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Because they have priors



Op btfo

prior offense

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America is obviously a horrible countries for minorities. Other nations should host these oppressed minorities.

>what is recidivism.

>Source: vox

Not even a link. Just vox! Thanks for wasting my time!

And they're more likely to depend on public defenders rather than paid attorneys.

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>That's terrible and a sure sign of racism.
Men receive 66% more jail time than women for equal crime

Is this one of those wage-gap things where they don't consider that blacks commit that much more crime?

It’s never a nigger’s first offense.

Because it's usually their third offence.

bingo we have a winrar

19% more time despite doing 2100% more of the crimes.

add in stable jobs, paying taxes, family, mortages etc...

i agree. korea sounds like a good destination to ship. i hear korean women aren't fans of korean men anyways.

Two crimes are seldom every "the same". Even if we wanna buy that, past criminal records and the quality of your lawyer are big determining factors as well.



>You're walking down an alley.
>Look up and your path is blocked by 100lbs Labrador.
>Turn around and see your path is blocked by a 100lbs Pitbull.
>You have to approach one strange dog.
>Which do you approach?
Niggers are the same way. They get more time because they're also the most violent. These stats don't consider prior arrests/convictions, of which niggers are more likely to be convicts.
>White man and Black man get assault charges.
>Beat up a kid.
>Same damage to the kid. Identical crimes.
>Nigger has 2 prior convictions of assault.
>White has 0.
>Nigger get 10 years.
>White gets 4 years.
And niggers chimpout over it. They cry racism. But fail to recognize the glaring differences.

This is wrong. Black men should receive at least 50% more jail time.


Control for IQ and the gap goes away entirely.





I like you kimchee. You're alright

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>We find that the majority of the disparity between black and white sentences can be explained by differences in legally permitted characteristics, in particular, the arrest offense and the defendant’s criminal history. Black arrestees are also disproportionately concentrated in federal districts that have higher sentences in general. Yet even after we control for these and other prior characteristics, an unexplained black-white sentence disparity of approx-imately 9 percent remains in our main sample. The disparity is nearly 13 percent in a broader sample that includes drug cases.

so no
if you want to debunk this shit start reading instead of listening to Ben Shapiro

They're going to give less of a sentence to a man with a family, a job, and a future than an unemployed abortion sponsor nigger.

So almost all of it is covered by simple law. The rest is probably the circumstances of the arrest

in court behavior.

Why are Jow Forumstards so retarded? The study controlled for priors

>in court behavior.
This. /thread

Multiple offenses. More violence involved.

>one post by this
nigger cum guzzler.

what is recidivism?

Black men on average have 19% longer rap sheets than white men.

>For committing the same crime... a 3rd time

Is this because the commit 50 percent of all crime?

If I am elected president we are going to increase sentences for African Americans by 200% in my first 100 days in office

Go back faggot

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Fuck that was fast.

>showed no remorse or responsibility for his actions
gee I wonder if that affected sentencing

Came here to post exactly this.

When I clicked this thread I was wondering how many posts needed to he made to get to this was pleasantly surprised it was the first

What study and where does it say that show us

This. Jow Forums seriously needs a way to enforce providing a link. Like, /require/ a link. And also '1 post by this id' threads after 5 minutes or something.

Or make 'missing necessary link' a reason to report - that's the best solution, I reckon.


Blacks are more likely (certainly more than 19% more likely) to have a previous record, and are more likely to resist arrest. They’re also significantly more likely to be violent offenders.

it also depends on their family/friend support structure. Judges often look at that to determine release and sentencing.

>show up to court in baggy pants and XXXXL tshirt
>"yo fuck this shit, fuck you judge, I ain't goin' down for this shit, I can jail anyhow I don't give a shit, fuuuck"

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Probably for resisting arrest

>the entire US legal system is uniformly biased against niggers
>niggers are violent
is this the argument you want to make?

>2 posts by this id from all shillbots

I love being black because im the most popular on POL : P

Ever seen The First 48? Instead of shutting the fuck up and requesting a lawyer, black people almost always try to out-bullshit investigators and end up boxing themselves into a statement and incriminating themselves -- good luck forcing a favorable plea deal, having evidence suppressed, or hanging the jury when you've already admitted to the crime.

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>repetitive numerals

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Fact: Niggers should just get the death sentence because they'll just rape, murder and steal when they get out again.