the libertardian

disagreeing with tyranny and forced religion makes you a libertarian now

Attached: Global_prevalence_of_consanguinity.svg.png (2880x1478, 467K)

US authoritarianism: you have to accept gayness propaganda in schools and media to brainwash your kids with and you may never criticize the jews

Islam is the enemy of civilization. Islam and all its adherants must be destroyed. All of its holy places razed to the ground. All its holy books used to wipe pig's blood from the floor of slaughterhouses then burned. Every mention of Islam and muslims erased from the histories. All of Islam must be a damnatio memoriae. Wiped from the collective memory and consciousness of humanity.

please listen to me, goy

> tyranny
boomer-tier buzzword

> forced religion
not implied

and here is king abdullah with his 30 wives

and here is king abdullah with his 30 wives.

Attached: saudi-kings-wives.jpg (570x428, 45K)

notice how none of this occurs in central asia or in any muslim parts of europe? it's a middle eastern thing

>be polish
>be biggest welfare leech of EU
>your women come to western europe to literally work as prostitutes and do drugs
>your men come to western europe to commit crimes and deal drugs
wow at least they're not conservative muslims

>saudi crypto-jew

Attached: 1540339508322.png (1280x735, 1.02M)

this is the source. there was no data for central asia and balkans

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still better than having prostitute daughters and drug dealing sons or tranny children

You could got the third way and embrace a Catholic crusader kingdom of Europe and deus vult both the Muslim hordes of the middle East and the fags of the west.

But on the map of your previous reply it shows the statistics for all countries. There is just about no consanguinity in Muslim countries in Europe or Central Asia.

>Muslim hordes of the middle East
What about the Muslims of Europe? In your fantasy world what happens to them?

Horseshit. I bang plenty of Muslim sluts and there's no shortage of faggots amongst the men.

Except converting to Islam is quick and easy, creating a ''Catholic crusader kingdom of Europe'' is not.

>I bang plenty of Muslim sluts
no, you bang plenty of atheist pakis.
>thinking religion is race

Kanker op Abdul.
Je religie is als kut als een stuck strond.

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>no alcohol
>no pork
yeah nah, no thank you

you appear to be retarded. forced religion is not only implied, it is required in islamic nations. in the rare case non muslims are a small minority, they are constantly attacked.

it doesnt you retard.
look at the source of the first map and you'll find second map that shows no data for central asian and balkan countries with additional shitload of text aroujd it. we dont have data on central asian consanuinity rates

Attached: cons.png (602x388, 159K)

only in wahhabi controlled countries as that the case. but that's jew owned.

better luck next time mossad.

>>Except converting to Islam is quick and easy, creating a ''Catholic crusader kingdom of Europe'' is not.

No it is not easy, you would have to convert the hardcore Catholics and and atheists or kill them all without resistance. And creating a Catholic crusader state is not as hard when 40% of Europe is already Catholic.

still worse than Christendom as it used to be

Wrong. The Kouffar can live in muslim lands as long as they pay the Jizziya. You don't have to kill them.

> look at the source of the first map and you'll find second map that shows no data for central asian and balkan countries with additional shitload of text aroujd it. we dont have data on central asian consanuinity rates

true but if you look at the description of the wikimedia image you will see that there is no category for unknown. each country has a percentage associated with it. that's all im saying.

Based leaf and based Polack. The rest of you can burn in hell.

>Let's nitpick these whites from all the shit stain that Islam is.
Wow Islam is the da best!!

white = no data
yellow =

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