How come all the main characters in the Old Testament are described as having white skin?
How come all the main characters in the Old Testament are described as having white skin?
bcs they were white
> described as having white skin?
Lighter skin. Could be albinism since the Israelites deliberately inbred. It wouldn't even be a thing unless absolutely everybody else was black as coal.
Today's Egyptians are not the ones from 2000 years ago, today's Jews are not the ones from 2000 years ago.
>since the Israelites deliberately inbred
Proof ?
It was grounds for banishment.. Still would like to see your proof
Christcucks coping
No they where not! That's just something that happened when Europe adopted Christianity!
Whites once lived in Compton too. People don't know it be like dat, but it do.
What a ridiculous statement. Inside every Christian is the soul of the people who knowingly, wrongfully condemned Jesus to death.
Because the Bible took place in Europe. Ever wondered why all apostles are buried in Europe?
why should I care about what a satanic pagan speaks?
Well the Romans were the ones that did it, and then they did it several other Jews. They are however known to betray each other, including Yoshua...
How do you know I am a Pagan? The most important part is that you seem very annoyed by my statements and I think that's good enough for me!
Because Jews are white
You could fuck your first cousins, just not sister/mother/aunt.
Pontius wipes his hands clean of the affair. The Jews say, his death be on us and our children. Theologically speaking, it is, again, absurd. Historically speaking, the Jews who came to follow Christ became Christians. This isn't quantum physics here.
Why do so many Jow Forumsacks think this is a rational argument or some kind of damning revelation? Of course the original Christians were Jews. What the fuck else would they have been? Many of them (Simon-Peter, for example) wanted to continue with the old traditions, as well, because that's all they'd ever known.
Ah ok. Yeah that's right.
Was pretty much universal that until the 1900s worldwide
> Not realizing I was talking about the popelarper
strong reading skills.
The only people who say that the Romans killed Chris tare Jews or Evangelical Americans who are basically just Jews.
>they were white cuz Christianity= Jewrope
Yet in China they were depicted as Chinese you absolute meme
ITT: Not a single Bible verse in support
Jews as a concept did not even exist at the time of Christ. There were only various groups of Israelites, such as Judeans, Pharisees and Sadducees. Pharisees killed Jesus and came to be the Jews. Many of the Israelites became the European people.
Once a kike always a kike.
True, but you know what I mean. "Hebrews"
You see user, before the shitskin Arabs colonised the middle east with their Islamic Caliphates, most people from Iraq to Israel had olive coloured skin, but the Arabs had a very large and long lasting impact on the collective gene pool from that area and they still have a lot of recovering to do.
That's not correct. the Jewish people have existed since 150 BC
They were the Kingdom of Edom that John Hyrcanus, the last Judean Israelites King conquered and pardoned and allowed to live in Judea if they followed their laws.
They killed John Hyrcanus 4 years later along with all the temple priests and brought in a Head Temple Priest from Babylon along with the Babylonian Talmud called The Teachings of the Elders which is referenced several times in the New Testament.
They took over the religion of Judea and changed it.
We're using this as a litmus for people who today, deny Christ's divinity v those receiving baptism and confessing he is the messiah.
There's nothing complicated about this distinction at all. Jews for Jesus used to be a thing. Maybe it still is. It's a ridiculous moniker. You're a Christian if you confess he is the messiah and receive baptism. Both Jew and gentile alike acknowledge the distinction, and reject any who would claim it to be otherwise.
Admittedly, I don't know the broader context in which Francis said this. But the statement on its own is not in keeping with either traditional Christianity or Judaism.
How come I can make a statement about the Bible without providing a verse as evidence and a bunch of Jew cucked faggots will automatically believe me
If you mean hebrews then you should say hebrews.
The Jews are poisoning the food
I fail to see the issue here
Sorry I fail to see the relevance of your post in regards to mine.
Being a Jew back then just meant you weren’t a faggot worshiping the sun or the Forrest or some shit. So yeah it wasn’t until Christ that the difference started to matter in any way. And I’m not even “muh Joos did everything!” But this argument is retarded.
I'm not hair splitting on the matter. A Christian is not a Jew. A Jew is not a Christian. Right now, as we live and breathe. Do we agree?
Cause god is white
The Jews are poisoning the food
Depends on your definition of Jew. I think Jewishness as a word is totally useless, since depending on whether you mean Judean Pharisees or the Hebrew Israelite at large, you are either referring to the modern Jews or white Europeans.
Judean is a Nationality
Judahite is the Tribe of Judah
Israelite is one of the lost 10 tribes
Hebrew is all 12 tribes.
I see now, you weren't who I was responding to originally. It's to do with Francis' statement.
It doesn't matter the definition of a Jew. That's for them to decide. I just know a Jew is not a Christian. I'm defining a Christian as not quote, having a "Jew inside".
Who exactly are the Jews ?
You have to understand what a Jew is then you will understand..
So Cain killed Abel and God sent him out of Eden and he went to the land of Nod and built a city and had children. His tribe is called the Kennites.
Fast forward, after the flood Noah's son HAM impregnates his own mother and she gives birth to a son named Canaan. Noah kicks Canaan out because he is the child of incest and he goes on to found the land of Canaan and the Canaanites.
They race mix with the Kennites (Cain).
Fast forward. Abraham has a son named Esau who marries a Canaanite woman and sullies his seed-line. He is kicked out from the Hebrews and God says that he hates him forever.
Esau's people become completely mixed with the Canaanites and take over a land called Edom.
In 150BC The last tribe of Israel and their King John Hyrcanus live in Judea and they goto war with Edom (the Edomites).
The Israelites win but don't kill the Edomites. They let them live if they follow the Laws of Judea/Israel. The Edomites agree.
They killed Hyrcanus four years later and then they kicked out all the Judahites from the Temple.
Antipater their King brought in a High priest from Babylon and only Edomites could become Pharisees and Sadducee.
The Teachings of the Elders that the Judahites had used was stripped bare and replaced with teachings from Babylon and from this we have the Babylonian Talmud which Edomites have used since that time. Otherwise known as Jews.
Then Jesus was born and Herod the King of the Jews had him killed because he said he was God and he called them out as non Judahites and usurpers of the religion of Israel.
In 72 Ad Rome destroys the Edomite Temple in Jerusalem and kills all the Edomites it can.
The remnant of these Edomites scatter North of Judea/Israel and are wanderers ever since.
They later mix with Khazars and this group today is called the Jews.
>Israelite is one of the lost 10 tribes
No, Israelites = the 12 tribes of israel. There is no tribe of Israel, rather Israel is the tribes.
>Deuteronomy 33:6–25 lists the twelve tribes:
>Joseph (including Ephraim and Manasseh)
>I see now, you weren't who I was responding to originally.
Ah, that explains the confusion.
>I'm defining a Christian as not quote, having a "Jew inside".
Yes I agree, it's a ridiculous statement by the pope.
cain and abel were never in eden you dumb fuck
Pre split of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms yes. But they split and the Northern Kingdom was overtaken by the Assyrians. That's where we get the Lost 10 tribes from.
Jew - Edomite mixed with Caananites who were mixed with Kenites
Judean - a citizen of the Kingdom of Judah of any racial stock, tribe or religion.
Israelite - The 10 tribes under the leadership of Jeroboam from the Tribe of Ephraim split from the House of David to create the Northern Kingdom of Isreal.
Judahite - The tribes of Judah and Benjamin remaining loyal to the House of David. These tribes formed the Kingdom of Judah - Yahshua's bloodline.
Israel - the Physical Kingdom of Isreal
Isreal - The Seed line of Jacob (later renamed Isreal) grandson of Abraham (Isrealites and Judahites are both Isreal)
Israel - The United Monarchy of (Israel+Judah)
Essenes - Judahites who did not marry and pass on their seed. An ascetic Class of priests
Nassenes - the earliest gnostics, students of Mariamne the Edomite from the House of Herod
Nazarenes - the first Judahite converts to Christianity
Nazarites - Isrealites who took vows to not cut thier hair or imbibe in Alcohol. Yahshua's Brother James was one. Their title was Nazir.
Pharisee - A priestly class of primarily Edomites who followed the Tradition of the Elders (Babylonian Talmud) as equal to the Torah.
Saducee - Controllers of the priesthood. Always Edomites who did not believe in the resurrection of the dead, or in any other form of immortality
Samaritains - claim descent from the tribe of Ephraim and tribe of Manasseh (two sons of Joseph) as well as from the Levites. Only use the 1st 5 books of the Bible.
Samarian - a resident of Samaria of any racial stock, tribe or religion. Later known as Palestine, bordered by Galilee to the north and Judaea to the south.
Yahshua was a Judahite
Yahshua was NOT an Edomite
Yahshua was NOT a Caananite
Yahshua was NOT a Kennite
So Yahshua was NOT a Jew
Ok East of Eden. We don't know the name of the land, Right outside of Eden, better ?
Alright, thanks, I will study this further.
To get the goyim(Europeans) to like them.
A good, it's settled. Christians aren't Jews or inhabited by them.
Here is more info.. I'll post some more stuff.
Cannanites are not from Cain. Kennites are.
Cannanites are from Canaan, son of Ham, son of Noah.
After the 12th century BC they became known as the Phoenicians and later the Venetians.
Askenazi Jews are from Ashkenaz the first son of Gomer, son of Japhet, son of Noah, they moved to Kazaria.
The rest of the Jews are from the Edomites through Esau. Esau was the son of Isaac and Rebekah, and the grandson of Abraham and Sarah.
He was thrown out of the tribe for Marrying two Caananite (sub tribe Hittite) women. For race mixing basically.
Cain's children eventually mixed with the children of Canaan. Now we have several families of a Satanic, incestuous, fallen angel seedlines. These are all referred to as Canaanites.
Kenites – direct descendants of Cain.
Kenizzites – branch of Kenites, nomadic hunters.
Kadomites – serpent worshipers of the Middle East from Mt. Herman where the fallen angels descended from Heaven.
Hitties – descendants of Heth son of Caanan. Also the tribe Esau married into, corrupting his line.
Perizzites – dwelled in the north Canaan forest country of Shechem, eventually mixed in with the Caananites 100%.
Rephaim - Giants - the sons of the mixture of Kennites and fallen angels.
Amorites – offspring of the fallen angels and Canaan's descendants
Ammonites - the seedline of Lot and his first daughter, sworn enemy of Isreal
Moabites - the seedline of Lot and his second daughter, sworn enemy of isreal
Cannanites – Canaan's (son of Ham, grandson of Noah) descendants that stayed with him. Mixed with Kennites, became the Phoenicians.
Girgashites – prehistoric nomads mixed with Canaanites
Gibeonites - A tribe of Cannanites that pretended to be Isrealites. Became a protected people of Isreal.
Jebusites – another hybrid tribe pre-Israelite inhabitants of Jerusalem mixed with Canaanites
Edomites - descendents of Esau mixed Cannanites, Hittites and Amorites - The seedline of New Testement Jews
Amalekite - the seedline of Amalek son of Eliphaz,son of Esau, ancestor of the Edomites
Khazars - from the first son of Gomer, son of Japhet, son of Noah - Ashkenazi Jews
Arabs - from Ishmael, son of Abraham
The ACTUAL word used in the Bible for "Jew" is Ioudaios which is translated a person that IMITATES a Judean (citizen of the Kingdom of Judah) or Ideumaen. Both are translated since 1850ish as Jew. It actually means Edomite.
The translations today are incorrect 100%
But what does the word Idumaean actually mean ? Where can we find it outside of the Bible ?
Well King Herod,
was the King of the "Jews" during the life of Christ and had a father named,
Antipater the Idumaean
So what does Idumaean mean ?
It means Edomite.. Just like Wikipedia says.
That's why Jesus said to them that they are not of Abraham and they are those who calls themselves Judean but are not but are the synagogue of Satan.
“Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860 —Encyclopedia Judaica 1971 Vol 10:23
Under the heading of “A brief History of the Terms for Jew” in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following: “Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.” (1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3)
The Jewish religion is from the Pharisees. The Talmud is the most important member of that literature. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Volume 8, page 474
"EDOM IS MODERN JEWRY." The Jewish Ency. 1925 Ed., Vol. 5, Pg. 41
White people are the true Chosen Race
Even the Greeks knew that the Edomites were not Judahites.
Edomites(of Canaanite arabid blood)
"The western extremities of Judæa towards Casius are occupied by Idumæans, and by the lake [Sirbonis]. The Idumæans are Nabatæans. When driven from their country1 by sedition, they passed over to the Judaeans, and adopted their customs.2 The greater part of the country along the coast to Jerusalem is occupied by the Lake Sirbonis, and by the tract contiguous to it; for Jerusalem is near the sea, which, as we have said,3 may be seen from the arsenal of Joppa.4 These districts (of Jerusalem and Joppa) lie towards the north; they are inhabited generally, and each place in particular, by mixed tribes of Egyptians, Arabians, and Phœnicians. Of this description are the inhabitants of Galilee, of the plain of Jericho, and of the territories of Philadelphia and Samaria,5 surnamed Sebaste by Herod;6 but although there is such a mixture of inhabitants, the report most credited, [one] among many things believed respecting the temple [and the inhabitants] of Jerusalem, is, that the Egyptians were the ancestors of the present Judaeans."
-Strabo, Geography 16.2.34
Strabo was a Greek Historian that lived between 63 BC – 24 AD
This was BEFORE there was ONE Christian
No he's Catholic, not a pagan. In fact he's the highest ranking person in the hierarchy of Catholicism.
John 8:39-44
They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our Father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.
But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.
(Jesus is saying they are not from the seed of Abraham)
Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.
Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
(Jesus is saying that they are not from the seed of God)
Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your Father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning [Cain], and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it [Cain].
[emphasis mine]
(Jesus is saying that they are from the seed of the Devil)
John 8:33 is the wake up pill
"They (The Pharasiees) answered him, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?"
See they are not Judahites (Tribe of Judah) or Israelite (The Lost 10 Tribes) or Hebrews (the original 12 tribes of Isreal/Judah=The United Monarchy of Israel).
Jesus tricked them into telling the truth!
"We have NEVER been slaves."
The Edomites were never slaves.
The Hebrews were.
In a little place we may of heard of, Egypt..
these threads are getting fucking OLD as shit.
No, I just said so, doesn't make me any more Jewish. And I said that they are capable of betrayal, doesn't mean they have to do all of the work.
we live in an Attack on Titan type of reality:
So whites are the real jews and jews are demonic enemies sons of cain guys they have tricked you into thinking that they are the chosen when it is every christian who are the true chosen
Wuz David a KANg ?
King David
1Sam. 16:12 And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, with bright eyes, and goodly to look to. And the LORD said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he.
1Sam. 17:42 And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance.
Song 5:10 My beloved (David) is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand.
>having a certain skin tone means you're a particular race
That's not how it works.