It’s time to save America by electing Bernie Sanders as President.
It’s time to save America by electing Bernie Sanders as President
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literally this. good thread user. Ultimately, I think that Warren is more electable, as Sanders only resonates with the younger demographic, but its good to promote them both.
agreed. he's consistent so you know what to expect, and he's even winning over some conservatives with his lack of corruption and willingness to help the working class
this, but unironically. He will be the extreme change America needs, and he isnt afraid to step on anyone's toes.
I just want him to fuck with corporations like they've been fucking us for the past 60 years
Nice VPN faggot and slid thread.
Taxing people into oblivion, free this, fre that from an old.commie? Fuck socialism and fuck this old communist!
These people get paid $10hr to post here on a Sunday evening.
nice April fools edition you fagot
Is he gonna pay me back from throwing the last nomination for shillary?
Yes the democrats never wrote hitlers bible did they on Eugenics?
(Well they’re doing their best to hide the truth)
Just like Hilary’s cover up of Benghazi.
Absolutely awful pro slavery democrats and removing peoples rights.
Trump is more of the solution than the necrotic cancer that the wankocrats are.
>Captain America
>a kike
Save it from prosperity?
Bernie unironically wouldve won in 2016 if it wasnt for Hillary and the democrates. Now theyre doing the same mistake again, splitting the troops, dividing into Joe "The pedo" Biden, Elizabeth "1/5000 native american" Warren, whatever that harris woman is, trying to appeal by being "woke", just let Bernie run this and he'll easily top Trump 1 on 1.
Andrew Yang called this shit out, they looked into it and almost every other candidate has massive amounts of bots.
Bernies 15 minimum wage will cripple all small businesses, so corporations take over our country.
Bernie is bought and paid for. Yang isnt.
Bernie hasnt done shit in fucking decades.
fuck you bernie fags dude supported hillary.
Yang 24/7.
Bernie also doesnt believ ein automation, neither does warren. because their old as dirty and never had to actually work a fucking day in their piece of trash boomer lives.
I hope Bernie Sanders dies
>elect an actual jew
Andrew Yang is a complete retard that will overtax corporations, causing them to move overseas, and give China the economic advantage by undercutting all of their competition. Another complete retard with minimum wage earning shill posters, like you.
I do it for free.
rofl dude just stop its become stupid when yob basically post tons of shit that we can sya trump fucked america on.
8k farmers bankrupt last year, more this year. highest rate ever. MIGA!!!
Actualy worker participation is proving 38% of people arent working.
Automation killing everyones jobs.
94% of jobs created dont have benefits or long term.
rofl dude just go away you got nothing dude is a lying zionist.
stop sucking dick you mutilator of foreskin.
rofl wrong 10% vat, overseas is 20%
next time rabbi, check your shit. You corporate banker dick sucker like bernie.
I hate trump check my posts, idiot. lol
fuck you Yang Gang 100%
only one with facts that isnt a boomer who cant even work a fucking computer.
btw let bernie let the black women make him look like a fucking chump again while white americans die and he tells me whites dont know poverty or suffering, faggots.
so you want to give even MORE power to israel over the US, and to top it off, you want to give it to a socialist?
What a faggot...
How much is your paycheck going to be?
Yang spoke on this 15 hour minimum wage increases automation and power for the corporations owned by who? you know who.
Bernie is a rat Yang gets my vote. At least understands tech instead of.
"You kids and you computeors durrr"
you called me a paid bot, dumbass. Fuck Yang, America won't vote for a chink. Hes just running so dumbasses like you buy his book.
>disappointed in Trump
Both Yang anz Sanders are retards with horrible unrealistic platforms. Aren't you embarrassed to be working on a Sunday, for an hourly wage no less?
learn to read faggot, he isnt.
Wanna know what bernie is thats far worse than any other thing? A FUCKING KIKE!
deal with that id rather be yellow than a nose.
Ill trust the founding father. you trust your puppet rabbi dick mutilating boomer faggot.
check that nixon, paine, and many conservatives want UBI and wanted it and it was blocked by demorats.
you are being played by both sides that hate yang.
>A jew saving america
Get a load of this nigger.
LOL Bernie is so bad he like a character on Cheers or something
This! rofl dude sanders openly states whites dont know poverty or suffering while Yang says they know it the most in his book. Liberal whores got onto him for being "for white man and no one else" cause the rich and moochers get benefits and majority benefiting from UBI will be white.
liebral sickness Yang Gang 100% the jews hatem and the boomers hatem. sounds good.
IDK what your babbling has to do with Bernie Sanders, but hey, if I was getting paid-per-post I'd ramble on and on like an idiot as well.
both of them are trash canidates. They are, running on false dreams. It's the same as any candidate, you need bipartisan ideas for the country to back and get behind. All these smooth brained ideas will put the US into such a crippling downsprial, China or some other first world wannabe country will try to fill the void. We need a candidate who will fulfill the willfullness of the people, not pleasing corporate environments. Small businesses are a start.
rofl sure
Read my other posts, conservatives actually like yang, even tucker.
Dont be fooled check out how MSNBC mutes his mic and cuts him out of polls and images.
Dude search the truth the dude is legit natsoc.
hi, 44 trillion is not a large number, it's a debt the remaining corporations and wealthy will pay - those that fled will be chased for not paying their fair share, the downgrade of us bonds to junk status and the IMF impositions on our land and resources will be met with worker parties to extract what is required to continue payments to the internationale' and boost nationwide food voucher coupons, my name is comrade sanders, and marxists approved this message
What do you mean you dont like Bernie?
He just says white men dont suffer and dont know hardship! He just says minorities are precious babies that should suckle off workers forever while workers get no benefits!
He doesnt believe in automation and doesnt even know how to work a computer.
Oh he also wants to destroy americ with a 15 dollar minimum wage so that automation comes quicker and humanity crumbles to corporatations.
Who own them buddy? hmm could it be a nose.
Hmm. You speak like a woman. Weird. The style of writing and such. I'd wager you're female with at least a Bachelor's in some form of useless art or social services, so took this job to stay afloat instead of drowning. Sad shit. Usually days.
>2 party dum
>REEEEE corporations
>I'm not part of the 2 party thing, but YangGang policies totally aren't a third party platform that's been run before
I haven't mentioned Jews. Time to take your SSRIs and fuck your dog, white lady.
Yang is against white Nationalism and promises the same types of social culling as Sanders. Go to or .