

Attached: 20190818_173749.jpg (2896x2896, 337K)

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very good thread you retarded nigger


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he has the look of a jew who just got paid millions to do a false flag
>I'm rich now!

Attached: MagicEyeJew.jpg (926x764, 267K)

I think you mean S-OY

It actually is.

This (((white nationalist) called in threats against a jewish center in Ohio.

That look when you successfully shut it down.

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you have no opinion on america go stab someone and then end your life you fucking faggot

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a thread died for this

Is that the 9/11 plane?

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The knows nose


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This nibba has cousins in Israel.

>someone gets off of the internet and actually says a fraction of the shit you say online IRL

>I cannot believe white people can commit any kind of crime or offense unless they are Jewish or something.
Is this how you people cope with your denial? Try to make any potential white shooter or actual shooter some kind of jew? I think you people can not handle the fact that whites do in fact commit mass murder too so you peer over every single insignificant tiny facial figure in hope that you will convince yourself they are jews and that whites dindu nuffin.

>dindu nuffin
Wtf?? Are you a racist? That term is used as rasict against black people. That language is not welcome here sir

>He's white

>b-b-but his nose

white niggers deflecting as usual.

But he actually is a Jew.

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And because its a fact . What say you Jew?

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I can go all day Jew

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there is just no way this faggot isnt a kike.
that nose is a semitic fucking jewish nose

Cry more Jew

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Oh vey

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Looks very Jewish.

>Goyim, pretend we didn't see exactly this before where the kike center was shot up by a fucking kike.

Go suck a rotting somalian mudslime dick some more. No one in the US gives two fucks what you think about any topic. You morons can't even brush or straighten your teeth.

Probably not 100% jewish, just your regular welcoming sòyboy. Maybe just a shill that overdosed on redpill. They all fall for it, anyway. Slowly, but surely.
It's inexorable, and the weak-minded is always unprepared. Only a fool believe that any hard truth will remain twisted for eternity. And this is all what it is about. The hard truth of anything in the world, no matter how deep and massive the propaganda is acting to suppress it, it cannot hide it nor contain it any longer.
The "redpill" could swallow an entire country of liberals and shit it in the instant if it was truly set free for a few hours without any kind of censorship. Nobody is safe from it. Not even the AI.

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the CIA is getting sloppy


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I’m calling false flag AGAIN to blame whitey.


makes you think





Yes. If he has olive skin he isn't white, if he's clearly white, he's a jew.

Jow Forums has nigger level delusions and cope. They dindu nuffins complex is serious on Jow Forums

its the thread I'VE been waiting for

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