You make it so easy for the jew to straw man you
Ofcourse I'm in no better place as this is getting to my country aswell guess I'll be making threads complaining about it in the future instead of stopping it from spreading now
Absolute state of the west cumbrain
Other urls found in this thread:
Porn is filth. A world of literal jerkoffs
I'm on day 7 of nofap, give me power bois
>picrelated is my dick rn
>You make it so easy for the jew
oh, op, you're retarded.
the jews aren't in control.
they never were.
leave my porn alone cocksucker
>risks becoming violent
he is correct you know
>divorce rates have plummeted
Gonna say a big NOPE to that one.
You're going to make it bro
Once you pass 15 days and the huge urge(s) that come will slowly disappear but will be different in how strong they are and what time they come
Personally I never hit 90 days before but if we can keep going until the end of November (mentioned because of nnn) you'll pass the 3 digit streak by then
The noblest pursuit. Wish you strength to overcome yourself.
Need that strength bro. Apparently jerking everyday increases dick cancer chance. Wish I was kidding.
Can you link to this? I'm collecting research showing the harms of porn & masturbation.
It really boils down to 3 things
1. Avoiding anything that can get you a boner
2. Finding an ACTUAL HOBBY this really fucking helps your brain replace your bad habits with good ones, my suggestion for a start would be a sport like running or lifting
3. Be closer to God by doing prayers, avoiding sinful acts as much as they seem apealing and helping the ones in need and all that good stuff, God will help you on your journey and forgive you for your sins.
is there actually a difference in effects of porn vs fapping? because i barely ever watch porn but still fap a bit
Divorce rates haven't plummeted at all. Marriage rates have.
Here’s one. Check out if you haven’t already.
It's a (((tactic))) to morph the numbers to fit their agenda. And pornogrpahers should absolutely be put to death.
Was gonna post this Youbrainonporn is a great start you should check it out
You're right about the tactic but why death user? They can have a chance to fix themselves
You need release user, I assume you're an adult. but the porn industry is not worth supporting. You can get off to your imagination right? Just don't do it every day. Most couples have sex maybe 2-3 times a week after they get through the honeymoon phase of fucking 2-3 times a day.
what the fuck kek, guess that's where we go when this place gets shut down
Yeah I have saved the prostate cancer stuff, but haven't seen penile cancer yet, which is what the user above appeared to be talking about.
>You need release user
This is largely a meme. Even Gandhi was of this opinion at first, but seemed to come to reject it after experimentation.
>Mahatma Gandhi says that initially, he too believed that semen could not be retained or rather should not be retained, as it would create congestion in the body. However, according to his biography, he personally retained semen and suffered no such ill effects like congestion. In fact, he says that he felt a new vitality in his body.
Ejaculating helps decrease chances of prostate cancer. You guys are legit retarded for thinking ejaculating is a bad thing. Your body will make you do it from a wet dream if you're too fucking stupid to do it yourself. No fap fucking losers mad because some guys can actually get pussy.
That's good user!
You are better than the millions addicted to fapping to porn, for you it's easier to quit
Personally I do not support tapping of any kind as the process itself is unnatural and is just wasting liquids that you need in your body
That's true your body will release it BUT it's the body that that decides how much does it release and how frequent.
>"This will make me more complacent and docile. Boy I can't wait to start fapping regularly again!"
I'm on nofap day 4 and I feel less tired when I don't get enough sleep and I find my speech is more direct and it's easier to process my words properly before speaking them.
>Ejaculating helps decrease chances of prostate cancer.
Not really. Studies are both inconclusive and opposing regarding the subject. Some studies have found frequent ejaculation in early adulthood to increase the risk of prostate cancer.
>You guys are legit retarded for thinking ejaculating is a bad thin
Ejaculation has no real benefits. It is neutral at best, detrimental at worst.
>Your body will make you do it from a wet dream if you're too fucking stupid to do it yourself.
Wet dreams are mainly an expulsion of seminary fluid, which does indeed flush the prostate. The physiological consequences of a wet dream are mild compared to the consequences of intentional ejaculation
>No fap fucking losers mad because some guys can actually get pussy.
Major cope.
It unironically gets easier soon. Just hang in 3-6 more days and your libido will return back to baseline.
>is there actually a difference in effects of porn
The main danger of porn is that it could ruin your taste for the types of women that you can actually get.
>oy vey c'mon goys masturbate to our pornography
>its not similar at all to how we used it to subdue palestinians and take their land
>don't go and shank, 'ave a wank!
Oh have divorce rates gone down?
Anything to do with marriage rates?
>if you don't watch porn and masturbate then you're a racist, misogynistic, anti-semite!
It'll also ruin your ability to become aroused. You'll be so overly-stimulated by the shit you watch in porn that the real thing, which is much more toned down in majority of cases, simply won't arouse you.
We should be having more releases, but it should be into women to make babies.
How to fight horniness?
>Ejaculating helps decrease chances of prostate cancer
right because monks of all different religions all die of prostate cancer. wtf i hate nofap now
>penile cancer
penile cancer is related to infections with some strains of HPV.
Ghandi stopped masturbating probably because he got fucking older and less horny, silly.
You find something else to do where it's not possible to masturbate.
Don't fight it. Embrace it. You are now horny for life itself.
Supression of emotional energy never works, only transmutation does. The options are numerous. You could work it out. You could invest into a hobby. You could meditate and visualize the energy travelling upwards from your groin.
Well-stated, fren
You mean the website for game mods?
Don't watch porn, even if you won't fap.
If you have to fap, do it to your imagination.
I'm on day 7 and feel fucking amazing, but my dick wants it so bad.
Ice your balls, and take cold showers, also pray
kys kike
Gandhi stopped masturbating because he realized that he needed all available energy to liberate his nation, and to further his spiritual growth.
Noticing the changes is a good thing and can boost you to keep going but try to keep nofap on the side while practicing a healthy hobby this will help you overcome porn without noticing
Remember that the time feels really slow when you keep focusing on your watch and being bored while the opposite is true (ie. School & videa)
>quoting Ghandi
>suggesting meditation
I'm not knocking you user when I say this, definitely (and literally) different strokes for different folks. You found peace with your sexuality your own way, some have different ways and outlets. Your way definitely works, just not for everyone.
>Day 7 of NoFap
>literally came hands-free just from looking at a teasing image
I'm not gonna make it
Don't be a lazy faggot, read pic related.
I just relieve my self one's a week OP, like on a Saturday Night..Then nofap for the rest of the week..I think it's better and it helps your prostate get a good workout by doing something...I do sports to, like jiu jitsu and cycling, you know I need nofap, but release once a week..
One more
My way will work for everyone who strives to live up to their full potential. If you are fine with living an unremarkable life, you don't need to be concerned with semen retention, healthy eating, working out, or anything else for that matter. Having a job and providing the basic necessities for your family does not require much.
You should stop completely, last summer I made it 24 days I felt like fucking superman, but I remember the nut was Godly, literally better than the first time I ever nut. Stop completely you will thank me.
This. Not just taste if you give porn enough of time it will fuck up your sexuality and turn you gay or pedophilia because simply the dopamine dose you get is not enough so you keep craving new weirder fucked up fetishes and kinks and you could end up in some really dark places
I made a month and shit, I felt like superman, but I needed that relief man, no porn, but used my imagination, drained all that sperm build-up.
Can confirm women basic sex becomes godly after 2 weeks of nofap.
Things that never happened. Kill yourself retard.
This is actually my goal, I get so disgusted when I see nu-males who can't get their wives pregnant. I've been intentionally eating sperm helping foods. I wont let myself be a bitch who can't get his wife pregnant. I have a gf but we haven't fucked and won't until we marry(I was betrothed). Thinking of cumming inside her is worth not masturbating.
Lift, do extreme sports, get a woman and fuck her nonstop until your dick falls off. After that your sex drive will be fine for a couple of weeks even months.
Take that there are always shills in Nofap threads posting photos of women to try to get you to relapse. It's like clockwork. A concerted effort to get you to masturbate. Its all the same people too... EU flag faggot... German flag faggot.... Almost as if they don't want you seeing this information
I remember a screencap of a Turkish user speaking about craving sex and women and how it pushed man to work their asses in the past and achieve things to impress women and get deserved pussy and how that helped civilisations in the past, regret not saving it desu
Honestly if people started killing pornographers I wouldnt care
It's all so tiresome.
I do sports at school, honestly praying and read the bible is one of the best things to fight temptation. Been trying to get into track and running.
This one?
Keep at in user, be the chad everyone needs.
But if you're the porno addict then would YOU be the actual cocksucker? We all know that porno turns people queer and even molester sometimes. Nothing good comes out of being a full time jack off, kid.
I am very violent and I masturbate multiple times per day.
this is bullshit tho cus he had a harem of women who sucked his dick because oral sex wasn't considered infidelity
>this is bullshit
The irony.
Not possible.
Not jerking off is anti-semetic? What in the fuck?
It's the estrogen dominance you are creating by masturbating. Violent prison inmates have higher estrogen levels on average.
It was just text in the post but I think what you posted is similar he probably quoted this while quoting I cant remember
if you are the mother of a young male, especially a white male, you need to make sure he is masturbating at least twice daily.
>estrogen dominance you are creating by masturbating
Fake news
>Violent prison inmates have higher estrogen levels on average.
That's because violent prison inmates are mostly niggers, who naturally have higher estrogen.
It's your brain having major conflict with a major and continual estrogen surge.
Thanks man, have some motivation, picrelated.
And that's why you wont have a family
>Fake news
Learn basic endocrinology. Ejaculation sets off a very anti-androgenic cascade of effects.
>That's because violent prison inmates are mostly niggers, who naturally have higher estrogen.
Not a 'that's because', but a point enforcing my assertion.
Based Jow Forumsizen
>Ejaculation sets off a very anti-androgenic cascade of effects
>a point enforcing my assertion.
No, it actually doesn't
So many digits in this thread I had to checkem (notice how none of them is pro porn)
As you wish.
>Yes fellow goyi-
>-I mean whites keep watching pornography and wastefully ejaculating while I subvert and take over your nation
I'm hovering around 40 days. You'll make it.
Stay strong and stay smart anons we all gonna make it
good luck and godspeed fellow anons
Jews are well known perverts who masturbate all the time, and they rule everything. Jews actually want you to not masturbate, follow christfag moralcuckoldry, and trad larp because it makes you weak.
Does anyone remember when the internet became popular?