$12,000 a year in tax credits and we will enter the golden age.
Turns out giving money to people jump starts the economy
>implying waiters/waitresses get paid minimum wage
They get paid in tips moron.
Cooks get paid about $15 regardless (used to be one)
Ergo, kill yourself
No shit. We have decades of data showing right wing economics lead to failure.
If you actually read this article, it admits they havent done well and that it only appears they have because the economy in general has been improving.
For real story. The increase has led to cuts in hours, cuts to overtime work and downsizing.
>No shit. We have decades of data showing right wing economics lead to failure.
Are you retarded? The most profitable times in US history have been under conservatives. The downfall of the economy is directly attributable to uniparty faggots and third wayers like Clinton
Bernies own campaign staff sued him for cutting hours and firing people to meet the 15$ hr..
fucking pottery
that source is so credible...