64 States

Bigger than Russia
Far more powerful than China
3 oceans

Is this the future of America?

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Over 20 million square km

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Yes, yes it is.

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Canuck niggers.

>implying canada would join the borger

Add Mexico to that. Greater USA is incomplete without it.

Nah. Balkanize all of North America from the Rio Grande up.

No, Canadian voters would destroy the united states.

Why stop at Mexico? All South America.


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Probably yeah. I think we'd all be okay with it too if the US offered to solve our various financial issues without stepping on our people's rights.
I want Canada to stay independent forever, but that future only exists in a world without China.

In NotSoviet Russia when everyone is upset with leader 2/3 of voters agree he is do an acceptable job.

Come on, the south is already Mexican anyway. Nobody will notice the difference.
At least Latin America

>implying the us won't annex canada

I'm all for the north american empire. Fuck Mexico though

Probably not, we'll finish falling apart before anything like that could happen.

The Great Mexican Empire

We are building a wall at the southern border for a reason. We don't want no Mexicans.

Canadians have a low approval for U.S. leadership so that would never happen peacefully

Hitler scenario won't happen because we're all cucks

If you think about it, there's only really one ocean. Just different access points.

It'd be kino borders with Greenland and Canadians are mostly like us.

I used to wish for this, but only if we can deport all the Third Worlders.

Canada couldn't do a goddamn thing if the US wanted to take over.
Nothing, nathan, nada.

>We are building a wall
Are you?

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Lol we have 10 times the resources, USA is an old used up whore. Canada is an unspoiled virgin. We use our guns to hunt not kill eachother, and last time I checked manifest destiny failed and we burnt the white house down bitch.

No Mexicans. Fuck globalism!

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The British empire is no longer around to protect you.

God I hope not
>lose individual voter power in a population of 400million.
>Canadian infrastructure gets ignored by shitty burger politicians and falls apart
>constant civil unrest in Quebec
>massive importing of guns, rising crime rates
>universal healthcare can no longer be afforded

I’d rather have an independent Atlantic Canada or new British union than this.

It pretty much is already. Leaders of both sides realized there’s no need to officially annex or conquer. You can keep the illusion of two separate and distinct nations officially, but the US and Canada have been joined at the hip for quite a while. Our economies, militaries, and cultures work in lockstep beyond a few superficial differences.

Think bigger. The future, as admitted by elites many times, is a borderless western hemisphere.

Too big, too many latinos and faggots from South America.

You might honestly have to, the mentally retarded ski instructor with daddy issues basically gave your entire fucking gold supply away. It's either join US or become future Chinese clay, which the US won't allow, so you'd be forced to join anyways. Without gold reserves your country is a literal fucking joke. We won't let Germany see their gold, greece found out and then just racked up insanity debt to them with knowledge of no feasible repercussions since Germany has no gold if it's asking America to see the gold we (((kept in storage))) for them. Whole worlds fucked, might as well climb into a dying empires bosom and suck the last few drops of spoiled milk to pillage, it'll grant you the privledge of being first in line at the post bug igloo clay giveaway.

Why would you advocate for us to drop another 20-10% less white OP?

Don't worry you'll be included.

Check Out this EXTREMELY HOT Serveer for the BEST LEWDS of TRAPS and FEMALES!

discord gg/a2HBMrj

America ends at the Rio Grande

You think the rest of the world would let you do it without consequence? The world hates America.

>3 oceans

There is only one ocean you idiot.

Hey you're alright.

You're our bitch, Canada. You know it.

Millions of lefty cucks voting for an American Trudeau. No thanks.

Kekistan is real. Thank you G-d Emperor Trump!

I would absolutely move to a more northern but still sub arctic area of Canada if you got rid of all your faggy lefty policies. Niggers and especially spics hate the cold.

I sure fucking hope so.

Fuck what Canada wants.

THIS is the future of Europe and you fuckers wont stand a chance

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only the top fucking 60% is uninhabitable.

Nah what if we balka ize Mexico instead?

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God no.


That's it?

I want to break apart the US, not create more globo-homo superstate.

Kill yourself you Jew mutt.

>we are building a wall at the southern border

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think globul wurming
also can airstrip one be incorporated?

Eventually, in a way. They often say they want a borderless world in theory, but they will concentrate on uniting the Americas and rule the world from there. The rest of the world has too much history and would take a lot more to break down in that way, assuming such a thing could even be done.
New World Order
Old World Chaos
That's the game now.

Were less Jewd than you, that's why we didn't go to Jew wars like Vietnam or Iraq or send millions to Israel each year. Actually our prime minister didn't let Jews immigrate to Canada when they fled Poland. Hollywood would have probably been in Toronto if he let them in.

north america, europe and russia should be a white ethnostate.

statistically we're bigger, stronger, and more athletic than americans. we also have bigger dicks. studies have shown that american women prefer canadian husbands... so ya i think we could cause you quite a bit of trouble there, mutt.

Well, Mexico rather sucks.
The chicks are good looking, until thery turn 20. After that, ugh !

They don't even have drinkable water for fuck's sake !

What if the entire NA was a federation USA+Canada+Mexico(maybe), and all the minorities were expelled to allow Europeans to reach their American fellow cousins? It hurts to left Europe, but at leat oceans will be our borders. No more proximity to sandniggers.

Berta fag spotted

Alaska alone is bigger than this


Rights are derived from use. Timber oil and canola fields. You're just one step removed from manifest destiny.
And quebec would probably sell the rest of you off for a decade of being left alone

There's more wetback illegals in the US than there are people in Canada.

I prefer we finally finish the last crusade and liberate the middle East and Africa.

Quebec is completely cucked and continually ruins every election.

You can have all the American women you want brother. Go and take them.

>dumb leaf think it is all about area

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this is idiotic, raw size does not translate to power

The only beta fags are the ones loyal to this failed fag state. Hows your welfare cheque mohammed?

Fuck off. Albertans are welcome to join the Union and so will you.

So does the entirety of central America excluding costa Rica.

the french language has been banned and all images of the queen of england are to be burned on site

burgers status: grilled

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That's not what your mother said.

Statistically, you're all a bunch of maple syrup eating, cuck fags.

this is the future

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This is what was supposed to happen. Build the wall on our southern border and deport undesirables. The Holy North American Empire is born.

> Not really we still have regional power
> Yeppers
> Not if they are allowed to create a French-Only State and have their own immigration system. They will be happy when they can promote French Culture and Import French Speaks to their heart content without interference from Federal Government
> Moderate Increase in shootings is worth having right to bear arms against Government
> Universal Healthcare is a failed system and we pay through taxes and rationed specialty care

Statistically you're all a bunch of fat porn addicts.

>The Holy North American Empire
Please god

Canada doesn't fight Offensive Wars for Israel and only supports during Defensive Wars... That is a clear indicator that your statement is false...

why would a boomer need viagra when he can look at this?

What does that make you, a bunch of fat wannabes ?

Can we just blame it on the Jews and move on

Please God! Imagine taking your flying antigravity vehicle from Banff to the Grand Canyon to camp for a few nights with your pure Aryan gf.

which is why you don't accept the worst parts of ontario or quebec

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Statistically, you're all a bunch of burger inhaling mutts.

God willing fren

Nope. There are not that many Jews around, ya know ?

The best part was claiming a victory completely done by the British. Fucking RAKED

No but raw size=more resources

use your brainlet

I welcome my American overlords with open arms

>posted from my Huawei in my million dollar Hongcouver shack
>t. Chang

The Holy North American Empire is our destiny!

We pretty much need to take over canada to keep them from letting the chinese control their country and getting a foothold on the continent

> I welcome my Judaic overlords with open legs.

fucking based

pax thule vertias

the empire never ended

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